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As obscuring mist, but creatures take 2d6 fire damage each turn they are in area. Now to read Obscuring Mist:A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph), such as from a gust of wind spell, disperses the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round. A fireball, flame strike, or similar spell burns away the fog in the explosive or fiery spell's area. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the area into which it deals damage. This spell does not function underwater. Now the question. If the mist fills the area that you are in and then spreads out 20' this would put you in the area of effect and there for taking damage from your own spell? Am I correct in this thinking or is it assumed that there is a "Safe Zone" around the caster? Or was it intended to be a target with a short range and a 20' spread? ![]()
GreyBlack wrote:
Or by using Martial Flexibility but yes ![]()
GreyBlack wrote: For me, I'm trying to build a captain America build, but don't know if having flurry qualifies me or if I need to burn a feat, which would make my build significantly more MAD than I would like it. Yes you would need to take the feat TWF. Flurry treats you as having the feat for your attack progression mainly. And the martial training would work during an encounter. But it is limited by rounds per day if not mistaken. ![]()
I have read what i found on here and was somewhat helpful but didn't answer the questions i had about the property. Playing in a larger group and using a lot of the teamwork feats and such so this property could become helpful.
Thanks for your help on this ![]()
Not sure if im going to open an old can of worms here but I'm currently playing a Knife Master rogue. And have been looking at some of the gear that works as "Off Hand weapons" (Thorny bracers and boot blade). I currently have TWF but haven't found anything other then multiweapon fighting that allows for the use of kicks or say a back hand with bracer? Really don't want to have to grow a third arm or take levels in monk to make this happen. Any other ideas?? ![]()
A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and class features (including the service of the paladin's mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see atonement), as appropriate. OK having an issue with some of the wording here and hoping i can clear this up before I (the DM) either piss off my player or make the game very interesting. So here is the situation (Classic evil twin scenario). The evil twin is looking for something the paladin has or knows where it is. Has the parents and there home estate held hostage. Players confront the twin and start to fight her. The paladin joins the fight knowing and have been warned twice that her actions would have dire consequences to the people under her charge. (46 in total innocent lives) Would the above constitute a knowing or willful act? The player insists that she couldn't have stopped the others if she had tried but didn't even make an effort to try and giving the player the benefit of the doubt and coming to you all before i move forward with stripping her of her paladin abilities. ![]()
Blackstorm wrote:
OK no it states in the craft wondrous item section on pg 553 CRB states that 1000gp per day BUT under the Craft skill you can up your craft dc by +10 to complete in shorter amount of time but that is to make like sword or armor with a much higher craft dc. ![]()
Turin the Mad wrote:
Thanks for the advice Ill look in to those the only thing is right now the sand trick wont work mainly wooded terrain. Also adding in flying random mobs to make flight more difficult will help. ![]()
Drachasor wrote:
Well in this case the witch all ready has an improved familiar. And reading about the familiar there actually a conduit for the witch to gain there spells from there benefactor on the other side. So seeing this as another useless item since if the witch learns a new spell either by lvl or scroll they would teach it to there familiar why do it a second time ? ![]()
I have a group that has been playing for over a year and is now getting close to the end of the campaign. And as they are all getting into higher levels they are abusing certain spells Greater invisibility is the worst one.
Does anyone else see the flaw in the duration of Greater Invisibility? Or have a possible solution that isn't going to make it appear that Im picking on certain players? ![]()
Stone Familiar
DESCRIPTION This life-sized carving of a Tiny animal is crafted from dark, rough stone. It has a hardness of 8 and 20 hit points. A witch can use the stone familiar to store up to 500 levels of spells (cantrips count as 1/2 level for this purpose). A witch can use the stone familiar to teach her living familiar any spells stored in it, and vice versa. A witch who identifies a stone familiar immediately knows what spells are stored inside it. A stone familiar is never found as randomly generated treasure with spells already stored in it. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, share memory, creator must be a witch; Cost 3,000 gp My question here is if a witch makes this what good is it since there living familiar is there "spell book". Is it intended to work like a "pearl of power" and recall spell energy or can it "cast" spells like a ring of spell storing? ![]()
Caedwyr wrote:
So your saying there is no time limit with in the shelter. but the character is out of play for 6 hours/lvl? ![]()
jetblaksuit wrote: I'm always hesitant to play a fighter, because even in Pathfinder I find that I don't have any abilities that allow me to perform out of combat. Anyone have any solutions to shore up a fighter's usefulness out of combat? Any feats that might allow some utility? Well in my games they do a lot of RP and do the heavy crafting such as weapons and armor. They have a CRAP skill selection but with Pathfinders skills you dont pay a penalty for taking cross class skills (just dont get the trained +3) and you can get feats that off set that. So Its all in how you build your fighter Combat Monster or Well Rounded ![]()
During the spell, you inscribe runes around a single square of space. All creatures and objects within that square at the conclusion of the casting of this spell are instantly transferred to a temporary extradimensional space in which time does not pass. Creatures or objects that are only partially within the space are not transferred. Once the spell ends, the extradimensional space disappears, and any creatures or objects in the extradimensional space appear in the nearest unoccupied space to the original square exactly the same as when they left. You cannot dismiss this spell once it has been cast. My Question here is the spell lasts for 6 hours/lvl is inside the shelter or outside time? If outside time how "time" would you have inside and vise versa ie does the space last for 6 hours/lvl and a minute of real time pass? ![]()
Multiple Similar Abilities: For items with multiple similar
Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an attack
So if i understand it right you want to make a set of super Boots of Striding and Springing. This is how i would do it:
Grand total for the the Apache Chief boots 51200 ![]()
I was in a game a long time ago were the villain had an amulet or a set of bracers ( i believe they were a relic ) that reflected damage back to attacker. Made life hell for our cleric do to the fact this was prior to aoe channeling. I don't believe that it was home made because i remember looking at it in a book but for the life of me i cant remember what book or the name of the item. Any ideas? ![]()
I found a prestige class in one of my old 3.5 books called a Daggerspell Shaper. They have a (SU) called Dagger Claw this allows you to use the properties of your weapon in wild shape. Could you convert that into a property and apply it to a weapon? I know the Amulet of the Mighty Fist is the easiest fix to this problem but the player dose not want to give up his current item in that slot since the AMF is so expensive. ![]()
Scott Way wrote: Is there a way to transfer weapon properties from a claw type weapon to a druid in wild shape? If the gauntlet and armor have beastskin property and adding spikes or claws to the gauntlets could you create weapons out of the gauntlets that would transfer in the wild shape? Ok first off thanks for all the hints. ![]()
Hurderpus Maximus wrote:
Thanks i have a player that wants the world for little to no cost. ![]()
Ok need some help. In the example listed on adding properties to weapons they want to take a +1 longsword and make a +2 vorpal. This would break down as follows: +1 sword value 2000, adding +2 enhancement value 8000, then adding the vorpal property making the weapon an effective +7 value 98000. Subtracting off the original +1 value of 2000 leaving you with a balance of 96000. Is this correct? |