Ryan Renaud's page
Organized Play Member. 22 posts (70 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
Jason Bulmahn wrote: Folks, as of right now, there is nothing in the RAW that states that one suit of clothing does not count toward encumbrance. So, as of this moment, clothing does count.
I will revisit this issue when it comes time for the next batch of updates.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
Hey all, I know this thread is super old, but I just wanted to confirm that this still is the case. Starting clothing counts towards your encumbrance?
Scott Betts wrote: Ryan Renaud wrote: I know this is quite the old thread, but wondering if you've made any headway on the other conversion notes for the Crimson Throne beyond the 1st adventure? My projects are on hold for the summer while I intern in Washington, DC. I don't have access to my gaming groups or my desktop computer (where I'm able to do all my conversion work), so there's really nothing going on at the moment.
I will be back in California in less than two weeks, however. At that point I'm going to do my best to get caught up before my games resume (mid- to late-September). Just as a heads up, my group is about to start the fourth chapter of the adventure path, which means the first three chapters (Edge of Anarchy, Seven Days to the Grave, Escape from Old Korvosa) are all converted (and just need to be formalized, edited, and published), and the same goes for Seven Swords of Sin, which I'm inserting between the third and fourth chapters to flesh out the path a little, and because I can. Not to fret; I'll provide guidelines for ways to continue the converted AP without running Seven Swords of Sin, if you'd rather not make use of that adventure.
So don't worry; this doesn't belong in the "abandoned projects" annals of internet infamy. When I began working on these APs, I told myself that as long as my gaming group was willing to play through it, I'd continue the work. Thanks a lot! We're about to start it shortly, but we're a pretty slow paced group, meeting quasi-weekly (about 1/tenday or so) for about 3-4 hours so we tend to go through at a leisurely pace.
I know this is quite the old thread, but wondering if you've made any headway on the other conversion notes for the Crimson Throne beyond the 1st adventure?
Vic Wertz wrote: We've had quotes from DHL—they've always been in the same overly expensive ballpark as the others. (Amazon probably charges you less than DHL charges them—they can afford to regularly lose money on shipping orders, but we can't.)
Yeah, I figured as much, I used to be involved in a position where I needed to utilize these carriers to ship into Canada.
Thanks for taking the time Vic, as I mentioned before this interaction is another reason why I love Paizo (that and the top quality publishing)
Vic Wertz wrote:
Do you know what service Amazon used for your coffee?
Yikes, that's steep ($30/order).
Amazon actually shipped me some D&D minis which were much cheaper from their US site than their CDN one. They use DHL Global Mail for their standard and expedited shipping and UPS and DHL for their priority shipping. I can't recall which method I chose (it was 2006 and off my history now) to ship.
The coffee was from a small company in the US, but it's also been a while and I was their first international order. After they had to deal with CDN customs they decided it was too much work so they told me no more international shipping. They also utilized UPS.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Nope... only UPS shipments are trackable.
Ok, so I'm SOL. Thanks.
Has Paizo looked at a non-USPS carrier for international shipments? When I order from Amazon.com to ship to Canada it can be tracked as well when I've ordered some coffee beans (it's weird I can order them cheaper, even with shipping than buying here) I can get a tracking number to see the shipment. Is it cost prohibitive to use one of the national private carriers?
Vic Wertz wrote:
Only UPS shipments are trackable; standard postal service shipments are not. (The USPS does offer tracking for Express Mail services, but not standard mail services.) Aaahhhh... I think that's where my issue is. On my first order of the sub it was set for regular parcel delivery, but I've switched my subsequent ones to USPS First Class Mail (will that get me a tracking number?)
gfvelastegui wrote: Ryan Renaud wrote: I live in Canada and was wondering if there's any way to track the order? No, there isn´t. I live in Ecuador and wanted the same, it doesn´t matter
pay more, but I wanted to be sure that my books will arrive. Now I´m
waiting to see what happen. I was hoping being on the same continent (and only being 5 mins from the US border) might be different. I find it odd that UPS can't track their orders. Seems weird as all they're doing is scanning a barcode and giving you the last location it was scanned in.
I live in Canada and was wondering if there's any way to track the order?
Elfgasm wrote: Soo...I'm kind of frustrated. I have been trying to find this book at all of my local shops, and none of them have receieved it from the distros. I figure to myself "Well, I NEED this by Saturday because that's the one time in the next month and a half that I can get the group together to start it, so why not give Paizo the cash directly and download the PDF?"
After ordering, I realized that I can only download the PDF after the product actually ships...which it says will be "in a week or so."
My mistake, I guess.
I ordered mine on Tuesday and within an hour I was able to download the PDF.
Is there a blank hex map for the first adventure for download? I didn't see it in the PDF (I might've missed it though, it was a relatively quick scan)
So I'm a pretty hardcore 4e player, but have always lamented Paizo's ... how to put it delicately... removal from Dungeon magazines. This adventure though has really turned my attention away from the WoTC and got me excited about PF. I'll definitely be picking this up (and the core rulebooks to run it).
Great job everyone! Paizo - way to raise the bar
DoveArrow wrote: Our DM wasn't really satisfied with the beginning presented in Dungeon, so he developed his own. The storyline went something like this: The PCs are all sent letters from a mutual acquaintance. When the PCs arrive, they find that their friend has been killed. After some rather exciting confrontations with the man's killers, they find some notes in the man's study about the Whispering Cairn.
The storyline went a little off the rails from there. For starters, the only reason that the man was interested in the Whispering Cairn was because of the treasure opportunities it represented. I always thought it would have been more interesting if he had been killed by members of the Ebon Triad while trying to uncover some deeper, darker secret about their organization. Anyway, that's just a suggestion.
Thanks everyone, I like this suggestion. The PC's didn't want to know each other, otherwise I'd have an easier time of it. I wanted the Faceless One to be more of a villian and this might be the tool I was looking for to make him more impactful. I also like player handouts so this gives me an excuse to print some up. If there are any other suggestions I'd still love to hear them.
Thanks again!
Robert Brambley wrote: The Snorting Tip-sniffer wrote: The Temple of Hextor makes a great place to level up to level 4. Hey Snorter - I notice you've been on a few of these ancient threads of AOW and ressurrected them....
Did I succeed in my "sense motive" check that you're just beginning the AOW AP? I just started running a few weeks ago (two games done - but still in chapter 1); having just finished a 22 month Shackled City AP last month.
If my guess is right - it may be mutually beneficial for us to stay in touch as we can compare notes/ideas etc.
Robert Hey Robert,
I'm also about to start this campaign and would love any other ideas/suggestions you (or others) may have.
If you want to e-mail me, renau1g at google's e-mail service.
So I'm nearly ready to begin my new Age of Worms campaign and am wondering how other people got started? I'm trying to figure out a way for the PC's to both meet each other and hear about the Whispering Cairn.
I'm thinking that if someone in town new that the trio of adventurers from teh Free City were looking for the Cairn, they'd sell the information to them for a sack of coins. I've got a rogue starting in the Emporium, but again it doesn't make much sense (to me) for him to find out through there.
I'm pretty stumped... one of the other PC's is a wizard apprenticed to Allustan & there's a cleric of Tyr as well.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To speed things up I'm ok with you drawing on my behalf.
It's nice to know that I'm the only one with a shield ;)
For me weekdays are better than weekends, I'm usually able to post at least once during the weekend, but weekdays are definitely easier.
Posted the mechanics. I'll work on the description/background in the afternoon.
pat512 wrote:
Good start. Does any of the other three want to fall on their mace and play a Cleric?
Definitely. I'd love to take on the cleric. I'll work up something today. I'm thinking for traits I'd take the Unhappy Childhood - Religious.
I'd like to drop my name in the hat also. I'm leaning towards a cleric, race TBD (Most likely human)