Master Astrologer

Ruan Gloyne's page

18 posts. Alias of Nicos.


I don't like the possibility of losing yet another icon, but it could be a way to solve this's getting later, we'll have an evening service in the justicar hall, perhaps you could join us before retiring for the night

I'm afraid that will not be possible at the moment, we have secured the rest of the holy Icons and they will remain locked until the situation is solved

It's an old story. Cymer, the founder of this priory... - The old man start coughing -Ythel can you finish the story for me?

I'm afraid that is easy to say but not easy to do young man - the aged curate reply with a low voice

In response to Felixus
They were the smallest ones right Ythel? - The priest noods in agreement

THen, a bit less that a foot long

Tomas seems angered at Felixus words but the aged curate answer first

Those are reliquiae of a time past, of a time when Darlen's worship was as it zenith, when pilgrims came in masse to pray at the Justicar's hall and brought much wealth with them

Your offer to investigate the issue seems to content the old curate

I'm glad you will take action on the matter of the strange lights, but there is something else I would like to ask from you...over the last few months a half‐dozen gold and silver icons have gone missing from around the priory, the thief identity remains unknown.

With that words all an uncomfortable silence falls in the room that is only broke when Tomas speaks his mind

There have been a couple of unusual events in the last days, like some unusual lights in the forest, right Malvenos?

They had their reasons, I don't blame then, Although their presence would have been if we take into accounts what have happened in the last days - With those words an uncomfortable silence falls on the other clerics.

Nothing really, but unfortunately Darlen Faithfuls are not as numerous as before around here, they were needed somewhere else.

Some members abandoned us in autumn to join another congregation in the south, perhaps some others join us in springtime, but there is a real chance that the next year will be just us

Ruan, a smile on his face, rises and gestures you forward.

Come, come join us, the food will come soon

@ Jal

I'm afraid I'm not understanding, what are the things you think you are expected to do?, and more importantly, what do you think the Justicar have promised to you?

@ Jal

Unfortunately, There is no good answer to that and even some of the greatest heroes in history not always were good enough...what is troubling you young man?

Tamarie the Protector wrote:
After Ruan asks about the pilgrimage, she replies, "I've been struggling a bit spiritually as of late. I think Darlen wants more from my life and I've been feeling like I need to sacrifice something to help others, but I'm not sure what or how to do it. I came here hoping you could give me some guidance."

"The strong must protect the weak, for this is the

natural order. Those with great abilities or aptitudes must use
their gifts for the betterment of their fellows. The faithful must
be ever vigilant for evil’s rise, but must show mercy in dealing
with its tools." , That is Darlen's way young lady.
- Ruan say citing a very famous quote from Darlen tenets.

He hows you the book he was reading before you came to his presence, "on the nature of the Law", an important text consisting on commentaries from various high priests of the past.

Having say that, I don't think it means you have to sacrifice your happiness


I will answer to the other group when I go home

Wait a second Young man, I understand you want to have some rest after your travel, but there are two things I would like to say to you, first I would like you to join the acolytes and me in the dinner tonight, there we will have the time to chat with more calm. And second, Cymer is a place of peace and contemplation, I ask you to refrain to wander the priory's halls armed and armoured

More Pilgrims? with this weather?, most unexpected. You surely have good reasons to come to Cymer at this time of year, thanks Darlen you didn't get lost in the forest with this storm. Well, welcome to the priory of Cymer, you'll find sanctuary in here. Malvenos, go for some wood and prepare the guest chamber. -

The half-elf doubts for a moment but then obeys and leave.

Ruan seems glad that nothing bad happened to you in your travel.

Yeees? what it is Malvenos?