
Rysil's page

12 posts (93 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 aliases.

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Male Would appear to be Human in his late 60's but in good shape & good health "Is this thing recording?"

***The Rusty Dragon Inn***

It's been a fairly decent early spring. The town of Sandpoint itself is full of the hustle and bustle of early spring as ships come and go on the tides and farmers begin to plant crops. The thoughts of things like Chopper or the Cathedral fire starting to settle into distant memory. With the dedication of the Cathedral tomorrow the evenings festivities are light and lively. The Rusty Dragon is especially full tonight. The gangs all here. Even the Sheriff and Mayor have stopped by to have a nice ale or two with the Liaison to Magnimar. Adrien that's you. The balmy yet cool coastal air flows nicely off the bay and up Salmon Street to blow the salt licked breeze through the freshly cleaned and opened windows of The Dragon. Ameiko spends most of her time going from table to table laughing and cutting up with her clientele who she treats just like her family.

One of the favorite adopted daughters of Sandpoint has just left the small stage where she sang "Varsian Maiden" to the applause of everyone here. Esme please add 11 silver to your CS in tips for singing

OOC info:
All of you who have stated in your backstory that you work for Ameiko or at the Dragon may earn 2d6 copper in tips for doing your job at the Dragon tonight before the start of the game officially. Every night you work at the Dragon please roll 2d6 and you will receive that as tips at the end of the night. If you have a Skill that helps you perform said job then copper becomes Silver.

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Male Would appear to be Human in his late 60's but in good shape & good health "Is this thing recording?"

I am opening this up for the beginnings of play, but I still have not made final decisions.

Hello everyone! I encourage all of you to start by reading the info on this alias. Secondly I would like to warn you all that I have not had much luck keeping a party together for any length of time in a PbP game. I will try to do better at this, but I am still very flexible most of the time.

The following rules are for character creation submissions:

Abilities: 30 point Epic point buy – Stats do not matter much to me as they are easy to work around if you know how to manipulate the math.

Races: Standard races only. I know a lot of you want to play something fun and freaky, but I have little time to read every special rule and remember them all at my age. Not to mention the more powerful ones can introduce game mechanics that become OP at lower levels.

Classes: Any of the ones introduced in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, & Ultimate Magic. (This does include alternates at my discretion. If I disallow something I usually have a reason so just ask)

Level: First Level. 350 starting gold for all characters.

Feats & Traits: Any of the feats out of the already mentioned books are acceptable. Beyond those I will take on a case by case basis. Traits will be allowed under the same basis, but you may only take two. I will accept traits from the RotRL Players guide, but not more than one. If you take a trait or a feat it needs to be explained in backstory. If they are not…your submission will be tossed out.

Hit Points: Maximum + Con bonus. I Believe PC’s should be heroes, thus harder to kill. Makes it easier for me to not have to fake it when the NPC’s roll well.

Posting requirements: I say that once a day is fine. Yes this means twice on weekends. I do not expect long elaborate posts. So a “Sorry guys I am going to grandmas wait til Monday” Will suffice. Going to grandmas over the weekend or for several days with no posting is not ok. I am much more inclined to waive my ejection process for a halfhearted excuse beforehand than a “gee guys sorry I slowed down the combat for three days” asking of forgiveness. Is just a respect and courtesy to others thing I guess.

Ejection Process: 1st time missing a reply to a post involving you by more than a day and I will finish the scene stepping in to Godmode your PC. You can accept the results of said action or leave. Is always your choice. Just let me know. 2nd time missing a reply to a post involving you by more than a day and I will again Godmode your PC through the scene with a warning that if it happens again your character will suddenly lose interest in the campaign and fade off into the world of Golarion. I do not want to seem harsh but I have watched too many games fail due to poor communication. Just like around the table top if you aren’t happy, find another group, but please don’t leave those you leave behind holding the bag. Once again I feel this is just common courtesy. 3rd time you fail to reply in 24 hours I will exit your character in the best way for the story, and I will post in recruitment for your replacement.

Group & Group Size: This group will consist of a Tank, a disable device specialist, an Arcane Knowledge junkie, and a devout follower of a chosen deity (If you would like to worship Jehovah PM me). This means you may want to consider carefully before submitting a Gunslinger that does not fit one of these roles, or even a Monk who has no Knowledge: Religion. In your Submission post for everyone to see you MUST accurately describe How your character fits one of the four roles I have set forth.

Tank – This will be a High Constitution or High Dexterity (High = 18+) d10+ HD 18+ AC Melee class who can stand their ground well enough that the healer isn’t feeling like the Tank’s lil heal bot. You are about Damage avoidance and Damage absorption, Not Damage Dealing. Any tank character should be able to “Hold the gap” for two rounds without needing assistance from another player. If you would like help with Tank builds PM me. Just remember at first level a decent tank should have at least 14 hp. (House Rule - Fighters who take the toughness feat get 3hp every odd level and 1 every even level)

Disable Device Specialist – This means one of 2 things.
1.) Rogue- Rogues of any kind that put max ranks into both Perception and Disable Device.
2.) Alchemist - Alchemists of any kind that put max ranks into both Perception and Disable Device.
Arcane Knowledge Junkie – The Rise of the Runelords is well suited for any type of knowledge hound or archaeologist types. However to fill this role you must have at least Kn: Arcana, Kn: Planes, & Spellcraft. Use Magic Device helps but is not a requirement.

Devout Follower of a Chosen Deity – This means any Divine casting class. Your backstory should include heavy church affiliation and the ability to cast healing spells. This is not JUST a healer. Consider your role as the spiritual leader of the party and what that means. This means if other members follow an opposing or unaligned deity then what? This Role should have Max Ranks in Diplomacy and Sense Motive. They should have access to Detect alignments of some sort.

Party Leader - The last role is Party Leader or Party Mouthpiece. This role should have Max Ranks in Diplomacy. I will also look more favorably on any one planning to take the Leadership feat. (High Charisma is a MUST)

At most I will consider 5 submissions for PCs which will be posted on Thursday June 21st. I however will be making selections based on a 4 PC party. The Fifth slot will be for any submission I like enough that I cannot live without. SO wow me. The leadership role will be in addition to the already existing role unless I decide to dedicate one player to that role and take a total of five.

How to insure a good chance at success: Backstory. If I read your backstory and I feel like I have the potential for a hero that works well in a group and knows his or her role. You will get a much better chance. My main focus is a group of players that understand how well a party functions as a group of team members and not a bunch of super-solos and divas. If you want the spotlight more than 25% of the time you will likely not function well here. The Leadership role is not a carte blanche to do whatever you feel like. It is the responsibility of keeping your team alive and making sure they also function as a team.

As I have done in the past, I will eventually choose a PC Leader silently and begin coaching them in ways to achieve better balance if the need arises. I ask that the person playing them not only have the crunched diplomacy, but have a genuine clue how to effectively manage a group. In other words please don’t submit to fill that role if you feel that you cannot do it effectively.

This leads me to alignments. My experience has shown me that even chaotic neutral alignments are often covers for disruptive players. When I run a game like this it is with the understanding that only Lawful good, Neutral Good, & Chaotic Good are the preferred alignments. I will accept Neutral and Lawful Neutral for Players who show me in backstory that they understand the concepts of how a Neutral or Lawful Neutral PC fits in a Mostly good aligned Party. That being said I have run groups of neutral Mercenaries before.

Party Development – Once submissions have been selected and the submission time closed, we will enter a process where we figure out how the party formed prior to coming to Sandpoint. This will be an open brainstorming session where you the players will come to develop relationships and ties to each other PC to PC that bind you together as a team before play begins. Any and all ideas are viable so long as the entire group agrees before moving forward.

Other than this I will try to be around once a day (Time varies as my schedule is not reliable beyond daily) to answer the accruing questions, Review submissions, and chat with you. Always feel free to PM me and I will give whatever help I can. Other than that I hope you will enjoy the game.

GM Rysil

So I know of two programs out there that allow players to play in Real time. Fantasy Grounds (Over priced, but decent) & d20 Pro (Cheap, but less cool looking)

My curiosity is if anyone around on these boards would be willing to get a game going online for a once a month casual get together for say 4-8 hours, depending on times.

I am home bound, with no extra income, so I cannot host either of these options (They both require the GM to purchase a full version and players to purchase a player version). They both allow a few guest slots to play in a Game with a GM running a purchased copy.

I have alternative methods of running a game, but all of them involve a lot of patience if I am your DM, and also I would have to DM outside of the bases of this thread.

In my case I would hope to fill a guest slot for a few months until I can purchase the full version, at which point I would also be willing to DM.

I have been playing or DM/GM/ST-ing for the last 20+ years (yes I am old, but crafty). I would rather play (what a shocker), but with the right group willing to be patient with my old behind, I might be seduced out of retirement (Old DM's don't retire, we just have more stories to tell). I am computer literate, but slow when using computers for what I learned to use pen, paper, and abacus for (YES I used one at the TT for a few months, but it's cause my calculator had not been invented yet :P). In all seriousness though, I want to enjoy the game I grew up with and make some friends along the way. Care to join?