
Scede's page

39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hey I was just reading through the rules for the Paladin's Divine Bond and noticed there was no duration for the mount. Does it last until indefinitely / until dismissed, or is it supposed to read like the Beta (2 hrs / paladin level) ?

Shows my Pathfinder subscription in it? I thought it was set up to automatically deduct from my account each month, has something changed? I just don't want to purchase double by accident if I do some shopping later.

Who: Mature gamers, 3 players or DMs. New players welcome, materials provided if necessary

What: 3.x D&D about 60/40 Hack/RP (other games of interest include Earthdawn, Rifts, Deadlands)

When: Saturday afternoon-evenings

Where: Our place or yours - transportation is a must

We are a couple in our late twenties looking to either form a new group or join an existing one. We are both experienced GMs and prefer group sizes around 4-6 people. We are willing to host in our NE Vancouver home or to commute. In order to get to know you better we would like to arrange a public meet. If interested send Chris an email at

Seeing how 4th edition might shake up the AP, check out Rich Baker's latest blog:

Just wondering if they were going to be offered in the future?