Scede's page
39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Trey Greer wrote: I am looking for a group to game with up in Portland. I just moved here form New Mexico where I had a solid 4e group. Honestly, I'm down for any game. I am mostly interested in indie games, but a Pathfinder game would be rad. I am a strong roleplayer and can pick up any rule set quickly. I am more than happy to GM too. My e-mail is surfheraclitus at yahoo.com. Hi Trey,
Have you tried the Portland D&D Meetup site yet? I had pretty good luck before, and they hold a lot of events as well. Here's the link: Portland D&D Meetup
Unfortunately, my group is full up at the the moment but I wish you the best. A few really good local gaming shops include:
Guardian Games, Rainy Day Games, Bridgetown Hobbies & Games, and Ancient Wonders. Welcome to Portland!
Hey I was just reading through the rules for the Paladin's Divine Bond and noticed there was no duration for the mount. Does it last until indefinitely / until dismissed, or is it supposed to read like the Beta (2 hrs / paladin level) ?
Have you looked into Rippers? It takes some of the themes from the Van Helsing and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movies and is all about being a monster hunter in Victorian Europe. It has gadgets, magic and rules for societal status.
Also the regular Ravenloft line that came out for 3.0 had a lot of fluff and might be worth looking into.
lynora wrote: Regarding Starbuck:(don't read if you don't want to spoil the last episode of the series)
** spoiler omitted **
Yeah, I was disappointed with the whole angle they took with Starbuck. It felt like they switched gears mid-idea and didn't feel polished.
Which just confirms that FOX = death for Sci-fi shows
Aberzombie wrote: Holy Crap!
** spoiler omitted **
I really didn't see that coming.
** spoiler omitted **
That's what I've been wondering for a while now. I like the show, but I can't imagine it going past 2 seasons and not getting tired.
Super stoked for 3ED to come out. I've been a huge fan since it originally came out and I own all the books but RB's Nations of Barsaive, Kratas and a few of the Shards. I'm eager to see what will be different in the new edition- hopefully some d20-style combat maneuvers, new Knacks, etc.
I'm gonna need another bookshelf between Savage Worlds, Paizo and now Earthdawn. Woot!
They would have to be individually numbered to prevent people from sharing the "code" with their friends, but it could be done - like a raffle ticket. I don't think that process is terribly expensive either.

Cpt_kirstov wrote: Mactaka wrote:
It does amaze me that Brick&Mortar can't meet Amazon's prices. I sure it has to do with volume and overhead, but even if B&M offered a 15% discount (vs the 20 to 35% at amazon) On average a small B&M store will get things at 65-75% MSRP depending on the publisher (seems that the bigger the publisher is, the more of a discount the store gets) so if they sell for 15% off they may only be making 3-4 dollars profit, which does not cover the rack time that could be used by things like comics that they can buy for 25 cents each and sell for 3.99 (again it varies by publisher) I have a friend that runs a smaller store and gets around a 45% discount from the distributor. His cost on the 4E core rules was the same as the Amazon pre-order! Heck, even Paizo had a difficult time matching that pricing.
I'm not sure if my FLGS would get much better than that unless his business and orders vastly increased. I don't think that many FLGS get books directly from the publishers, but must rely on distributors such as Diamond, Alliance and ACD. At least this is what I've been told over the years by a few shops.
When you take that into consideration it's no wonder that few FLGSs can't afford to offer the kinds of prices that places like Amazon can- they just can't order that kind of bulk to receive discounts like that. This kind of thing isn't just affecting FLGSs and comic book stores- it's the WalMart syndrome. Small businesses cannot compete with these megacorps on a price basis and struggle to maintain customer loyalty through superior customer service.
Jason Grubiak wrote: The Hill Giants and Earth Titan and Fire Gians and Fire Titans are fantastic paintings.
Im still anti 4th edition but these are fantastic.
This may be the first time in history a female fire giant was portrayed.
I like that the giant's appearances were untouched from 3rd edition..and the new bigger Titan versions are a neat idea.
I wonder if the regular old CR20 Titan is gone now.
Actually it reminded me very much of the Reaper mini that came out about a year or two ago...
Coming at it completely as a newb regarding Eberron - the warforged looks like every other warforged pic that I've seen before. I thought it was pretty decent artwork.

Riley wrote: DMcCoy1693 wrote: Steven Zaccardi wrote: I would LOVE to see Paizo re-release the Pathfinder series, both runelords and throne, with a 4E conversion in PDF for subscribers. This would give us certainty that our continuing subscription will pay out long-term dividends whatever WotC does to the D&D game. This for me would guarantee my Pathfinder sub past crimson throne. Not possible. Wizards actually said on ENWorld that they are not allowing the same produt with a 4E conversion. Sorry but I don't have the time dig up the link. Its on the OGL section. author: lurkinglidda. You cannot publish a product under BOTH the OGL and the GSL. However, it may be possible to update an old OGL product to 4e under the GSL.
The Rouse said:
Scott Rouse wrote: Publishers can update titles done under the OGL to the GSL as long as they are compliant with the new license. We'll have to see what that all entails. But yes, dual-statting the same product appears to be precluded. Sooo....does that mean that you can do a "widescreen" (4e) and "standard" (3.x) edition of the same product, as long as the "standard" is published a week before? That seems kind of silly. I wonder how the license will be worded.
Failed Knowledge Check wrote: Please.
I understand that it is a 'rules-light' version of the d20 system. I understand that it operates only off the d20.
could people let me know what they consider its strengths/weaknesses?
How does it hold up at higher levels?
Is it better suited for cinematic play or darker, grittier play?
Thank you.
I've been wondering the exact same thing. Any notes/feedback would be most appreciated!
GentleGiant wrote: DaveMage wrote: Thanks, but I know about those! They don't say "Paizo" and they don't have Paizo-made sections for Armor, Weapons, Magic Items, etc. and they don't come with special mini-stickers to use affix as codes for your cards, and they don't come with other cool things that make a Paizo cardholder unique, such as Paizo art, the Gamemastery logo, and, or course, special cards only available with the purchase of this box (such as artifcats!).
Ahh, but you didn't specify that in your initial post.
You could get started with these items, though:
Click 1
Click 2
Click 3
Click 4 ;-D Rofl, that's funny shtuff. But seriously, going into that kind of manufacturing is (I'm guessing here) probably completely different than Paizo is used to dealing with and would involve a lot of money with little payout.
Jib wrote: Kult (so creepy I don't think I could do it justice)? Love this game, wish I got the chance to run/play it more than I did.
Not sure if these are obscure enough but I really enjoyed playing them-
Deadlands Weird West
balrog62 wrote: Well, since you all at Paizo asked for our input on this game, here's mine. I'm like Forsetti, a D&D player from the '70s. I remember the old AD&D rules for max & min values for PC's...they made sense. A halfling with a 20 Str was and is ridiculous to me. I have an in-house set of rules (which are just a copy of the old 1st ed rules) about max natural ability scores. And please recognize this, I have problems with the base, natural score being too high or too low for a non-human race. So, I'd like to see a little bit of change in that direction. That was one of my major put-offs for the older editions. To me, it automatically put you at a disadvantage to play a female or non-human fighter. I said Hallelujah when 3E chucked those mechanics that limited what your imagination would allow in a magic-filled fantasy game. Reality be-damned!
Shows my Pathfinder subscription in it? I thought it was set up to automatically deduct from my account each month, has something changed? I just don't want to purchase double by accident if I do some shopping later.
Judging by everything that I have read, in many ways it sounds much like Earthdawn in regards to saving throws, static HP, the ability to heal ones self, and non-magical maneuvers.
My hubby just made one of these! He ended up choosing Trithereon. As for what god, I would Wikipedia Greyhawk deities- it has an expanded list of GH gods to choose from. Here's the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Greyhawk_deities
Honestly, I don't think anybody in the industry could afford the D&D price tag.
Well considering they have been looking to hire a "D&DI Lead Software Developer Engineer" since the announcement of DDI...I'm not holding my breath.
Regardless of what edition you guys choose, I will continue to purchase your products as long as the quality continues. Modifying adventures to suit the ruleset that I am currently using has never been a big deal to me.
Who: Mature gamers, 3 players or DMs. New players welcome, materials provided if necessary
What: 3.x D&D about 60/40 Hack/RP (other games of interest include Earthdawn, Rifts, Deadlands)
When: Saturday afternoon-evenings
Where: Our place or yours - transportation is a must
We are a couple in our late twenties looking to either form a new group or join an existing one. We are both experienced GMs and prefer group sizes around 4-6 people. We are willing to host in our NE Vancouver home or to commute. In order to get to know you better we would like to arrange a public meet. If interested send Chris an email at rlawfulevil@gmail.com.
They could always go the way of the old "gold box" and have a password by way of "refer to page 13, second paragraph, third sentence, first word is:___" Just a thought. It would have to be semi-random otherwise one could just go online and find out the secret question and then look for it in the store.

I think people are being overly sensitive regarding 4E. I thought the video was amusing, and I liked the new look for the gnome. Too long have they been the dwarves' little brothers. I don't want to play a lawn-totem, I want to play a little person other than a halfling.
I've been reading Wizards Presents: Races and Classes and it seems like they haven't kicked the gnome or half-orc to the curb, they are working on making their niche in the world stronger. If I have to wait a little longer, so be it. I have no disagreements about adding Tieflings into the core rules; in my experience they have been much more popular with my players than gnomes ever have been. As for dragon-born, heck why not add something new?
The "gotta catch them all" regarding the rulebooks was in 3x as well: how many Monster Manuals were released? How about the first splat books, and then updates in the "Complete xxx" series? At least by the sounds of it the PH2, PH3 etc. will have something to look forward to by everyone, not just people who only play the one class. It's good from both a marketing and a player's point of view in my opinion.
Overall I thought it was a decent adaptation of the books. The pacing was an issue- and they knew that going in. I think if it had been 2 hours it would have been a little better. Everything moves very quickly. The animation was okay, similar to the recent Marvel animated features. I'm hoping that this does well enough that they can complete the trilogy.
Okay I know that this is a time of transition for WotC and they are still ironing out the kinks. I am SO disappointed in the compiled PDF issue!
Seriously, it looks like they hired some kid in high school to do the layout with MS Publisher. It's the same layout as the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth was (ie., the old (but crappier) Dungeon layout.) As a graphic designer I feel a little insulted at the way the artwork was(n't) scaled correctly. If I were the illustrator, I would be none-too-happy in how they mangled my artwork. They seriously need to do better or their DI is gonna flop big time.
Woot, 146 is up! Thank you, thank you for keeping these going!
Yeah I've been reading it myself and am totally loving it. I'm a big Ravenloft fan, and was noticed most of this adventure would be perfect for that setting as well.
Seeing how 4th edition might shake up the AP, check out Rich Baker's latest blog: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=906386#post13606231
Eyebite wrote: God, when is WotC going to create the much anticipated world based on Spellfire?
That would be aaawwwweeeesssssooommmmmeeee.
I never played the game so forgive me if you were being capricious and I just didn't get it, but wasn't Spellfire just a generic ruleset that incorporated all of the TSR settings?
Not meaning to be snotty but in regards to pirates- if there's a will there's a way. Things will be pirated anyway, why make it more awkward for the paying customers?
On the other hand, thank you Paizo for providing us with digital editions of our printed copies. Burnt Offerings looks beautiful and I'm really looking forward to reading it in the next day or so!
Which product is this demon mentioned in? I'd like to learn more info. :)
Just wondering if they were going to be offered in the future?
Lol my players are all about getting to the action. There is no Honor and Bullywug GambiHt took 2 sessions each, Sea Wyverns Wake took 3-4, Here there Be Monsters took 2, and Tides of Dread is bordering on 4. They tend to skip the details and jump into things.

So my current party is getting to the point where they are going to start experiencing some issues. Current make-up is:
Tiefling Duskblade/Rogue
Aasimar Healer
Human Swashbuckler/Fighter/Duelist
Half-Orc Ranger/Barbarian/King of the Wild: Mountain
And I just picked up another player who made a....
Halfling Fighter
Almost finished with Tides of Dread now and have had a couple of ripples. The Fire Bats were invincible! Nobody in the party has anything to do cold damage. Being elementals they are immune to criticals (which also means coup de grace is impossible). I finally felt sorry for them and put a time limit on the "summon" just because no 9th level party should be defeated by a couple of CR3 creatures.
Then, since they are also lacking other utility spells, the tiefling was the only character that could enter the Fangs of Zohtzilaha due to his Fire Resistance. This means that he was also the only character to walk out with any loot. Nobody asked the zombie master to help out either, so it's their own darn fault.
I have a feeling the higher levels they go, the more trouble they are going to have. Offense they have in spades, they took down the T-Rex in two rounds, but when it comes down to resources they are kinda screwed.