SJ_Fil's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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Older APs can't be found at reasonable prices. If I needed specific titles to buy, they would be the APs of Council of Thieves, Kingmaker, Skulls and Shackles and the Wrath of the Righteous books. It's outrageous the price they are on some sites. Thanks!

Well, the PG answered Axial's initial question : No, you can't play a hobgoblin.

Still doesn't make sense for characters who come from lands where Common, aka Taldane, is not the norm. Tien is considered Common in Tian Xia, so let's say a Dhampir from Geb. Dhampir get Common as starting language, but the languages of Geb are Osiriani and Kelesh. If you follow the rules like creationnists follow the Bible, you will get inconsistencies.

Abastator the Obnoxious Wonder of Starfall

Gnome Swashbuckler

Death #1 : During the fight with Kullgra, he tried to parry her chainsaw attack, but he got beaten on the roll by 2, so he suffered a huge amount of damage before getting killed by a super critical hit!

Result : Sliced in half

Death #2 : Random encounter with a tusky 3 or 4 armed giant in Book 4's canyon. Got smacked by it.

Result : Death by Mr. Tusk.

That's all for now folks : next time, it's Grave-Risen time!