
Rotgut the Foul's page

1 post. Alias of Aloha-Shirt-Samurai.

NPC Wound Tracker:
Peach - 0 Raccoon - 3 Shark - 0
NPC Benny Tracker:
Peach - 3/3 Raccoon 2/3 Shark 1/3

Woops, never made a proper discussion thread for team CASE. here we go!

Just FYSA I'm going out of state for a great big LARP hootenanny tomorrow. I believe I'll have internet access on site. If not I'll try and tether/take a trip to a Starbucks and get an update out on Friday or Saturday. I'll be home on Sunday evening if none of that works out. :3

NPC Wound Tracker:
Peach - 0 Raccoon - 3 Shark - 0
NPC Benny Tracker:
Peach - 3/3 Raccoon 2/3 Shark 1/3

Opening up the gameplay thread for team CASE so y'all can dot in. I'll make the first post once everyone has done so. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The emerald forest fans out beneath you, visible through the glass sidewalls of a Beacon Academy airship. Though familiar to some of you, the view of the forest is still breathtaking--especially the towering spires of Beacon, now only a few thousand feet out. Beneath it, you can hear the rumbling of the waterfalls that line the cliffs along the edges of Vale, pouring water into the ocean far below. As the ship starts to sink and turn and the towers slide by the windows, you can see a small gathering of adults waiting for you at the base of the academy, in the long shadows cast by the later afternoon sun.

A tall, slightly older man who's hair looks to have gone prematurely grey surveys the ship as the ramp starts to roll down. Adjusting his glasses with one hand, he gives a curt nod to a tall, curvaceous blonde next to him and steps to the back of your greeting party, sipping on a mug of coffee and limping heavily on a bum leg. Those of you who are Vale natives may recognize him as Headmaster Ozpin. He coughs politely as you all shuffle off, his eyes never blinking and inspecting each of you in turn.

The blonde pats a riding crop into her right hand, her eyes sharp enough to cut. "Sixteen new recruits," she says, letting it hang in the air for a second before continuing, her demeanor making a concentrated effort to soften. "My name is professor Glynda Goodwitch. I'm sure many of you are tired from your travels--though some of you have come much farther than others. In order to select you properly, we want you in your best shape. You will gather and sleep in the ballroom tonight--your initiation will not begin until tomorrow." She nods to the remaining adults. "The first year teachers will give you a brief tour and show you to the ballroom." The grey-haired man with the bad leg finishes looking you over, seeming unimpressed, and turns to limp off.

"Yes, young ladies-and-gentlemen, if-you-would-please right-this-way!" Says the youngest of them rapidly, a man in his middle twenties with an unkempt shock of green hair. He takes off at almost a sprint, making it all of five feet before a man with an impressive mustache grabs him by the back of the collar and yanks him to a halt. Glynda shakes her head disapprovingly, then turns to dash after the swiftly departing headmaster.

"Bartholomew!" Scolds the man with the salt-and-pepper mustache, "There's no need to be in such a rush." He nods to the crowd of assembled teenagers. "My name is Peter Port, professor of Grimm studies. This charming young fellow is our new history teacher, Professor Oobleck."

"Doctorrr," hisses the green haired man, standing up straight, so fast he seems to wobble on the spot--a dollop of coffee comes sloshing up over the rim of the thermos he's carrying, and he neatly moves his arm to catch it and takes a noisy slurp. "Very-well-then-I-suppose," he says, his mouth almost blurring as he speaks. "We-can-move-at-a-more--" the next word seems to stick in his throat. "--Restrained pace. If-you-would-pick-up-your-bags-and-follow-me." To his credit he looks as though he's walking instead of running, but his legs seem to cover more ground per stride than possible and it's still the pace of a light jog for most of you.

"Excitable fellow," says Professor Port amicably, setting off at a normal stride. "Please follow me students, don't worry about catching up to our dear Bartholomew." He takes you on a loop through the garden just outside, gleefully going through what seems to be a canned speech. His recitation is so dutifully prepared he barely takes notice of anyone talking along the way.

Opening up the discussion thread so people can dot in and start making aliases. Our current character list:

1. Beoh
2. Azure
3. Carmine
4. Shamrock Duille
5. Tana Kazakh
6. Tora Blaine
7. Sorzar Dhabab
8. Sinn Lazu or Onyxia Irises

I'll be opening up the actual RP thread sometime before Monday when I'll be going on a trip. I'll update when I can while travelling (which may not be too much). Once I get back on the 22nd I'll be working to get the campaign underway.

For people who haven't been keeping up with all the discussion in the discussion thread, I'm going to run the first game, at the end of which you'll be sorted into two teams. I'll be GMing one team, Rungok will be GMing the other, and we may occasionally merge back to one thread when appropriate. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I've had a hankering lately to play an anime tabletop. In particular, I've been looking at RWBY, since the world is really interesting even though the quality of the show wasn't great for the first two seasons. I was going to run it for some RL friends, but that plan fell through. Figured I'd ask if anybody would be interested in either running or playing in that as a campaign.

To be honest, I would prefer to be a player instead of a GM. However, I've already written out more or less a full campaign (it's shortish, about 5-6 or so main story beats, with room to slot in additional sidequests/new games related to character backstories). If there's significant interest, I can go ahead and run it in Savage Worlds.

NPC Wound tracker:
  • none yet
Ashes of Phoenix on Roll20 Current GM bennies: 5 Current Wild Card Bennies: Roomy Ray - 3

Opening up the thread so people can dot in. I'll be making the first campaign post on Sunday evening.

In your underline of your profile, I'd recommend having a tally for your bennies, and derived stats: Toughness/Pace/Parry/Charisma/Firewall/Strain (if applicable)/Street Cred.

This is the out of character discussion thread for our IZ2.0 campaign.

A couple reminders to everybody, and updates so you don't have to read the thread so painstakingly:


-You receive 20 points to create your character to start with, instead of 15.

-You can buy a specialization for 1 point instead of 2 at character creation. Thereafter if you spend an advance, you can either buy two specializations, one specialization/one skill upgrade below its linked attribute or one specialization in a new skill you buy at a d4.

2. Everybody (except as of this instant, N30N) should have received a PM from my GM account for this game, GM Ten-Speed with some info. You're welcome to reply to that PM if you have any questions or you would like to do anything to prepare before the campaign thread launches in a couple days. :)

I'll be double-checking everybody's character sheets and doing some last prepwork on my end. Also note that this is my first campaign I'm running on Paizo, so there may be a learning curve with regards to how I handle some of the finer details (still debating the best way to handle bennies and when to dole out experience, for instance).


The year is 2090, and Phoenix, Arizona is burning. The whole net of America's fifth largest city has gone down, and nobody knows why. The Badlands, and by extension, North America losing almost a fifth of its processing power and a huge chunk of its population being cut off didn't exactly make for a clean break. You and your friends in Denver are moving in while the getting's good, making up the hole in manpower that's leaving some of the megacorps and streetgangs struggling to make up their sudden deficit.

Everybody wants to know what happened in the valley. But for the first time in your life, the answer isn't waiting for you on the other side of the net through a search query. If you want to know what happened to Phoenix, you'll have to go there and root through the ashes yourself. Getting the answer and figuring out who's at the top of the scrapheap in the ruins of Phoenix might be the most profitable decision you ever make in your life. But if getting into Phoenix and getting back out was easy, somebody would have done it already. A few people have gotten in--nobody's gotten out.

Are you going to be the first?


I'll be using the rules from Savage Worlds Interface Zero 2.0. Having the book isn't required, but there's enough going on that I'd highly recommend it. I'll do my best to support if you don't have a copy of the book. The setting is pretty standard Cyberpunk fare--most countries have exploded or imploded and are run, either overtly or covertly by gigantic conglomerate megacorporations. This will be a street-level campaign, at least to start with.

Supplements: Empire of the Rising Sun characters are acceptable, but do not take any edges or hindrances from Phoenix: the Terrible Valley of Static at character creation. A lot of the campaign is going to be based around firsthand finding out and experiencing just what's going on in Phoenix.

Character Creation:

You'll be making a novice character at 10 XP (two advances). Background wise, you are either taking advantage of or are benefiting from the power vacuum left from the destruction of Phoenix. You have likely done street-level jobs for either one of the Megacorps or one of the prominent south-western gangs. In theory, you should have a few missions under your belt, so you'll be starting with 6,000 credits instead of 5,000 and you have your choice of either +1 street cred or +1 contact. No bonus credits for Augments unless you take the Chromed edge.

If you don't have the book, please PM me with an idea for a character concept and we can see how to get you the rules you need to build. For more details, check under the expandable:

What's Different in IZ2.0.:

Setting Rules: The biggest thing is that Interface Zero uses Skill Specialization. In other words, for most skills, you need to pick a focus and you'll suffer a penalty outside of it. For instance, your street-level merc might be an expert with a small sidearm, so she'd have shooting at a d8 with a specialization in Pistols. If you wanted her to fire a rifle, you'd still roll your d8 in shooting, but you'd take a -2 penalty for operating outside your specialization.

Interface Zero also affords characters an extra point of fatigue before being incapacitated (a maximum of -3 fatigue) and uses Gritty Damage (temporary hindrances based on wounds).

Races: All races from the Interface Zero 2.0 handbook are acceptable. If you would like to use a nonstandard template as a hybrid, please PM me and we can discuss it.

Arcane Background: There are two ABs in Interface Zero: Psionics (Zeeks) and Cybermonks. There are also Meeks, which are a single, un-upgradeable power you can take as an edge. In other words: low-grade psionics, or if you've played Deadlands: Reloaded "definitely not Tempests, no sir, no Tempests here".

Edges: All edges from the main Savage Worlds Deluxe book are acceptable, with the following exceptions.

Adept, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, Mr. Fix It, Noble, Power Points, Power Surge, Rapid Recharge, Improved Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain and Wizard.

Additionally, the following Edges function differently in Interface Zero:

Ace: When taking ace, select vehicles (as per the normal edge), Golemmech Piloting or Drone Jockeying. You can take Ace multiple times with these specializations.

Rich/Filthy Rich: If your character is rich, you have a serious obligation (as a vow minor/vow major) to uphold whatever provides you with that money, whether it's a sponsorship, business, trust fund or other less-savory source of income.

Beyond that, all Interface Zero 2.0 edges are acceptable (obviously). There are loads of them, so if you don't have the book I can tell you about them once I know your character concept.

Hindrances: All hindrances from SW are acceptable, with the exception of Doubting Thomas.

Additionally, a few hindrances function differently:

Any physical disability hindrance (Bad Eyes, Blind, Hard of Hearing, Lame, One Arm, One Eye, One Leg, Ugly) is easily fixable via cybernetics. In order to fix them with cybernetics, you also have to spend one advance. Personally, I'd suggest avoiding them altogether unless you have a good (wanting to remain a "pure human", for instance) reason.

Code of Honor: there are a lot of different forms of honor in the future and you can modify this hindrance accordingly (with GM approval).

Habit (minor): Lots of people have small addictions. Instead of taking a -1 charisma penalty, Habit (minor) in IZ gives you a vigor check with a penalty of fatigue every 24 hours you don't get your fix.

Illterate (major): Illiterate is a major hindrance in this setting.

Poverty (major): Ditto illiterate, and you also lose half of your bonus credits/savings from your occupation.

And IZ adds the following hindrances:
Appointed Monitor, Bad Filters, Bad Reputation, Bad Street Cred, Blacklisted, Debt, Giri, Latent Talent, Magnet, Nano-Infection, Off the Grid, Owned, Racist, Secret, Shakes, Shell Shock, Stress Trigger, Unplugged.

Some of those are fairly self explanatory, others not. Ask if you need to.

Aside from those things listed, go nuts. I'm hoping to start around the beginning of June. If we get 4-6 good apps before then it could be sooner.

Hello all!

I've seen a lot of interest generated for various Shadowrun/Cyberpunk 2020 games on Paizo that never quite seem to take off. I have a real hankering to run or play a cyberpunk game, but I'm not comfortable enough with the Shadowrun rules to be GMing.

I am very comfortable with Savage Worlds, though. I'm still going over my specific campaign ideas, but would people be interested in a PBP Savage Worlds cyberpunk game? My two options for settings are Interface Zero (flavorful setting, but with easy character creation) or Nova Praxis (even more narrative dense setting, more difficult and in-depth character creation, but with SO MUCH COOL STUFF GOING ON).
