
Sarah the GM's page

810 posts. Alias of Sarah 'queen' B..


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Hello all - I've had some good RL changes to my life recently including beter job and even sometihgn that might be called a relationship, but you can probly see where this is going. I've realy enjoyed gaming with you on these boards and I'm very grateful to WW in particular for inviting me in teh first place and to all of you for making me feel welcome and included. But it's time for me to move on, I jsut don't have the time for this anymore and it's not fair to keep putting everyone on hold.

WW has talked to me about posibly taking this game over if you want to keep going but I will leave that with him to post about.

I wish you all a ver fond farewell - to coin a phrase - and all teh best for the future. PM me if you want my email but yuo should know I am very bad at replying and staying in touch.

Finraeth wrote:
(Casia, whose idea it was but who wisely left the execution thereof to another, went entirely unpunished; another litany in the book of sibling injustices).

hehehehe :)

Jonah Torrson wrote:
Actually, I already did mine. The whole scene with Skint and sending him off to fire up the Grinders with a double 6 using the knife that Casia left for them. I wasn't sure of the actual final effect, so was leaving that up to the GM.

And she complelty missed that becasuse she was focusing on Fin and his unfinished story! Blame the dysxlexia, I don't always pay attention as I should. I will re-read what you wrote and the dice roll - a crit, obviously - and decide how it goes.

Resistig is always an option! I jsut someties forget to mention it. My bad.

That's a sucsess, but ghosts don't like being told what to do even if what theyre being told to do is something they enjoy doing (scaring the hell out of people). They'll remember Jonah bossing them around and one or more of them will come for payback when it's least convenient.

So you choose violence? apropriate for a cutter. You have lelve 1 harm which applies to what you/re trying to do, so your action will have less effect thatn normal. I know I havne't been very good about applying that rule, but it is a rule and I should try to be better about sticking the landing on that sort of thing. Even drunk, you have picked a target that can defned itself, tne Nails are Tier 3 so this is a big deal - try not to roll badly, ok?

DM_DM wrote:
But then, "something we did is coming back now to bite us" is pretty precisely how this game works!

Yup - if you roll only 6 I have nothing to do!

I'm really sorry, 2023 has already got away from me!

So, it looks like Cas rolls a success - with consequences. We didn't talk about position or effect, but tath's on me as I havne' been around as much as I should have. You get the full effect of what you wanted which is that someone pikcs up the knife and "remembers" seeing what you wanted them to see.

BUT, magic is unpredictable and it doesn't follow rules any more. Sure, it *used* to, back in teh days when there was a sun and people studied it like the rules of maths or physics. But now, not so much. Cas has been spending a lot of time around Jonah, and got used to his ways of doing magic, and now - at very short notice - she has had Min do a weave for her. And some of the diference bewteen their styles has stuck to her like delicious toffee - you might remember Jonah having issues with Naty eating up some of his attempts at magic, well this is similar. The complication is that if Cas is on the scene when *either* Min or Jonah do any more magic for a while, it will wrap around her like toffee around an apple, attracting any ghosts nearby onto the scene.

Cas, you can Resist with Resolve.

Hi all, I'm sory for disaprearing like that - my sister in law's baby arived 3 weeks early which really put the cat among teh pigeons! She gets back from hospital tomorrow (we hope!) so I will need to sleep and then be able to do fun stuff again. Please bear with me, I will be back :)

Hi all, hope you had a good Chirsmas! Unfortnuately I let my parents book the holiday - in my defence I was *really* busy - and i'm somewhere in the lakes with no decent internet or mobile reception. I wont' be posting much until at least the weekend.

I like it and look forward to seeing what hapens next

Merry Xmas to everone!

Yeah, this is like the mid-season finale where everyone gets a chance to show their powers so think of a scene that makes Cas look awsome and run with it. At some point we'll need a dice roll but the opening narative is all yours :)

I liekt it! Althtou there's no way Fin says that little ;)

Right, onto the next scene with Cas going to Hutton's house. First surprise - he's moved. Or maybe not a surprise, if your eneies get into your house then you change yuour address. Anyway, he's in teh same district but different building. Over to you.

I'm hapy with you rolling the gang's Tier, but rembmer that Tier 0 means 2 dice, take the worse! Although you hopefuly won't be Tier 0 for much longer.

A 6 means ful success so you get to narate how it goes - don't get carried away ;)

DM_DM wrote:

-- Zuben the Merchant is compromised and cannot be used for two heists (this one and the next one). Creating a new identity is possible but would be a downtime activity and at least a six-clock.

I like this one, but instead it's going to be a Fortune dice roll whnever you use this Zuben persona in future. On a 4-6 you're fine, but on a 1-3 someone sees through it, with al the bad stuff that means.

If you're happy with that, you can add the extra dice roll for the devil bargain.

Yes, making a forgery in downtime is find. I'll roll a dice for quality

fortune: 1d6 ⇒ 1 OK. Not your best work but it'll do for now. With a good roll I'd have said youre in a controlled position becuase you have supporing "evidence" but as it is it's risky. The action roll though - I don't see it as consort, I think it's Sway because you're trying to *persuade* them of something. Fin still gives you the assist and if you can think of an interesting Devil's Bargain then I'm listening :)

I'm sory to hear that - I look forward to seeing what story you have to snare the Silver Nails. Don't fortget the dice roll at some point ;)

Just FYI we are rolling dice in the discusioon thread because there's usually a lot of discusion around the roll, the position, effect, what it means, etc. It lets the gameplay thread focus on teh story and not get too cluttered.

We have slowed down again. if I need to I will move us on with the other steps of the heist to give the other charcters soemthing to do.

I'm laeving this very open ended to let you make best use of your creativeity - if you want more guidance/PF-type railroad then let me know :)


You take your leave from Lady Adelaid'es house, with your number - and your resolve - both increased. Whether or not this newcomer has a longer-term futuer in the Dusk Mites is an open question. But for now, his skills can be put to good use.

The next few days are spent planning, and then you will act.


Iruvian culture is practicaly *built* on stories, both those which are recognised as fables and/or useful lies, as well as the larger stroies which form part of the official narrative and which only the brave or very, very foolish will openly challenge. And in between there are, well, the stories that might be true or could be true one day but aren't yet, or used to be true but aren't now, or are true as long as you believe in them - really, it's an endless list. Those who understand this and know how to use stories to their advantage - they get to rise to the top. Those who don't - well, they soon find out just how far and how fast you can fall in that society.

So when it comes to putting a new story into the weave of the Dusk, Min is the natural choice. The qeustion really is where this story should first be introduced into its new habitat, so that it can thrive and grow and breed.

Over to Min

I'm asuming you are doing your planned 1-4 above in that order - Min, Cas, Jonah, Fin. I thgink we should complete each one in turn before mvong on to the next in case there are complications becuase of the complications.

I can work with that! I'm sorry for the delay, between the cold and my workload I'm not going to get a post in this evening - i will pick things up tomorrow (promise)

I liek it! I'm stil getting over my cold and I have some catching up to do at work tomorrow so I will get us moving on Wedneday, which gives everyone else a chance to add their thoughts too.

It's SO ANOYING whn that happens! All I can say is CTRL-C is teh way forward, unfortunatly.

Yes, I'm sorry for not saying much this weekend but I've been fighting off a cold - your plan looks good to me. Spreading rumours sounds like a downtime thing - Min has 2 free dowtime actions, and everyone else can get more actions by spending coin. It sounds very pluasible, so let's say it's a 4-clock to do that. It also alows Min to do some RP and show his worth to teh team :)

Once you've done that we'll move to step 2.

Btw, are you intentonaly writing as DMDM instead of Min, or is that jsut your default posting alias?

It looks like you all have some great plans - I'm here if you have any question but otherwise I will leave you to keep plotting :)

DM_DM wrote:
Finraeth wrote:

A keen observer would note the marks at his belt consistent with where a pistol and dagger would normally be (it is the height of bad manners to be visibly armed in polite company); and a very keen observer would note the slight draping of his coat at the small of his back that suggests a concealed weapon (it is the height of folly to go anywhere unarmed).


-- So this is my first time on this side of the BitD screen. Man, one dot doesn't do much, does it? You really want to roll three dice for important stuff, and that's a push and a Devil's Bargain right there.

An assist gives you +1d and only costs someone else 1 stress, instead of the 2 from a push. Also, 1 dot is still a 50% chance of a sucess, if you're wiling to take the consequences - and if you aren't then you are *so* playing the wrong game!

So I'm givig you a mission (take down teh Grinders) - this is completley open ended, how you go about it is up to you, I look forward to seeing your plans :)

Your reward will be that Lady Phoroiag pays you the Coin it would cost to go from Tier 0 to Tier 1, I can't remember how much that is but it's not cheap.

One corner of Lady Phroiag's mouth turns up in the hint of a smile. "Dear Fin, you have quite the way with words." Jonah's talk of revenget and justice gets a raised eyebrow. "To the uper classes, darling, revenge and justice are the same thing." Which probly explains a lot about how they got to be the upper classes.

She claps her hands together bringing this breif meeting to a close. "Much as your company thrills me darlings, I have things to do. But I'm with you in spirit, and I have reached out to my friend Mylera Klev." She frowns breifly, perhaps remmebering that you worked against Klev and Bazso Bazh both a few monnths ago. She shakes her head. Oh well, no matter. "As you know, the Red Sahses have their own difficulties right now, but she has sent me a - person." Make of that what you will, her face is giving nothing away.

She rings a bell, and one of her footmen opens teh door, ushering in an Iruvian man. "This is Min Al-Biruni, aparently. Mister Al-Biruni, this is Finraeth and Caisia Spinther, and Jonah whose last name I don't know but is probly something Skov and unpronuouncable anyway." She smiels brightly. "I'll leave you to make your introductions, then." Do esxcuse me.

Over to you guys to meetngreet :)

DM_DM wrote:

I'm still around.

Thinking about this: the Grinders are Tier II and we're still Tier... zero? And presumably we've gone from Strong to Weak hold because we're at war, meaning we're a lot further away from "leveling up" to Tier I?

I'd legit forgoten aobut the drop from strong to weak hold, which is on me so we'll ignor it. This is intended to be the 'season finale' or maybe mid-season turnign point is a better analogy, where you go from Tier 0 and seriously promising to Tier 1 - assuming you sruvive, that is.

So yes, the Grinders are Tier 2 which is goig to make frontal assault difficult if not impossible, but you are Shadows not Bravos, that's not your style - even if Fin is legit mad right now. You'll need to work the angles, leverage your friends, make your advantages, chose your moment to strike - and burn the Stress to make it happen.

It was a good question and I hope that helps answer it :)

Thanks for that post. I would liek to get this game moving again so I will give a bti more timme in case Casia wants to post anything and then i will move us forward anyway.

@Doug - I hope you are still around! I will bring you into the group with my next post.

All sorted :)

Fell free to read under each other's spoilers, but obviously keep that information away from your character.

20 MARCH 847 IE

The Grinders are not subtle - the clue is in the name they took as a gang. When Hutton is pissed off, he doesn't write poison-pen letters to the newspapers, or spread visous rumours about his enemiees, or snub them at cocktail parties. He gets his gang together and they kill people. Right now, their traget is the Dusk Mites. Hutton's agreement with Lyssa of the Crows means that the Crows have withrawn their protection, so Hutton is free to target you as he pleases. Luckily for the Dusk Mites, their gang hideout is secret so it's hard to find you in person. But all Hutton has to do is wait for one of you to be careless - and then he will strike.

And so it happesn that this morning the Bluecoats found the body of Dareia Aristedel Elpis on the corner of your street. The Spirit Wardens came and did their thing, and now Sweet Dary is no more.

25 MARCH 847 IE


Min Al-Biruni wrote:

Moving very slowly, Min begins to prepare himself a cup of tea. As he does, he struggles to piece together his memories of the previous day. He spoke with someone, about something important.

Who was it, now?

Memories are tricky thins, specially post-Loutus when the word "real" doesn't necesarily go with "actually happened" - but there are fragments of a conversation, and a name that goes with them. Batesh! That's the name, and an image to go with it - a civil servant at the Iruvian Embassy. In fact, if you had to create a paintinge with the title "Minor Flunky of the Iruvian Embassy" (oil on canvas, c. 847 IE) then Batesh is pretty much exacly what you'd come up with, from the expression on his face down to his soft, curly boots. The conversation was mostly one-sided, with Batesh doing most of the talking. How did it go again? Oh yes, something liek this.

"Really, what *are* we going to do with you, Min? The Akorosi of this city have a saying called 'leting the side down' did you know that? And her Worhipfulness feels, if I may be so bold as to speak for her, that you are in very real danger of letting the side down." Her Worhsipfullness of course, being the eminent Mylera Klev, leader of the Red Sashes and one of the key players in this city. Batesh gives you a baleful look. "Her worshipfulness, again if I am bold to put into words what she feels, would like to think that you could perhaps learn to act in her interests. Which, for now at lesat, are Iruvia's interests." He serves you a cup of tea, which is the equivalent of a thug poking you in the chest to make sure you have got the point. He then - insult to injury - repeats himself, in case you werne't listening properly. "Mylera Klev's interests - Iruvia's interests - your interests. All alingned, as the prophets used to say. May their moouldering corpses rest in perpetual peace." There was a lot more in this vein, about how doing things their way would lead to longer life expectancy and maybe even some Coin, and about how not doing things there way would be unpleasant. That's the short version, anyway - the long version is blotted out by the Lotus, maybe not a bad thing? And - eventually - the point.

"Her Woshipfullness is very anxious to keep the favour of the local nobles." Batesh curls his lip here, becuase obviously who can truly be a noble unless they can recite the names and deeds of their great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents? "Which is where you come in. Lady Adelaide Phroiag is giving a party tomorrow night, after which there will be a reception of a more - discreet nature where some sort of deeds will be plotted. Her Worshipfulness has promised to send someone to help." Meaningful paus. "You are a deniable asset, and indeed some people deny you are an asset at all. But luckly for you, her Worshipfullness does *not* think that. Yet." Batesh flaps his hands. "So go. Be an asset. Tomorrow evening, Lady Phroiag's. Do not forget."

So that was last night, which means the tomorrow night of last night is in fact tonight. It would seem you have somewhere to be, most noble exiled scholar.

25 MARCH 847 IE

Cas, Fin, Jonah:

Lady Adelaide Phroiag is NOT obliged, oh no not indeed. Dressed in her finest mourning-black, she has conducted Dary's funeral - a private matter, you were very pointedly NOT invited - and said goodbye to her few guests. She now receives you in the Slightly Less Good Drawing Room, reserved for people she is less than pleased with but has to do business with anyway.

You were received by a stone-faced butler who drew you in here and then left, clsoing the door firmly behind him. You were not offered any refreshments. Her ladyships unhappiness is clear even before she arrives to tell you in person. "I didn't think much of you, but I did rather hope you could keep alive someone I cared about. If I thought I could get justice from the Bluecoats I would have instructed the butler to refuse entry to you at all." She glares at you with red eyes. "And if you are planning to tell me that you cannot deliver justice for my dear Dary then this conversation is about to take a very unpleastnt turn, my dears."

OK, let's wrap up this doewntime, I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting.

you'ev done XP, and you have the Coin from your deal with Quellyn. I think this score was very contained, and teh Bluecoast doen't really run the ghost field so you might have upset the spirit wardens but you don't take Heat for this score. Heat stays at 1, Wanted level 1.

Rep - you get 2 rep +1 for going into the ghost feild. That's 3, which means you are 1 score away from going up to Tier 1

Downtime Actions

JOnah - you rolled a 5 on healing so you heal 2 segments.

For your other action, you filled the clock. That means that Jonah has now heard rumours of a faction calld "Teh Reconciled" - an asociation of spirts who have *not* gone feral with the passage of time. The Reconsiled seem to have links with The Path of Echoes, a mystery cult. Lord Penderyn runs the Archive of Echoes in Charterhall District, maybe he would be worht more investigating? I leave to you what form that takes and whether you want to run a score there or do investingating during Downtime.

Fin - you rolled a 6 on recover so you fill in 3 sgments which fills your healing clock. You lose the lvel 1 harm and both your level 2 harm drops to lvel 1. You'll be at less efect on your dice rolls where those injrueis are relevant.

You didn't do antyhing with your other downtime action, so pls make sure you get that sorted asap :)

Casia - you rolled a 6 on your healing, which fills your clock. All your harm drops by 1, so your level 1 harm disapears and your level 2 drops to lvel 1. Looks like your other downtime action was Indulge vice so your stress drops to zero. If you want to do training, you can do that but it will cost you 1 Coin.

Engtanglemnts - teh Grinders already didn't like you becuase you killed Hutton's daughter. now word gets out that you grabbed her ghost and sold it for your own profit, they really really hate you! You are now at WAR with them so until that is fixed you will only get 1 downtime action and you will pick up a lot more Heat on your scores. Teher's also some other stuff but I will sort that in gameplay.

@Jonah - thanks for reminding me about teh Crew! I agree 5 XP looks good, but you might decide you want a cohort after the next round - i need to look at the rules for Rep and Heat and complicaitons and so on to remind myself about them. In caes anyone is wondering, that's why I haven't used the rules for Jail either, it's just too much to keep in mind.

That's not quite right - if you take the healing action, it counts as Tier 3 this time round bcause of Scurlock's help. It's not a free action.

Hello Doug! I liek your character, if you're going noble then you should get on with Fin who has pretensions in taht direction ;)

Because everyone else has some XP already I'm going to sugest that you EITHER take 2 exrta 'dots' in something OR get 1 extrea special ability.

And yes, we arwe wraping up downtime and looking to move forward. I need to think about how to bring you in, unless you want to have a tie to someone already that makes sense to bring you in?

Oh, no problems. I'm sorry for the slow posting rate of this game, too! I'm goinng to keep it going but it's *not* going to be 1 post a day from me on this at least until after Xmas.

In terms of Desprate action rolls, there werne't that many, oddly. You started the engagement roll with a controlled position and it was a big help in stoping things from getting too out of control. Let's say yuou all made 2 desperate rolls which gets you 2 XP.

You've finisehd this score! Well done on surviving. Feel free to RP the meeting with Quellyn if you liek, but otherwise he gives you the reward - whatever it was, 5 Coin I think, i'd need to go back and look - and you give him the ghost bottle.

Then we're into downtime. You get 2 actions for free and can have more by paying 1 Coin for each extra. Thanks to Scurlok, anyone who takes healing action this downtimme counts as having a Tier 3 doctor looking aftter tham. You're welcome :)

The folowing morning - or what pases for morning in a land where the sun went out a thousand years ago - you rise to find that Lord Scurlok is not around, but he has left a note on the breakfast table giving his apologies. Breakfast - which is of course served in a difernt room from the dinner you had last night - is plentiful and the servants keep you supplied with eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. After breakfast, your host keeps his word and a trio of pysicians arrive to tend your injuries.

After that, you get teh strong impression that it's time for you to leave. As the gates to his mansion close behind you, none of you can help shaking the feeling that it's not the last you've seen of him now that he is in your lives. But time wil tell, as the saying goes.

Scurlock himself is hard to look at, they eye dosn't want to focus on him for long. But there is an evident espression of glee on his face as he claps his hands when Jonah is finished talking. "Ah, so! You are here becuase you did not intend to be here! Indeed, had you tried, you would have found - well, it is no matter. The wards hold, of that I am content, and the only law at work here is the one of unintended consequences, of which we none of us can escape. It is enough, I am content." He looks at his poicket watch. "Please, rest here tonight, what little hospitaly this poor house can offer is yours. And in the morning I will send for a doctor, your little advenuture has led to much troubles, yes? Much pain, in body and spirit. Yes, yes, rest here and heed no nightly noises. Of course, here in North Hook it is always night, so I joke." And he does seem to be smiling.

"Of course, as the Dread Empreror once said to me in Their wisdome, there is no such thing as hapenstance. So it may be that your arival here, if unintended, still ties our fates together, hm? Yes, yes - somethin for me to think about, much to ponder. Well, go, go - find such rest as the young and vital acheive and the old are left to envy." You are dismiessed, at least for now.

You haeve an impression, or maybe a memory, of being shown to your rooms by servants whose shapes do not linger in the mind. The guest wing is newsly cleaned, the smell of wood polish and dusters still hangs in the air and the beds are ancient vast things of dark wood, silk sheets and seemingsly endless feathered pillows. Sleep is incredilby easy to find.

On the offchance that Fin or Cas want to have some adventures in space, run by teh excelent Doug Muir, there's a Last Fleet game that has lost another player and needs a new recruit

Think BSG but with inteligent fungus instead of Cylons.

Your host gives a slight smile and a raise of one gracious eyebrow. "Ah, you have hit upon exactly the point I wished to discuss with you! But come in, you are weary. Ease your souls and bodies with such small comfort as I am able to provide."

Lord Scurlock ate earlier - or so he says, and the hour is late enogu that it's believable - but from somewhere, a fine meal is deliverd to the dining room. There are defiinitly servants - you hear tham, as Lord Scurlock gives orders and they obey, shuffling from one room to the next with trays laden with food: piping hot netle soup, sutffed fish, roast chicken - no mushroom and eel pies for the lords - but you never quite *see* them directly. You turn back, and your wine glass has been refilled, and you maybe catch the sugestion of an arm withdrawing from your field of view, with the bottle in hand. Mostly your brain just fills in the details that aren't quite there.

Your host sits with you, and lets you eat your fill in peace. But as the plastes are cleared away - again, you don't quite see it happen, but they were on the table and now they're not - and the brandy is passed around, he gives a smile. "As I said earlier, I would be most interested to hear how you arrived in my poor home. For historical reasons, I have alwasy kept up the wards which my ancestors placed upon this house and grounds, and yet you arrived without a whisper. Had my faitful companions not sniffed you out, who knows what you might have wandered into!"

He gives a long, apreciateive sniff of the brandy before setting it down again. "I must confess, my fist thought was of wrongdoers, perhaps some burglars or even assassins. It would not, I'm afriad, be the first time. But one glance at you was enough to know that, despite your weapons, you were no threat to me." It's a simple statement of fact, not a boast. "And so, something has happend that has not happend in - well, a long time. I find I am *curious* about you, and your tale of how you came to be here. You *interest* me. Tell me more."

He leans forward, his eyes hungry for information.

The fog up ahead of you disperses as a light shines out - a lantern that sheds flickering shadows that seem to dissolve and shift, before assmbling into the form of a person. He's quite hard to look at, but you can see he's defeintely - well he's definitely there. He's dressed in clothing that went out of fashion long before your grandparents were even born, and his pale face is lined with age. Maybe it's just the shadows flicking around him. Why won't they stay still? The dogs all lie flat on the ground before him, muzzles touching the earth as they bow before their master. He gives them a wave of his hand - the monarch acknolwedging his people - before he turns to you. His red lips part in a smile of welcome. "Greetings, strangers who chance and fate have brought to my door." He stands aside, and becknos you in. "Welcome to my home. Enter freely of your own will and leave only some of the joy of youth you all bring."

You don't exaclty live in the ghost field, but you have got used to peering into and/or through it from time to time to see if it can give you any additional information. But this guy - he's a blank, as far as those senses are concenred he's just not there. You'd bet all the Coin you've ever seen or heard of that if Naty was here with you, she wouldn't see or hear him at all.

I'm having a bit of a crazy tiem at work but I will post again tomorow.

I'll giv Cas a bit longer to post before I move us forward.

You dropd in without an invitation and he didn't set the dogs on you so yes :-)

Jonah's guess is right - you landed in a rubbish heap, which probly saved you from more injury. Looking around, what little you can see is unfamiliar and a heavy unnatural fog stops you seeing very far at all. You're somewhere that feels old, though. Old and decaying - and that has ntohtning to do with the rottng smells of the midden heap. You become aware that you aren't alone when a pair of red eyes blinks at you from out of the murk, first one set then another and then several more. Set low to the ground, the figurtes of several large and very muscly dogs gather round you, shepherding you down a path towards a vast and crumbling manor (it's definly a manor, possibly even a villa but not a house). The dogs don't growl and they don't attack, but they do sort of manage to suggest - they can't talk, obviously, or at least they *aren't* talking, perhaps not teh same thing - that attacking is an option if you try to walk somewhere they aren't herding you.

Ahead of you, through the murk, the large building looms, its ancient curves and towers, buttreses and minarets soemhow making the eye water as you try to look at them. It is - or at least was - clearly the house of some wealthy noble family. But who?

Resist with insight to knwo more:
Whether you've read about it, or only heard it described in whispers or stories about a friend of a friend, you recognise this place. It's Scurlock Manor, the ancestral home of Lord Scurlock.

No nostlalgia for 2007 - I was doing A level, worying about getting into uni and in a fight to the death with my acne. But if you're runing a game then I'm in :)

As for where you are, good question!

fortune: 1d6 ⇒ 6 You guys :/

What follows Jonahs - possibly rash? action - is a very short eternity of incredible pain. With a screech like the agnoised death of a thousand whales, the vast bulk of the leviathan is torn free of its bindings - ultimately fatal, even for something that is really only a memory - and comes after you! There is no way to call what faollows a fight, in any sense of the word. Its octopoid grsp lashes around each of you as it does its best to wring the life out of you. With only a little more time, it would - but as you blur back into reality, landing in the streets of Doskvol with a wet thump, you have returned to the one place it cannot follow. Bruised, crushed, splintered, coughint up blood, you are at least alive.

You are alive. Dead people aren't in so much pain.

Sorry, I got caught up with other tings inclugind a different game! This is live.

Jonah got a particla success so he manages to draw you all out of the gost field but the damage he does tears the leviathan from its moorings and it comes after you! It cant' follow you back inot reality but in the few seconds in between it grabs you all with its tentacles and tries to wring you like a dischloth. Everyone takes level 3 harm, you can use prowess to drop it down to level 2 harm.

Taht's a good question and I'm going to let Jonah answer it becasue it's his ritual. At the very least I think it would need an Action roll, probly Attune.

There's screams and threats and snarls and curses - blood curdling curses - but it's nothign Jonah hasn't dealt with before. The dead are not known to be creative or imaginitaive in their wordplay. The spirit bottle ices over as he seals it, steaming with cold, but the deed is done. When Jonah exits the building he gives a nod to Fin and Cas and the three of them break into a springting run. The leviathan thrashes and screeches its rage but ti is tehtered to the spot, it can't follow you.

Or can it?

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