SandyHill's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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keftiu wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

We will be addressing Agents of Edgewatch directly in an upcoming blog. There are many sensitivities related to it that we want to do what we can to address. This statement wasn't the appropriate place to go into further detail, but further detail will be forthcoming.

Very curious to see this, as the existence of that AP feels directly opposed to this statement. Pathfinder is, often, a game where you kill people, and spending the next six months releasing content for sale where you play as heroic cops doing exactly that reads as... well, either careless or two-faced.

I for one look forward to Agents of Edgewatch. For some reason, it reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Night Guard. For most of the AP's, PC's are always being drawn into helping communities as the government is always overwhelmed. In movies, superheroes are needed because the government is either too corrupt or ineffectual to help. This time, you as a copper can help solve crimes. Yeah, you could go full hellknight or Judge Dredd but it's also an opportunity to go full community policing and CSI Absalom. Instead of raising a rebel army, you could create goodwill so much so that people want to tell you information instead of beating it out of them or coercing them. Plus, on a more cynical note, Paizo has sunk a lot of time and effort into it already. I would rather they not rush into an AP that is badly edited and slapdash.