Ruehariah's page

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Human Paladin: "As a paladin of Sarenrae I refuse to lie and, if asked, I will tell only the truth."

Gnome Rogue: "Snitches get stitches."

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I have played D&D pretty much my whole life and so have all my siblings because our parents had started playing in high school, so I have had quite a few Noob experiences. How could you expect anything else when you were an eight year old playing an Elf Wizard. There was one campaign, however, that stood out that we still talk about.

It was a game with my dad as DM, four of my five brothers, and me. We were in a deep cave that lead to this big ornate set of doors that took forever to open, but once we did we had a second to act on what we saw. It was, of course, the fighter that got the first action.

In the center of a large circular room was a glass coffin wherein a beautiful maiden slept. Naturally, the fighter charged in, smashed the glass with the hilt of his broadsword, and went in for the kiss before anyone could stop him.

Cliche turned to horror as the maiden's beauty melted away, leaving a gaunt hag with fangs and claws. A vampiress. She latched onto the fighter and the rest of the party rushed to his aid, except for the rogue. Since it was still dark in the hall leading up to the room, all that could be seen of the rogue was the glow of the lantern he was holding and it quickly retreating towards the cave's exit.

When we'd finally managed to kill the vampiress and drag the fighter back outside, we found the rogue still at the cave's entrance mooning a pack of dire wolves.