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Male Human Ranger 1

Totally understand. I left for like 5 years before coming back. Hope things calm down for you.
I'll keep an eye on the boards for your possible return.

dunelord3001 wrote:

Also how come you're not taking the Jaguar talents?

This might work. I was only taking Combat expertise as a Preq for Felling Smash AND quick Dirty Trick.

So if I forget Combat exp for Jaguars Grace at 5.
Then I could take Jaguars Pounce at 7.
(I am now Auto trip attempt every round I SA as an immediate action)

8-Slayer Talent-Rogue Trick(Combat Trick) Combat Expertise instead of Slow Reactions.
9-Greater Trip
11-Quick Dirty Trick
12-Greater Dirty Trick.

So he loses Slow Reactions and Felling Smash.

Slow Reactions is nice but I don't draw alot of AOO's as a melee char via smart positioning, withdrawing and wearing a Cestus that can't be disarmed. So gaining Skill with Subdual =/=

Felling Smash is limited to Standard attacks (free action). Vs Jaguar Pounce which allows a trip attempt once per round when using SA as an immediate action.

This I am not so sure about.
Plus- Jaguars Pounce comes online 5 levels earlier, before Tripping loses alot of Value. Buut it cost your swift for the next round.

A besides the Initial check to get studied target on, do Slayers need alot of Swift's?

Otherwise we might be good.

[spoiler=Proposed Slayer Build]Heat of the Fey Human, +1 Ref, Will saves
Human Feat:Combat Reflexes
1st level:Studied Target, Track Iron Will
2nd level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 1 - TWF
3rd level:Sneak Attack 1d6 Power Attack
4th level: Slayer Talent: Unbalancing Trick (Trip)
5th level: 2nd Studied Target, Combat Expertise
6th level: Sneak Attack 2d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 2: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Slayer favored Class Ability: Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick (Dirty Trick)
7th level: StalkerFeat: Quick Dirty Trick
8th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent:Slow Reactions
9th level: Sneak Attack 1d6, Feat: Greater Trip
10th level: 3rd Studied Target, Advanced Talents, Slayer Talent: Opportunist
11th level: Swift Tracker, Feat: Greater Dirty Trick
12th level: Sneak Attack 4d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 3 - Two Weapon Rend, Slayer Favored Class Ability: Ninja Advanced Trick - Feat: Felling Smash
13th level: Slayer's Advance 1/day, Feat: Dirty Trick Master
14th level: Quarry, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style 3: GTWF
15th level: 4th Studied Target, Sneak Attack 15d6Feat: Critical Focus
16th level: Slayer Talent: Feat: Blinding Critical
17th level: Slayer's Advance 2/day, Feat: Kitsune Style
18th level: Sneak Attack 6d6, Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Sneaking Precision, Slayer Favored Class Ability:Surprise Manuver (or emboldening Strike depending on how often the CM's succeed)
19th level: Improved Quarry, Feat: Kitsune Tricks
20th level: 5th Studied Target, Master Slayer, Slayer Talent: Advanced Rogue Talent: Armored Murader

This is what he currently looks like

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I would develop either Tripping or Dirty Tricks, then maybe develop the other.

I don't see the Fury's Fall Feat. That lets you add your Dex and Str when Tripping.

Your Unarmed Strike Damage is only 1d3. If you want to take Vicious Stomp--what Tripping build is complete without it--I think you should work out a way to get more Damage. I recommend either you develop with Unarmed Strikes or you take Ascetic Style and maybe Martial Versatility and apply Vicious Stomp to your weapon of choice.

STR Ranger wrote:
AOO's the crap out you

Another Feat you should look at is Harder they Fall. It's a Teamwork Feat, but it will let you Trip opponents that are bigger than the Size Limit. Some other Teamwork Feats you should look at are Paired Opportunist: if any of you get an AoO, all of you do, and Coordinated Maneuvers: +2 on all CMB.

Also, what are you Tripping with? I see Scimitar and 2wf. What's your off-hand weapon, sickle? I have to say, I don't like scimitars. You are Tripping; you are Dirty Tricking, and you are Crit-Fishing? That seems like too much to squeeze in to a mere 20 levels. I should disclose that I don't really like Crit-Fishing either.

My favorite Tripping weapons are Sickle, Split Blade Sword, Halberd, Horsechopper, Whip, and Throwing Shield. Mostly I like them all for very different reasons, so it depends on what you are trying to build.

I dropped vicious stomp. It needed IMP Unarmed strike and I couldn't see anything I was happy to drop. Besides, If he trips he gets 2 AOO's from the Fortuitious weapon when the foe falls and two more when he stands up. 4 AOO attacks will get the job done on most foes.

I am currently Playing a Tripper in another game and Find Greater Trip+ Gauntlets of Skilled Manuvere to be enough that the trip is usually successful. Plus in this build the Trip is not the Main Schtick.
Dirty Tricks are so I didn't want to lay another feat on the Secondary tactic.

Lastly, I don't want this build to be tied to a particular weapon.
He won't start Crit Fishing till Blinding Critical comes online.
Plus you can trip with ANY weapon.
Mostly likely will pair a Longsword and Cestus early (so I can switch hit to 2 handed when I have to move and TWF when full attacking).

I don't actually have to dedicate much to Crit Fishing when I take Blinding Critical at 16, because at 18 I get senaking precision which allows me to Auto layer the effect as long as I hit them 2x with an SA (Easy as I should have 5-7 attacks at this level)

*Khan* wrote:

If you are allowed to retrain feats then consider the trip chain, as they will be less relevant at higher levels.

And I would prefere exhausting critical, as you can already apply blindness with your Dirty Tricks maneuvers. Plus exhausting has no save!!

Retraining is Game and GM dependent.

If it is allowed I'd definately consider it.
However my GM tries to acknowledge the rarity of high level chars and so we still encounter a fair few Mid-level humanoids in our games.
Hence we do have a number of semi-easy-mid fights against humaniods (he likes high level foes to play smart to wear us down).

I counter this by using Trip (when enlarged) at high levels to preseve resources (like spells) till we reach the BBEG when the casters go nova.
So while (in my group) it definately loses value, it's a rare adventuring day that I don't get to use Greater Trip+ AOO's to feel awesome. ;)

Exhausting Critical is nice but it has an extra preq feat that I can't fit in.

So the routine will be:
RD 1 to Quick Dirty Trick for Blindness when full attacking (thus denying them thier dex bonus for SA Full attacks) or a Felling Smash on a Move+Standard

Then when Sneaking Precision comes online (forcing the save every attack until Permanently Blinded for free as long as they are flanked or denied a Dex Bonus) , I'll switch the Dirty Trick to Sickened (Then Nauseated when Dirty trick Master comes online)

I rank BLinding as most important since Blind targets can be Sneak Attacked.
Then Neaseated as all they can do is MOVE, which triggers 2 AOO's via a fortuitous weapon.
Trip is also nice.

My Vision is this guy is not only SA TWF'ing on FUll attacks, but constantly laying negative conditions on his opponets, via Quick Dirty Trick.

Scavion wrote:
If we're considering different feat chains, the Cornugon Smash/Shatter Defenses line is really really strong for Slayers.

I agree. I LOVE that chain. But I run with the Same GM in all my games and I am playing a Dwarven Warpriest at 16 that has the Conrugan Smash/Shatter Defences plus Trip chain W/Cruel/Fortuitous Weapon

and he truly is a Melee beast.

Don't want to use the same schtick over and over so I dropped intimidate and added Dirty Tricks.

*Khan* wrote:
At the later levels you could think about taking critical focus and some of the crit feats like stunning, blinding or exhausting (no save!). This works really well with Sneaking Precision.

Only way I can think to do that is to drop felling smash and that would only get it one level earlier.

All the other lower level feats are too important.

Now if I do that I could take
Advanced Slayer- Advanced Ninja Trick Feat-Dirty Trick Master at 12
13- Accomplished Sneak Attacker
15-Feat:Extra Slayer Talent Blinding Strike
16-Advanced Slayer- Feat-Critical Focus
17-Sneaking Precision

Not sure if it's worth Dropping felling smash (at a level where Tripping is still viable as long as I am enlarged. And there are spells for that.)
Accomplished sneak attacker seems like a tax at this level where it only nets you an additional 3.5av added to your total SA dice roll.

Surprise Maneuver might be better since I would still have to drop felling smash from the build to add an additional +4 to the CMB at 12 and it scales up (and every +5 buy which your beat for opponents CMD adds another round to the duration) so adding a decent percentage chance to win the CM roll.

*Khan* wrote:
At the later levels you could think about taking critical focus and some of the crit feats like stunning, blinding or exhausting (no save!). This works really well with Sneaking Precision.


This is freaking awesome. I never knew about sneaking precision.

We the build already has Blinding Critical Via Blinding Strike Talent at 16.

Because of the SA Preq. the earliest he qualifies for Sneaking Precision is 18.

So it would have to go
16- Blinding Strike
17- Critical Focus
18- Slayer Talent - Rogue Talent- Feat Sneaking Precision instead of Armored Marauder.
19-Kitsune Tricks
20- Armored Marauder

This version basically Auto Blinds on an SA Full Attack.

Misses out on Kitsune Vengeance and Armored Swiftness

Thanks for that I missed the list when clicking back and forth on the SRD.

Here is the Build with your suggestions.
Blinding Strike is awesome, so will probably use a Keen Fortuituous Scimitar and a Keen Mencacing Kukri at high levels.
If I wear a glove of storing I can dissapear the Kukri into my glove as a free action if I want to 2 hand on Standard actions and Switch for TWF as a free action on full attacks.

Heat of the Fey Human, +1 Ref, Will saves
Human Feat:Combat Reflexes
1st level:Studied Target, Track Iron Will
2nd level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 1 - TWF
3rd level:Sneak Attack 1d6 Power Attack
4th level: Slayer Talent: Unbalancing Trick (Trip)
5th level: 2nd Studied Target, Combat Expertise
6th level: Sneak Attack 2d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 2: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Slayer favored Class Ability: Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick (Dirty Trick)
7th level: StalkerFeat: Quick Dirty Trick
8th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent:Slow Reactions
9th level: Sneak Attack 1d6, Feat: Greater Trip
10th level: 3rd Studied Target, Advanced Talents, Slayer Talent: Opportunist
11th level: Swift Tracker, Feat: Greater Dirty Trick
12th level: Sneak Attack 4d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 3 - Two Weapon Rend, Slayer Favored Class Ability: Ninja Advanced Trick - Feat: Felling Smash
13th level: Slayer's Advance 1/day, Feat: Dirty Trick Master
14th level: Quarry, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style 3: GTWF
15th level: 4th Studied Target, Sneak Attack 15d6Feat: Kitsune Style
16th level: Slayer Talent: Blinding Strike
17th level: Slayer's Advance 2/day, Feat: Kitsune Tricks
18th level: Sneak Attack 6d6, Slayer Talent: Armored Marauder, Slayer Favored Class Ability: Emboldening Strike
19th level: Improved Quarry, Feat: Kitsune Vengence
20th level: 5th Studied Target, Master Slayer, Slayer Talent: Advanced Rogue Talent: Armored Swiftness

Really happy with how this guy is turning out. ;)

avr wrote:

You're still taking TWF twice (human feat & L2 slayer talent). & I don't know why you're playing a human if you're taking iron will at level 1 (half-orcs can get the same FCB, plus the scheme I noted above). Or for that matter nagaji get the same FCB and get +2 to mind-affecting saves without a trait, and a couple of other useful racial abilities. Is it part of your concept?

If you're not going for twin fang style then kitsune style might be useful endgame - you have no pounce or similar so charging to do a dirty trick might be handy. Aligned sneak attack and sever alignment are minor boosts which require no actions that could be useful endgame too, or you could become that little bit sneakier with fast stealth and scrying familiarity.

I am going Human because they get An alternate Favored Class Option for Slayer: 1/6 per level which grants an additional Slayer talent at Level 6, 12, 18. I think this is pretty powerful.

You are right about the TWF. Facepalm. At 1st level I'd only get my 1st level Char feat and 1 human feat.

Heat of the Fey Human, +1 Ref, Will saves
Human Feat:Combat Reflexes
1st level:Studied Target, Track Iron Will
2nd level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 1 - TWF
3rd level:Sneak Attack 1d6 Power Attack
4th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Unbalancing Trick (Trip)
5th level: 2nd Studied Target, Combat Expertise
6th level: Sneak Attack 2d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 2: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Slayer favored Class Ability: Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick (Dirty Trick)
7th level: StalkerFeat: Quick Dirty Trick
8th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent:Slow Reactions or Pressure Points
9th level: Sneak Attack 1d6, Feat: Greater Trip
10th level: 3rd Studied Target, Advanced Talents, Slayer Talent: Opportunist
11th level: Swift Tracker, Feat: Greater Dirty Trick
12th level: Sneak Attack 4d6, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 3 - Two Weapon Rend, Slayer Favored Class Ability: Ninja Advanced Trick - Feat: Felling Smash
13th level: Slayer's Advance 1/day, Feat: Dirty Trick Master
14th level: Quarry, Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style 3: GTWF
15th level: 4th Studied Target, Sneak Attack 15d6Feat: Kitsune Style
16th level: Slayer Talent: Offensive Defense
17th level: Slayer's Advance 2/day, Feat: Kitsune Tricks
18th level: Sneak Attack 6d6, Slayer Talent: Armored Marauder, Slayer Favored Class Ability: Unchained Rogue Talent: Crippling Strike
19th level: Improved Quarry, Feat: Kitsune Vengence
20th level: 5th Studied Target, Master Slayer, Slayer Talent: Advanced Rogue Talent: Armored Swiftness

How's This then.
Now he still is a TWF Master.
Actually has a Couple of Debilitation Powers on his SA (Slow Reactions, Offensive Defense)
Can Layer Quick Dirty Tricks when either Full Attacking or Charging (usually will go for blind for Full SA goodness)
Can Trip and Damage on Standard actions (Felling Smash)
Genterates a TON of AOO's (via Greater Trip and Opportunist Talent)
Has Pretty good Saves (With Iron Will and Heart of the Fey)

Not dependant on a Particular weapon.
Between FUll Bab and Studied Target will have a Good Attack Chance.

Add a Fortuitous Weapon on the Main hand and this guy is even scairer
on the Offhand he should get Menacing.


How about now?
I like Twin Fang, but seems like a feat that should be taken early and I don't think I can squeeze it in.

I thought about one of the later slots but you can see I have 3 more tablets at 18, 19 and 20 and I don't see anything on the list that actually looks powerful.

Human Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
Human Feat:TWF
1st level: Iron Will
2nd level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 1 - TWF
3rd level: Combat Expertise
4th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Unbalancing Trick (Trip)
5th level: Power Attack
6th level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 2: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
6th Level: Slayer favored Class Ability: Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick (Dirty Trick)
7th level: Feat: Combat Reflexes
8th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Quick Dirty Trick
9th level: Feat: Greater Trip
10th level: Slayer Talent: Opportunist
11th level: Feat Greater Dirty Trick
12th level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 3 - Two Weapon Rend
12th level: Slayer Favored Class Ability: Ninja Advanced Trick - Feat: GTWF
13th level: Dirty Trick Master
14th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Advanced Trick - Feat: Felling Smash
15th level: Feat Improved Unarmed Strike
16th level: Slayer Talent: Defensive Study
17th level: Vicious Stomp
18th level: Slayer Talent: ????
18th level: Slayer Favored Class Ability: Unchained Rogue Talent: Crippling Sneak
19th level: Extra Rogue Talent: ????
20th level: Slayer Talent: Advanced Rogue Talent: ????

*Khan* wrote:

If you take TWF as a ranger combat style feat you dont need to take it with your human bonus feat.

I’m fairly certain you can’t take a rogue talent or ninja trick to gain “combat trick” when you already has taken that as a slayer talent.

Thanks for pointing out my shoddy editing. I actually had TWF and Greater Trip in there 2x.

Now I have 2 more open feat slots.

I think he does the whole GTR Trip, Blind, TWF, Heaps of AOO's quite well. A blinded opponent auto triggers SA.
He should be locking down and SA'ing most opponents easily (obviously Trip is alot less useful at later levels. But maybe take Enlarge Person 2x a day as an SLA via Minor and Major Magic to let me trip up to Huge creatures)
But GTR, Quick Dirty Tricks to blind should keep on chugging.

Are there any awesome status effects I can later onto the SA?
Or should the extra feats go on defences?

I considered Dodge and Mobility, maybe even that feat that gives you +2 Circumstance bonus to attack when you successfully use mobility?

Not sure.

Hi Guys,

Got a Build here but not sure if I am missing something awesome that needs to be in here.
Basically I am Building a TWF Slayer who is "kind of" a expert fighter. Doesn't really matter what he wields, as long as he studies his target, he can kick your ass with most weapons and wins by underhanded tactics. Trips and kicks to the ba!!s etc. and AOO's the crap out you as well when you are blinded or down.

He doesn't fight fair.
See Below:

Human- Took Slayer Favored bonus for extra Talents.

Human Bonus Feat:Iron Will
1st level: Power Attack
2nd level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 1 - TWF
3rd level: Combat Expertise
4th level: Slayer Talent: Combat Trick- Improved Trip
5th level: ???? Maybe Cleave???
6th level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 2: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
6th Level: Slayer favored Class Ability: Rogue Talent: Underhanded Trick
7th level: Feat: Combat Reflexes
8th level: Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Quick Dirty Trick
9th level: Feat: Greater Dirty Trick
10th level: Slayer Talent: Opportunist
11th level: Feat Dirty Trick Master
12th level: Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style Feat 3 - Two Weapon Rend
12th level: Slayer Favored Class Ability: Ninja Advanced Trick - Feat: GTWF
13th level:Greater Trip
14th level: Slayer Talent:?????
15th level: Feat Improved Unarmed Strike
16th level: Slayer Talent: Defensive Study
17th level: Vicious Stomp
18th level: Slayer Talent: Weapon Training (Scimitar)
18th level: Slayer Favored Class Ability: Unchained Rogue Talent: Crippling Sneak
19th level: Extra Rogue Talent: Combat Feat: Felling Smash
20th level: Slayer Talent: Advanced Rogue Talent: Hunter's Surprise

Also, consider some weapon properties:

Keen - Well, duh...
Defiant - Allows you to recharge reroll abilities (like Improved Iron Will) up to an amount equal to your weapon's Enhancement Bonus.
Fortuitous - Whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you can make another one right after that at a -5 penalty; only works 1/round.
Sneaky - Think Hunter's Surprise, except on your weapon, and doesn't take up a Base Price Bonus. Since you'll be getting the Hunter's Surprise talent, this is good for early on, and Double+Good in the late game.

Male Human Ranger 1

Haven't read that in years.
Is it still running?

Male Human Ranger 1

Never tried it. Every body seems to be jumping on Zoom app at the moment.

Male Human Ranger 1

Definitely a good idea to hold onto your buffs.

We are going in pretty pumped but other than Literally dropping into the center of the lair (which I am not opposed to if the rest of the party is ok with that)

the perfect scenario is to be just outside the entrance so we arrive with at least 1-2mins left on buffs running.
I know the dragon would be ready as well but we'd be relying on our greater team action economy. We need buffs running because without it we are gonna get eaten.

This is a CR+4 creature afterall. (Actually kinda crazy we are doing this but I am having a ball.)

Other than summoning a bunch of Dinos' I'll be trying to Swift Buff and Full attack to try an keep it busy.

Somebody (maybe me) will need to be casting Dimensional Anchor if the Opportunity arises so it can't teleport.

Karnog, Freedom of Movt will be essential as none of us can resist it's grab CMB. (Duncan can swift this on Himself, which is why he hasn't cast it yet.)

Nym and Kalim will need to shut it down/counter/dispel if they can.

Please avoid the antimagic fields guys as we don't have a true FULL BAB char in this party anymore.

I did just have a thought. We don't have to leave immediately.
Maybe delay a couple hours before dropping the Buffs and porting in to see if we can recruit that Silver Dragon to help us Fight the red.

We could promise Half the horde to the Silver as incentive.
Dragons Love treasure and it might be willing.
I'd feel much better.
If the silver is not interested, we proceed with the original plan.

Please sound off if you want to see if we can tempt the silver?

Male Human Ranger 1

Very close. Need to be in fight within a couple mins.
Kick in the door style dungeon crawling

Male Human Ranger 1

Provided somebody drops a communal stoneskin concurrent to Duncan's casting we are pretty buffed.

Karnong might even be able to save a spell or two since Knowing Baldwin we'll get hit with Dispel magic or something.

Male Human Ranger 1

Guys, based on the description do you want me to cast my party 10min/level and 1min/level spells BEFORE we port in?

Resist Energy, Communal

As well as
Moment of Greatness (party gets to Double any morale bonus affecting your person 1 time before making a roll)

Good Hope- +2 Morale bonus to attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls.

Blood rage- Scaling morale bonus to STR for every -5 damage you have.

This is mostly so the melees have a decent chance of hitting the dragon hard. You only get one shot each of moment of Greatness so make it count.

I can cast right before we port. (So would take 4 rounds) the last 3 spells would only give us 16 mins to find the creature before they expire.

Male Human Ranger 1
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Duncan Redhammer wrote:
Yup. And I prepped LIFE PACT because I fully expect someone to drop below 0hp (likely me)
I'm glad I have you hunting out new spells for survival.

I literally do this every time we rest. I almost prepped Flaming Steed for Nym cause Batman needs a Flaming, Flying Horse, but decided it was probably too fragile.

Wonderstell wrote:

1) You do not qualify for the Extra Rage Power feat from taking the Primalist archetype.

Primal Choices wrote:
At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers. If the primalist chooses rage powers, those rage powers can be used in conjunction with his bloodrage, and his bloodrager level acts as his barbarian level when determining the effect of those bloodrage powers and any prerequisites. Any other prerequisites for a rage power must be met before a primalist can choose it. This ability does not count as the rage power class feature for determining feat prerequisites and other requirements. This ability alters the bloodline class feature.

2) Consider swapping out your first bloodline power for a Bloodline Familiar.

3) If you go with combat maneuvers, buy a lot of Runestones of Power so you can apply True Strike through Greater Bloodrage whenever you want to succeed.

Well Crap.

Ok, Have rejigged the Build to make it legal (No extra rage power feats)

And no Ihave no Idead what to do with my
7th, 15th and 17th level Feats

Level 20 Rage Powers?

Any awesome options?

Cavall wrote:
Funny I've always thought of the mutagenic brawler as Bane.

I see that.

I'm more focused on the Movie version who doesn't take elixir but is just a brutally strong dirty fighing badass.

Think of the KO punch when he fights Batman in the sewers as Dazing Assault.
Plus he clearly wasn't bothered fighting in darkeness which is one of Batman's main weapons.

avr wrote:

Savage dirty trick isn't a feat, it's a rage power. You could get it via extra rage power perhaps but you'd need to have a rage power first IMO.

Raging vitality is highly recommended to avoid sudden barbarian death syndrome. Even in the endgame if you haven't got it earlier.

While you will normally use blur, don't ignore the possibility of using other spell effects via arcane bloodrage.

How about this. Dumps Dirty Tricks in Favor of Dazing Assault

1- Heavy Armor Prof Indomitable Stance, Blood Rage, , Feat - Blind fight, Disruptive Bloodrage (+2 Cast Defensively)
2- Armoured Swiftness
3-Blood Sanctuary, Feat: Combat Expertise
4-Blood Casting, Eschew Materials, Spells, Blood Power (Arcane Bloodrage-Blur)
5-Armour Training, Feat: Moonlight Stalker
6-Blood Feat- Power Attack
7-Blood Deflection Feat: Raging Vitality, Blood Spell: Magic Missile
8-Greater Arcane Bloodrage (Displacement or Haste)- Lesser Beast Totem and Beast Totem
9-Feat: Extra Rage Power Reckless Abandon , Blood Feat: Combat Reflexes
10-Blood Spell: Invisibility
11-Greater Bloodrager, Feat: Dazing Assault
12-Caster’s Scourge (Ex) swap for Greater Beast Totem and Come and Get Me, Blood Feat: Disruptive (+4 Cast Defensively)
13-Feat: Extra Rage Power Witch hunter, Blood Spell: Lightning Bolt
14-Indomidable Will
15-Feat: Raging Brutality , Blood Feat: Spell Breaker
16-True Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)swap for Superstition and Guarded Stance Blood Spell: Dimension Door
17-Tireless Bloodrager, Feat: Blood Vengeance
18-Blood Feat: Iron Will
19-, Feat: Heroic Will
20-Mighty Bloodrager, Eater of Magic, and Spell Sunder

Lost- Imp Dirty Trick, Gtr Dirty Trick, Quick Dirty Trick, Savage Dirty Trick,

Gained- Raging Vitality, Extra Rage Power- Reckless Abandon, Dazing Assault, Witch Hunter

Secret Wizard wrote:

I think you maybe trying too much and too broad.

Moonlight Stalker is too much investment for a build that wants to get really good at CMB.

How is it too much investment? Plus it's auto On whenever I rage when I get it at level5 due to Arcane Bloodrage -Blur)

The bonus is equivalent to weapon focs, Gtr Weapon Focus and Wpn Spec.

I am taking nearly all the preqs anyway (Since I need Combat exp for Manoeuvres) and Blind fight is a situationally very powerful feat.
Between +2 to attack (Moonlight Stalker)
Full BAB
BloodRage (+4 to Str effectively +2 to attack and it scales as you level)
Buff Spells
Gauntlets of Skilled Manoeuvres
My CMB should be high enough to Land a dirty trick on most things.

Only thing I'd love to squeeze in is Reckless Abandon since my Heavy Armour, Dex Boosters Armour Training, Plus Blur and a Jingasa of the fortunate soldier should have a nice AC for a 2 hander.
Beast totem will mostly cancel the AC penalty from Come and Get me.

So you have a High AC, Pouncing, Come and Get Me Char
dropping quick dirty trick+Full Attack (also can use a claw as a Natural Secondary Attack, getting back the attack you sacrificed for a quick dirty trick).

The Savage dirty trick effectively Blinds and Staggers most things and lasts multiple rounds.

The question is Is the Quick Dirty Trick Route better than just going with Dazing Assault at Level 11 instead?

The effect is very similiar But dirty tricks can last multiple rounds and be stacked. Doing so sucks 1 attack off your full attack.

Going the Dazing assault route frees up 3 feat - Improved Dirty Trick, Greater Dirty Trick and Savage dirty trick but costs -5 to ALL attacks.

If I went with Dazing Assault what 3 feats or Rage Powers should go in?

avr wrote:

Savage dirty trick isn't a feat, it's a rage power. You could get it via extra rage power perhaps but you'd need to have a rage power first IMO.

Raging vitality is highly recommended to avoid sudden barbarian death syndrome. Even in the endgame if you haven't got it earlier.

While you will normally use blur, don't ignore the possibility of using other spell effects via arcane bloodrage.

Swapped things around in the post above so that savage dirty trick is taken via extra rage power at the appropriate level.

Agree on the other spell effects (spider climb is useful out of combat) but blur for free when activating Rage is nice, especially with the +2 to attack and damage.

For the Bloodline power swaps, how about this

1- Heavy Armor Prof Indomitable Stance, Blood Rage, , Feat - Blind fight, Disruptive Bloodrage (+2 Cast Defensively)
2- Armoured Swiftness
3-Blood Sanctuary, Feat: Combat Expertise
4-Blood Casting, Eschew Materials, Spells, Blood Power (Arcane Bloodrage-Blur)
5-Armour Training, Feat: Moonlight Stalker
6-Blood Feat- Power Attack
7-Blood Deflection Feat: Improved Dirty Trick, Blood Spell: Magic Missile
8-Greater Arcane Bloodrage (Displacement or Haste)- Swap for Lesser Beast Totem and Beast Totem
9-Feat: Quick Dirty Trick, Blood Feat: Combat Reflexes
10-Blood Spell: Invisibility
11-Greater Bloodrager, Feat: Greater Dirty Trick
12-Caster’s Scourge (Ex) swap for Greater Beast Totem and Come and Get Me, Blood Feat: Disruptive (+4 Cast Defensively)
13-Feat: Extra Rage Power Savage Dirty Trick, Blood Spell: Lightning Bolt
14-Indomidable Will
15-Feat: Raging Brutality , Blood Feat: Spell Breaker
16-True Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)swap for Superstition and Witch hunter Blood Spell: Dimension Door
17-Tireless Bloodrager, Feat: Blood Vengeance
18-Blood Feat: Iron Will
19-, Feat: Heroic Will
20-Mighty Bloodrager, Eater of Magic, and Spell Sunder

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Male Human Ranger 1

Thinking about Nym's comment on being Batman.

Batman has a Batplane.

So maybe Nym needs a Figurine of Wondrous power that summons a dire Bat to ride??

Hi Guys,

So the concept here is simple.
Make a Roided out but semi smart Dirty and Brutal Fighter using the Bloodrager chassis.
FYI I LOVE Combat Maneuvers. I usually make AOO focused trippers using Fortuitous weapons but feel my DM will hurt himself if I trot out another trip monkey.

So help me with this.
The idea is to use the Arcane Bloodline to have Blur on Instantly whenever I rage, triggering Moonlight Stalker.
That and the Bonus From Bloodrage will be a nice Attack and damage boost at lower levels. Use Primarily a 2 handed weapon.

At later levels He'll be crippling foes by dropping Savage Dirty Tricks (Blinded and Staggered mostly) and later included as part of a full attack when Quick Dirty Trick Comes online.

Much Later Raging Brutality is just an awesome damage boost.

Not looked in on the level 17+ progression.

Finally, Being a Primalist lets me swap Bloodline Powers for 2 Rage Powers. What synergises with this theme. The only power I NEED is the BLUR bloodline power.

Racial Traits:
Ability Score Modifiers: Half-orc characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-orcs are Humanoid creatures with both the human and orc subtypes.
Size: Half-orcs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Half-orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, and Goblin. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Alt Racial Trait-Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Alt Behind the Veil (1 RP): Characters with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks while benefiting from concealment or cover. Half-orcs can take this trait in place of intimidating, also gaining the shadow blending fetchling racial trait. (50% Miss Chance in Dim Light)

Ability Scores:

Ability Scores: 20pts
STR 16 (14+2 Racial)
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 12
CHA 13

Lvl20 Concept Build:
Name: Olgen Breakjaw
Build: Primalist Steel Blood Blood Rager 20
Race: Half-Orc
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Theme- Bane- "You Merely Adopted the Dark. I was Born in it. Moulded by it."

Skills= 4+1(INT)= 5 per level
Favored Bonus: Half Orc Favored Bonus- +1 Rounds of Blood rage per day

2 traits- Fates Favored (+1 to all luck bonuses, effectively doubles sacred Tattoo),
Optimistic Rager- Rage lasts 1d4 extra Rounds

Steel blood Bloodrager

1- Heavy Armor Prof Indomitable Stance, Blood Rage, Disruptive Bloodrage (+2 Cast Defensively)Feat - Blind fight,
2- Armoured Swiftness
3-Blood Sanctuary, Feat: Combat Expertise
4-Blood Casting, Eschew Materials, Spells, Blood Power (Arcane Bloodrage-Blur)
5-Armour Training, Feat: Moonlight Stalker
6-Blood Feat- Power Attack
7-Blood Deflection,Blood Spell: Magic Missile Feat: Improved Dirty Trick,
8-Greater Arcane Bloodrage (Displacement or Haste)
9- Blood Feat: Combat ReflexesFeat: Savage Dirty Trick
10-Blood Spell: Invisibility
11-Greater Bloodrager, Feat: Quick Dirty Trick
12-Caster’s Scourge (Ex), Blood Feat: Disruptive (+4 Cast Defensively)
13-Blood Spell: Lightning Bolt Feat: Greater Dirty Trick,
14-Indomitable Will
15-Blood Feat: Spell Breaker, Feat: Raging Brutality ,
16-True Arcane Bloodrage (Sp), Blood Spell: Dimension Door
17-Tireless Bloodrager, Feat: Blood Vengeance
18-Blood Feat: Iron Will
19-Feat: Heroic Will
20-Mighty Bloodrager, Caster's Bane

Item :Cord or Stubborn resolve (Rage Cycling)

Male Human Ranger 1

Let me guess the Silver dragon ALSO needs the Axe.

Male Human Ranger 1

I know this might bite the party in the rear, but I'm figuring Duncan is familiar with the Greed of Dragon's.

With its lair compromised, the Dwarf figures we can teleport there buff up, kick in the door and go to work.

At least we could count on the dragon to stay and fight instead of these hit and run tactics to bleed our resources.

Male Human Ranger 1

I was NOT expecting Dispater.... Duncan was killed and resumed a Secondary role in the COT game in Cheliax.... That's Asmodeus turf and now Duncan is talking to his most loyal general...

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Male Human Ranger 1

Thinking this old man is a polymorphed dragon or possessed

Male Human Ranger 1

Take your time mate
I have 2 and have always kept dogs.

Terrible loss from the most loyal companion you'll find.

Male Human Ranger 1

Yep. Familiars and intelligent magical items add so much character to a game.

Male Human Ranger 1


Didn't read up on the banner so was unaware of the overlap.

No need to prep it then.

As for the Second Teamwork feat, I would definitely recommend Broken Wind Gambit.

It's a poor man's version of the Barbarian Rage Power Come and Get me (I ALWAYS take this as a Inquisitor)

If you are dogpileing an enemy this is WAY better than Outflank.

See Outflank merely increases Attack bonus.
Duncan and Grungsdi pretty much auto hit already.
Now, consider if the two dwarves were using this with the party.

Our AC's are Crazy High already. And our HP is good (Duncan can swift heal)

If an enemy uses the free +2 to attack Duncan or Grungsdi (which they won't care about) then EVERYBODY who threatens gets a free AOO.
This would generate 2 attacks for Duncan because of his weapon enchant.

Oh, and don't forget you count as your own Ally for teamwork feats as well.

Male Human Ranger 1

I am guessing because the rider enchant is considered not worth an actual +1 cost?

I mean there is no Inheritors Smite weapon ability listed (probably because it's in a Splat book), but certain additions to weapons, such as Impervious, have a fixed price rather than a +1 or +2 listing.

I am guessing the light is a play on the 30% random light emission from the Players Guide. Happy to forgo that part as Duncan has darkvision and can cast light anyway.

The other abilities some might question the value.

The "Smite" ability is really just a 1/day +4 Bullrush attempt, layered on an attack. There is zero bonus damage in the spells description
The the CLW is also a weaker power (+1 per die)

There is a feat that actually grants +2 per die that Paladins LOVE. Forget the name....

Here is the link for your reference.

Since the ability description is not called out seperately I thought it would be a fixed price item, otherwise the listing should read Price: +1 enchant

I don't want another sword.
I wanted to add the ability to my gutbuster sword.

Your call on the price, IF you deem it available.
I can sell my boots of spider climb and some other stuff.

If you think it's overpowered, I'm cool with that and I'll drop it.

Male Human Ranger 1
baldwin the merciful wrote:

We haven't crafted items previously and I'd prefer not to start. If you start creating gear for half cost and adding special abilities it's just going to break the adventure.

Regarding the starmetal being smelted into alternate weapons we previously mentioned not going that route.

Just because something is in a book or PFS legal doesn't mean it's permitted in this game. Remember this adventure was created years before most of the splat material currently being used by the characters. Several characters can easily walk through the vast majority of the written dungeon levels (at least until you get to the BBEG on each level). That means I spend a tremendous amount of time rebalancing battles to keep it interesting and I'd prefer not to have more work than is necessary.

Ok So No go on the starmetal.

What about the other 2 things?

Would the inheritor's Light enchant I spoiler-ed before be allowed if Duncan pays the full price to add it to his current LS? $6,655

Is Good Hope Allowed for Imoedaen Clerics/Warpriest?

If not I'll just prep Blessing of Fervour (since it's also awesome) and ask Bellar to consider learning it later.


Male Human Ranger 1

Post Edit- Damn website too took long to refresh

Unless, Baldwin would this enchantment be available?
Inheritor's light

Look here:

PFS Legal Inheritor's Light
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 256
Aura faint conjuration and transmutation CL 3rd
Slot none; [/b]Price 6,555 gp[/b]; Weight 4 lbs.
This +1 longsword sheds light as a torch and when drawn emits a shining starburst around the hilt, similar to Iomedae’s holy symbol. Any cure spells or lay on hands effects used to heal the wielder of this blade heal an additional 1 point of damage per die, up to the effect’s normal maximum healing amount. Once per day, the wielder can use inheritor’s smite.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, inheritor's smite; Price 3,435 gp

What are my intentions?
The Crafting Price is Fixed rather than Item cost dependent. so $3435 if self crafting and double if paying for it. Duncan can provide the spells.
Obviously I'm keen on this since the effect is +1 per die whenever I am subject to a Healing or LOH (so 5d6+5 rather than 5d6 currently when I swift LOH)
plus It grants Inheritors Smite 1/day which is an Immediate action Bullrush with +5 to the attempt.

EDIT: And can someone PLEASE tell me why the Hell Inquisitors get Litany of Righteousness (when they don't have an Aura) but cleric's and warpriest's don't?

Spell Loadout for level16
0 (DC15)- Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilise, Light
1- (DC16) Air Bubble, Command, Murderous Command, Divine Favor, Liberating Command, Wrath, Face of the devourer
2- (DC-17)Surmount Affliction, Lesser Restoration, Spear of Purity, Defending Bone, Light Prison, Resist Energy
3- (DC-18)Remove Curse, Searing Light, Channel Vigor, Invisibility Purge, Resist Energy Communal, Deadly Juggernaut
4- (DC-19) Greater Magic Weapon (Precast on Longsword), Deathward, GTR Stunning Barrier, Good Hope, Crusaders Edge
5- (DC20)Righteous Might x2, Angelic Aspect, Cleanse
6- (DC21) Chains of Light

Tactics- Since Iomedaen Warpriests and Cleric can cast GOOD HOPE as a 4th level Ref, Inner Sea Gods, P83 spell I'm gonna prep it. +2 to everything for 18mins for whole party is awesome.
Karnog has blessing of Fervour covered.
Bellar has Haste.

Chains of Light is the one Ref save or do nothing spell clerics get that is actually great at this level so hopefully that can pindown a BBEG

Male Human Ranger 1

How familiar with the RA game chars are we?

Is this set in the same time period?
Are they known to us? How famous are they?

Male Human Ranger 1

Unless of Course Stanbury REALLY wanted to play a 4 CHA Barbarian.

If so I'll go vanilla fighter

Male Human Ranger 1

Checking in. Keen to get started.

Male Human Ranger 1

I just saw this weapon enchant from Weapon Masters Hand book and nearly backflipped, until I saw it only works with Bludgeoning weapons.

Restriction This ability can be placed only on melee bludgeoning weapons.

The wielder of a quaking weapon can strike the ground as a standard action to perform a trip combat maneuver that applies to all foes within a 5-foot-radius spread, a 10- foot cone, or a 20-foot line along the ground. The wielder can trip creatures of any size this way. This trip maneuver attempt provokes attacks of opportunity unless the wielder has some feat or ability that prevents it, and the wielder can never be knocked prone as a result of failing this special trip combat maneuver check.

I have 2 builds planned for this:
Both assume having a Fortuitous Weapon.

Human Warpriest of Gorum:
This build is a Melee Smasher, Built around Tripping, Cleaving, Big hits and AOO by level 7.
By level 9 he prefers to charge a pair of foes, tripping one, hitting it with Felling Smash, then 2x on the ground, Due to Greater trip and probably killing it, (because of 3 2 handed power attacks) then Cleaving Finish into the adjacent foe.

13-15 he is adding Auto Intimidates foes he power attacks, Making them Shaken, Flat-footed and Sickened with his first strike. Via Cornugan Smash and a Fortuitous/Sickening Weapon.[/b]

Later levels, through this isn't central to the build, he can First shaken everyone in 30ft and do it again in round 2 making them all frightened.

1.Weapon Focus: Greatsword, H-, Feat- Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
2. .
3. Feat- Power Attack, BF Cleave
4. .
5. Feat- Improved Trip
6. BF- Weapon SPL: Greatsword
7. Feat- Greater Trip
8. .
9. Feat- Felling Smash, BF- Cleaving Finish
10. .
11. Feat- Dazzling Display
12. BF- Greater Weapon Focus
13. Feat- Cornugon Smash
14. .
15. BF- Shatter Defences, Feat-Disheartening Display

And Here is a Dwarven Inquisitor Version:

1-Combat Relexes,Domain, judgement 1/day, spell sage, orisons, stern gaze
2- Cunning initiative, Knowledgeable Defense, track
3- Power Attack, Solo tactics,Paired Opportunists- Teamwork feat
4-Judgement 2/day
5-Bane, discern lies,Combat Expertise
6-Spell ScentTandem Trip- Teamwork Feat
7- Judgement 3/day, Improved Trip
8- Second judgement
9- Cleave,Broken Wing Gambit- Teamwork feat
10- Judgement 4/day
11- Stalwart,Greater Trip
12- Greater bane,Outflank, RAGE POWER- Guarded Stance +2 Dodge to AC
13- Judgement 5/day, Cleaving Finish
14- Witch’s Bane Judgement (Ex)
15-Cleave Through, Teamwork Feat- Wild Flanking
16- Judgement 6/day, third judgement, RAGE POWER- Reckless Abandon (-3 to AC, +3 to attack)

This Build can still run up and trip a dude (Standard to trip but no felling Smash so no damage), he still hits 2x because of GTR Trip and a Fortuitous Weapon. If he kills (via the 2x 2 handed Raging Power Attacks) he Cleaving Finishes into the next dude. (He can 5ft step because of Cleave through)

One less damaging attack than the Warpriest but hits way harder and generates more AOO's for himself in general play due to his teamwork feats.

Actually you could still get 5 Attacks if you had Hurtful.

The description for Cleaving Finish:
If you make a melee attack, and your target drops to 0 or fewer hit points as a result of your attack, you can make another melee attack using your highest base attack bonus against another opponent within reach. You can make only one extra attack per round with this feat.

So cleaving Finish is not actually a special action. It's just a free attack.
Which means you could use Cornugan Smash and Hurtful to drop a 5th attack.

To do this you need:
Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Cornugan Smash, Hurtful, Combat Expertise, Imp Trip and Greater trip.

Feat heavy but let's you do 3 things:
2 hit 2 dudes on Move+ Attack up to 5 times.

Intimidate anyone you power attack.

Generate heaps of AOO's when either full attacking moving.

A Sickening and Fortuitous weapon is needed to amke this awesome but the combo is brutal

Male Human Ranger 1
baldwin the merciful wrote:

A couple weeks ago I mentioned running low level game, who is interested in playing?

So far I have confirmed:


When I have a body count participant list then I'll gvie out more details.

Totally down. I'd like to try a 2 hander Bloodrager (if allowed, I have never played one)

or Just some other kind of Full BAB class (probably ranger)

Ok, so cleave on the move to attack might not work but Cleaving Finish Would.

That makes Cleave just a preq feat.

So you could move +Felling Smash Bad Dude 1, taking 2 AOO'S from Greater Trip.
A total for 3 attacks, 2 which would be at your highest BAB.

Most opponents will die after 3 hits from a 2 handed fighter.

That would trigger Cleaving Finish letting you hit dude no 2

That's 4 Attacks vs 2 dudes off a standard action.


Do we think a Cleave Attack (which must be declared) can trigger felling Smash?

I know alot of people think Cleave is subpar but having two adjacent enemies is not that uncommon in the games I play.

I am thinking of making a Trip Monkey Two Handed Smasher. Using Cleave, GTR Trip, Felling Smash and Cleaving Finish and maybe later Cleave through.Also a Fortuitous Weapon

Basic trick is to run up to paired opponents and Declare a Cleave.(using power attack)

1st attack Hits (with a Trip as a rider effect)
Make the 2nd attack against Bad Guy 2 (Since cleave is envisioned as the 1st swing 'cleaving' into the 2nd)

Now take your 2 AOO'S on the 1st dude you tripped (for a total of 3 attacks on dude 1)

IF you kill dude 1 with the 3 attacks, Cleaving Finish (which can trigger of an AOO) let's you hit the 2nd dude Again.

This would be 5 attacks (4 of 5 at your highest BAB)

If Dude on Doesn't Die of the 1st 3 hits you will get 2 AOO next round when
He tries to stand, that will trigger Cleaving Finish and you hit the 2nd dude again.

Does this scenario work?
Cleave Through is not required for this but allows a 5ft step for better hitting foes that are not right next to each other.

Necro'd but I have finally had a chance to play my Warpriest through to level 16 and he's a monster.

I am currently Retraining out Steel soul to put in either Weapon Specialisation or Deadly Stroke.

The idea was to build around the Cruel and later the Fortuitous weapon enchantments to Debuff enemies and gain extra AOO's from tripping foes.

The tripping comes online at 5 with the Auto Intimidates at level 7. (Around the time (+1 Cruel Weapons start being affordable)

Now your first hit is dropping Demoralised and Sickened.
Follow up with Trips and take AOO's when they stand up.

At 9- Greater Trip doubles the AOO opportunitites and you need to buy Fortuitous on your weapon for 2 AOO's per opportunity. Felling Smash lets you drop the trip attempt in concert with your first Move +PA Cornugon Smash

(Wrathful Aura cast prebattle is also worth considering.)

Shatter defences at 11 has you dropping Shaken, Sickened, Flat-footed, Tripped on the initial Move+Cornugon smash combo.

Follow up with Trips/AOO's as long as the target is not overly large or flying.
(Having the mage cast enlarge on your should be a regular so you can trip huge opponents)

At higher levels,the Trip Combo destroys mooks but hasn't been as useful on the BBEG's and Mini Bosses as they usually are too big (unless you are enlarged) or flying.

The Big Demoralised Cornugon smash portion still works on most things. So I needed to come up with a 3rd Trick.

The Question is do I just add Weapon Specialisation and call it a day?

I generally get alot of AOO attack rolls from the trips but don't end up full attacking alot UNLESS the enemy is flying or too big for me to trip.

Mostly we fight outsiders or high CL undead as Bosses.
Giants are the Mini Bosses (Which Dwarven Seething has been awesome for)

When I drop Righteous Might I trip the giants no problem but the Outsider/Undead Bosses (examples are Nightshades or advanced Vrocks)

I can't trip these but since they are Team evil SMITE works fine. (I am Champion of Faith version)

So I am unsure if DEADLY STROKE would be better than Wpn Spl?

Deadly Stroke DOUBLES all flat bonuses as well as the normal weapon damage dice.(Which Would include my Smite bonus)

Also, Maybe just retrain out Felling Smash for Hurtful?
They both use a Swift action so no point in having both but Hurtful gets you the free attack vs things that cannot be tripped with Felling Smash?

1-Weapon Focus: Longsword, Combat Reflexes Minor Blessings-Holy Strike (Good), Iomedae's Inspiring Word, Aura, Sacred Weapon- Longsword, Chosen Alignment-Good 
2- Fervor 1d6 
3- Power Attack, Combat Expertise , Detect Alignment 
4- Sacred Weapon- Alignment, Smite 1/day 
5- Fervor 2d6, Improved Trip
6- Dazzling Display
7- Sacred Armor +1, Cornugon Smash 
8- Fervor 3d6, Smite 2/day 
9- Greater Trip, Felling Smash
10-Sacred Armor +2, Major Blessings- Cleansing Fire, Battle Companion 
11- Fervor 4d6, Shatter Defences
12- Greater Weapon Focus: Longsword, Holy Weapon 1/day, Smite 3/day 
13- Sacred Armor +3, Dwarven Hatred Style 
14- Fervor 5d6 
15- Deadly Stroke, Dwarven Seething
16- Holy Weapon 2/day

Male Human Ranger 1


Male Human Ranger 1

I have been having a great time but man, not having the Summon Battle Companion ability working reliably has been a major drawback.

Summoning in general is awesome (but so awesome I full support banning the broodmaster summoner archetype) and Quicken Spell like ability is usually a really strong feat for Warpriests and Summoners.

However, I don't think I would considerating this place and Duncan is pretty busy with using his swift actions already.

Totally see why a Paladin would be hard pressed in this game. Not unplayable but would likely get his party killed at early levels.

Daniel Arrisen would have LOVED to come here, however I wrote him as dying in Battle at the worldwound after we finished the Cheliax game.

He actually was the one who converted Duncan from following Ragathiel and took him to an Imoedaen temple to heal and train after Grimm nearly killed him following and argument when Duncan saw the path he was on.

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