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I have a player who really wants to play an Arcane Trickster*
Also, am I blind, or can Arcane Tricksters make sneak attacks against multiple opponents, assuming they can achieve surprise or otherwise deny their targets Dex-to-AC? Or should I expect 5 Sneak Attacks (against different targets), unerringly hotting, by CL9? * Undoubtedly inspired by a character from a recent, reasonably popular, video game.
When I cast Teleport, I have to roll a d% to see if I end up where I want to go. The obvious way to improve my odds of getting to the right place is to study my location carefully... Wel, bugger that for a game of soldiers!
This is probably a stupid question that gets answered every year or so but I was suddenly confused: If I have some way of gaining a bonus to a skill rolls, "for 1 round" (eg. Diviner's Fortune), I can't use that with skill checks that take more than 1 round, right? Ie, I'm looking up something in a library, 1 skill check/day.
Core rulebook, p. 435 wrote: Ballista: A ballista is essentially a Huge heavy crossbow fixed in place. Its size makes it hard for most creatures to aim it. Thus, a Medium creature takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls when using a ballista, and a Small creature takes a –6 penalty. It takes a creature smaller than Large two full-round actions to reload the ballista after firing. Now, we have a tiefling who rolled a '16' on the Variant Abilities and Physical Features table: Quote: You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty. Would this be enough to count as a Large creature (assuming a medium-sized tiefling) for the purposes of reloading a ballista?
An old friend has come back and is talking about running Wrath of the Righteous.
But then I got a silly thought:
Also, Magical Lineage don't say anything about Arcane spells, so I could take that with eg. Order's Wrath and get the Consecrate Spell Metamagic (assuming I go Aasimar), does that seem even remotely sensible?
I was just ambushed, but luckily managed to fend off the attack long enough to explain that I needed a little time to figure out the answers, so here: One of my players have been reading up on Shadow magic, in particular Shadow Evocation. So now I have to answer questions like 1) Admixture specialists exist in setting, so things like Acid Ball exist in setting. More specifically, Fire Ball is really just (Element) Ball. All of these variants are cast as 3rd level evocations spells, and so he should be able to imitate them with Shadow Evocations, correct? 2) Fire Ball is a 3rd level evocation spell, making intensified Fire Ball a 4th level evocation spell. So he should be able to cast that with Shadow Evocation, right? Or Empowered Scorching Ray? (Note: his character does not have either metamagical feat)
2 more questions about Calling. 1) Can you use calling spells (mainly Planar Ally/Planar Binding) to Call and bind Outsiders with the Native subtype? I can't find anything that says I can't, but I'm thinking I've overlooked something. 2) There's no Outsider (Genie) subtype as such, as far as I can tell. Could you still take Genie as a "subtype", for the purpose of the Augment Calling Feat? 2a) Would you allow it, even if it's not strictly RAW?
Just a (hopefully) quick question about the Battering Blast. It says that:
Quote: On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 points of force damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d6). For every 5 caster levels you possess beyond 5th, you gain a second ball of force. - if this spell is cast with the Intensified Spell metamagic, the max damage per ball increases to 7d6 force dmg/ball, and the number of balls remain the same, correct?
I'm having some problems with XPs and the Summon Monster family of spells. Case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:
Case 4:
Case 5:
Case 6: