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Sanguinary Angel's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


"Oh, uh..." Annie stops putting the books back into a humble looking leather pack and holds one out to Ragmzhi, "I'm afraid you'll find them very dull. They're field journals, mostly. Some identification guides, a few folk tales... But mostly just notes."

She sits down herself at the fire and starts flipping through another book, "I'm not sure what would have been growling in the forests but I can try to see what's native to this region?"

It's several hours later when a rustling at the edge of the fire's light and a THUMP announces the arrival of a second dwarf. She untangles the bramble from around her boots muttering angrily before picking up several books that had tumbled out of her pack. She's a bit taller than average and her hair shines a pale blonde red in the wan light.

"Ah, hello you folks there. I'm Annie, got room for one more?"

So how do we want to pos IC versus OOC?
((Something like this for OOC?))

Timothy Shehan wrote:

Human Slayer


Elf Cleric.

Whichever we determine we need more. (Would prefer slayer, but I normally play healer, so either is fine. :P )

I can go Bard and focus on healing and buffs, that should free you up to play the slayer!

Dwarf, undecided. Either Ranger or Bard I think?

ATLgwm wrote:
When I think about how to play him, he seems more hobbitish than dwarven. I keep picturing him as being the life of the party in a tavern. I also see him as having a cozy as side home where he works o. Creating scrolls and potions.

Looks like the start of a great character, right there!

Timebear wrote:

You might like my goblin cleric NPC. He is a literate outcast of goblin society. He follows Sarenrae because of her teachings of redemption.

Niiiiice! That sounds like a fun npc.

I'm still in the planning stages but I'm going to try to finish making her tonight.

What classes has anyone settled on so far?

Also I don't think there's and "wrong" way to play a character or race! I'm a big fan of playing characters outside their race's comfortable norms. Even (and sometimes especially) when that means bad stats.
Within reason, of course.

ATLgwm wrote:

I took it as you intended. No offense percieved. I've never played a Dwarf before, and frankly was a little intimidated that someone who knows how to play one would have to endure me doing it all wrong. Also, how equipped would a Dwarf be in a woodland situation?

On the flip side, you could give me a lot of good pointers on how best to play a Dwarf.

I've actually never dwarf-ed before either! Like literally everything I would know about dwarf-ing I would steal from Reggie, who played an AWESOME dwarf in a short lived campaign I ran some years ago.

ATLgwm wrote:
Angel:if you want to do a Dwarf, go for it. I'm fine with sticking with my ranger.

Sorry, didn't mean for it to sound like I was trying to chase you off of playing a dwarf too! For reference I am 100% ok with having the same class and/or race as others in the party if they are.

Aaaay I was thinking of doing a dwarf too! Class undermined at the moment, but I am open to anything that helps. We could always be a diplomatic envoy or something of the like!

I tend to prefer random roll because flavor and fun, but I can do point buy too. I'll go with whatever everyone else wants.

Hi, I'm Angel
I've been playing various systems since High school in the 90s (mostly 3.5e) off an on. Curently I'm in a pathfinder, starfinder, star wars, and 5e game that cycle schedules.

My choices would be The Harrowing or Ire of the Storm, but I think the Haunted Forest could be fun too!