Got my pdf, still waiting on physical book. So far, really impressed with how much the psychic has been reworked/refined from the playtest, and the effort put into the rest of the book really shows, with great art and great story. The only bit of rule weirdness is the rule for what is essentially the pyro/cryokinetic 'school', as you have to bounce between fire and cold damage/resistance every ability, and it overwrites the damage type. We're gonna need some errata or FAQ here, because it leads to questions with both one of their cantrips (it gives resistance to both fire and cold), and one of the school spells (As written, you get Resistance to Cold and Weakness to Cold from the spell). Overall though, does a much better job of being the 'cantrip based spellcaster' class.
The layout of the book overall is kind of weird, but I don't hate it. It starts with the classes, then each chapter is based around a theme, so you have character options mixed with DM stuff for each chapter. It's going to make finding stuff for reference a bit more difficult, but it makes the book a lot more interesting to read cover to cover, as well as for a DM looking for ideas.