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Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


This NPC has a Spell-Like Ability Dominate Person which requires a ranged attack vs. EAC.
There is no bonus ranged +XX listed in the line
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th)
Since its a Spellcaster Array CR 15 it should be

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th),ranged +22 or
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th),ranged +24 correct?

So is it Reanimate Construct or Reanimate Technology, the spell list on pg. 154 says Technology, where the Spell says Construct.


This is targeted at Paizo developers.

Im a community developer for Smiteworks and maintain the SFRPG rule set and all the source manual conversions to Fantasy Grounds.
I will be updating the rule set to handle the new options presented in COM.

The Alternate race options have been defined for the Core Races. Is there any plans on updating all the Playable Races presented in Alien Archive 1,2 and 3?


This started with our conversation while I was working with companions.
When creating a Empathnid spider 8" in size can carry up to 10 bulk (5 unencumbered), since there is nothing that sets there Str below 10.

To me this just does not seem correct.

But I guess this goes along with ants can carry.

"According to different estimates, ants can carry 10 - 50 times their body weight!"

We are just asking in-case we are missing something somewhere.

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Mechanic Multi-Class. If a character starts out as a Mechanic (AI Exo) and after a few levels (say 5) wants to Multi Class. Can he take Mechanic with the Drone AI
so the character would be Mechanic (Exo) 5/Mechanic (Drone) 1.

Not sure anyone would really want to but would it be allowed?

Sam Hatch wrote:

I've had this conversation with another other GM in our group. We think that once a character is burning, it is a REALLY big deal. Especially if Incendiary Grenades or extra criticals get involved.The key is that Burn Condition damage stacks from any source (except the ignite special property)and only Burn damage affects the reflex save.

So an example:
A Space Goblin crits a PC with a junklaser. He takes double damage from the attack and gains the Burn 1d4 condition. On his next turn he takes 1d4 Burn (for 2 damage), attempts the Reflex DC 12 at the end of his turn and fails.

During the next round he is accidentally hit by a "friendly" incendiary grenade and fails the Reflex DC 13, taking 1d4F(4) and gaining an additional Burn 1d4. Giving him a total of Burn 2d4. On his next turn he takes 2d4 Burn (for 7 damage). He then decides to spend a Full Action to "stop, drop and roll." At the end of his turn he attempts the Reflex DC 17, but gets a +6 bonus on the roll (+2 from a single failed consecutive save, and +4 from smothering the fire). This time he passes and ends all burn conditions.

Thank you thats the way I look at it. Also another one of the Devs here at FG also stated

"I believe that you are no longer burning once you have succeeded in the save. The save is vs the damage from the cumulative sources and so the save is vs the cumulative sources."

So I am leaving my Fantasy Grounds SFRPG rule set the way I have put it. It is set to add up the multi-able same die (I.E d4) and replace the existing burn condition with a new one with the total die. So if you already have burning 1d4 and get again with a burn 1d4 it replaces the original with a 2d4 until the condition is cleared.

Good morning all,
I need a rules clarification.

Burn and Corrode Critical Effect. ( they work the same other than the type Damage so Im just going to use Burn.


I read this and it is not clear when it talks about the saving throw and stacked effects of burning.
It says " Fire damage from multiple sources that inflict the burning condition is cumulative." and "If you succeed at this saving throw, you lose the burning condition."

I seen this as the Effects stack and if you succeed at the saving throw ALL burning conditions are removed. But I was questioned by one of the other developers that he thinks we need to roll a Save for Each condition.

I would like to have some clarification on how this rule works.


Sober Caydenite wrote:
Laying in a fire would still kill the character in a few rounds. They could spend Resolve to stabilize, but unless someone put them out, they would take damage the next turn and start dying again, until they ran out of Resolve. I think there is a feat that lets you stabilize and get back in the fight in the same round, but aside from that the PC is toast in a few rounds.

Ok I am working on some code for the Fantasy Ground Starfinder Rule set and want to make sure I'm understanding this correct.

While you are dying, if you have any Stamina Points, any damage
you take still reduces those first. The first time each round you
take Hit Point damage (whether from an attack or from continuous
damage, such as from a bleed effect), you lose 1 Resolve Point. At
any point after that in the round, if a single source (such as one
attack) deals Hit Point damage greater than half your maximum
Hit Points but less than your maximum Hit Points, you lose 1
additional RP. As mentioned earlier, if you would lose Resolve
Points but have no Resolve Points remaining, you die instantly.
If you take damage equal to or greater than your maximum Hit
Points from a single attack, you also die instantly.
If you take damage while unconscious but stable, you are once
again dying and no longer stable.

Ok got to get that coded in...I have it removing Resolve while your dying but I need to code in the Extra Resolve if you are also taking ongoing or a single attack damage while your dying.

So to make sure I understand it...

The PC is Dying/Unconscious and Burning.
START of the Round.

NPC Does general AOE damage and the PC is in the AOE --
PC Loses 1 RP (First Time Damage is done this round)

PC's Turn- The Burning Damage is rolled if it equals 1/2 Max HP and Less than Max HP
PC Loses 1 RP
End of PC Turn - PC is Dying
PC Loses 1 RP

Any other Damage to the PC - Damage is equal 1/2 Max HP and Less than Max HP
PC Loses 1 RP

END of Round

Note- A PC can Use RP to Stabilize but if any Damage is done it Negates the Stable and he is Dying again.

So if he Uses RP to Stabilize and takes no other damage and has not cleared the effect yet before the start of his next turn
He takes the Effect damage and once again is Dying but does not lose the RP at the end of that turn since the dying effect was applied during his turn.

Morning Gary,
What do we put in BULK for a Light Item? I figured it was a Number based block. With the rules stating that 10 Light items = 1Bulk, i figured a 0.1 would be right. But when I do that at 5 Light items my bulk goes up 1.

AJCarrington wrote:
While I agree with the above, I really hope that we see support from Lone Wolf, Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 with the launch in August (or even sooner, if they could get done for the Free RPG Day release June). For other 3PP, initially, I'd like to see more focus on setting and fluff (ie less crunch) as it will take time for everyone to get a full handle of the new rule systems.

For those that use Fantasy Grounds. I am currently developing a extension to allow Starfinder to be played using the Pathfinder ruleset. You can find it toward the end of the below thread uleset-to-Play-Starfinder

I have most of it done just a few things to get worked out and am in the process of the Equipment manual.