Holy Blaster


An old friend has come back and is talking about running Wrath of the Righteous.
I've looked at the Player Guide and it looks like I should expect CE Outsiders to be our main opponents.
Paladin looks like the obvious class to play, but someone else already piped up about playing a paladin, so I was thinking maybe a Cleric, probably starting out as a Reach light cleric and then turning myself caster cleric with a few levels.
Standard build with Sacred Summons and Augment Summoning. Possibly even as a Herald Caller. Any Comments on this would be welcome.

But then I got a silly thought:
What about a Holy Blaster? As a LG cleric, I will get Holy Smite and Order's Wrath, which may be even better.
Could that work? These are basically level 4 fireballs, with a 1 round special effect attached. Except I don't have to worry about Energy Resistance, and if my party plays along, alignment-wise, Selective Spell Metamagics becomes irrelevant as well, as these spells don't affect character with the correlating alignment.

Also, Magical Lineage don't say anything about Arcane spells, so I could take that with eg. Order's Wrath and get the Consecrate Spell Metamagic (assuming I go Aasimar), does that seem even remotely sensible?

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An Oracle might be a good choice too. They get more spells a day to cast so you can really spam those blast spells.

Personally, the AP is a Paladin's wet dream. Everything is smitable, everything is tailored to you.

But You will reach level 20 and 10 mythic tiers so it hardly matters what you play you will basically be a demi-god.

But you can do anything you want with Mythic...the system is rather broken and even nonoptimized characters end up extremely strong. Even sub par options.

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Louise Bishop wrote:

An Oracle might be a good choice too. They get more spells a day to cast so you can really spam those blast spells.

But doesn't give me that Aura ability, in case I get greedy and want both dummoning and blasting.

Silver Crusade

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RoseCrown wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

An Oracle might be a good choice too. They get more spells a day to cast so you can really spam those blast spells.

But doesn't give me that Aura ability, in case I get greedy and want both dummoning and blasting.

I don't think you can do dummoning, you don't get Touch of Idiocy as a cleric.

Seriously though, if you're doing Magical Lineage, I would suggest cleric over oracle just because of spontaneous casting not being well suited to metamagic.

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RoseCrown wrote:
Louise Bishop wrote:

An Oracle might be a good choice too. They get more spells a day to cast so you can really spam those blast spells.

But doesn't give me that Aura ability, in case I get greedy and want both dummoning and blasting.

It just gives you more summons a day as well.

But honestly, Mot groups dislike how summoning slows down the pace of combat. I also find that many of the summons are far below the challenge of the fights you face. So all they are is glorified meat shields that last 1-2 attacks and die miserably. Since your Playing Mythic in WotR this will be more the case...You will be fighting Mythic enemies who are smart enough to just ignore the summons who are no threat to them really and just kill the full caster summoning them. They also dislike that you would have an aura. If you truly want to cheat it in Mythic you can Dual path into Speedy Summons and do all SM as a standard action...even ones who don't match your Aura's alignment. You can Pick up Mighty Summons for DR 5/Epic to mix with speedy summons but the summons still have issues hitting a target and doing damage outside the Lantern Archons who hit touch attacks and bypass all DR. But those even become obsolete in the late game facing down Demon Lords.

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A fire cleric also gains access to fireball. There is A guide out there somewhere.
Check out the mythic version of your spells.
Last a warning, one mythic power is "beyond morality" makes folks immune to those aligned blasts.

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You could take the alignment channel feat. No SR check and no collateral damage. And if you take quick channel you can do it twice a round. Although I should warn you I haven't played that AP so that may not be good advice.

Burst of Radiance is a nice early level burst of damage and debuffing spell with solid range and its party friendly.

Fireball is the best blast spell due to the fact that the mythic version bypasses immunity.

8th level alchemist with the holy bomb discovery. Holy Hand Grenade!

ShroudedInLight wrote:
Burst of Radiance is a nice early level burst of damage and debuffing spell with solid range and its party friendly.

Nice! thanks.

JDLPF wrote:
8th level alchemist with the holy bomb discovery. Holy Hand Grenade!

Very different chassis, but it just might work. I'd have to read up on Alchies first though. They ignore SR, right?

You might also want to check out the Divine Scion prestige class for bonus spell damage.

Shadow Lodge

I'm currently playing WotR as a Aasimar Spirit Guide Heavens Oracle 16, so I'll try to give some non-spoiler feedback.

Disclaimer: We are playing with extremely limited Mythic rules, so no mythic feats, spells, or powers beyond a baseline list for everyone. Obviously, your campaign may be very different.

Core Choices I've Made

General Observations at higher levels:

  • Things Die Fast, so don't plan on '1 round' cast time or short duration party buff spells actually contributing significantly to a fight.
  • If things don't die fast, you might be in big trouble (Our paladin went from slightly damaged to dead in two hits (one was a 150+ hp crit, of course): Luckily, my 'nobody dies on my watch' plans actually worked out perfectly (Sacred Bond + Breath of Life + Quickened Metamagic Rod Heal)
  • Direct Damage from a caster will probably not be impressive when compared to the martials in your party (I'm running with a dual-wielding paladin, a Ninja, and a dual-wielding Pistolero Gunslinger, and their damage is ridiculous. My GM ran another group through this AP with less optimized characters but full Mythic rules, and claims he got to roll twice (outside of initiatives and saves) for the bad guys in the entirety of the last two modules). Using AoEs to deal with 'cannon fodder' quickly will probably be your primary combat role at higher levels.
  • In the big fights, your Spell Save DCs will usually not be high enough (even with a 40 charisma, 'single big monster' encounters means your opponent will probably make his/her saves)

Escallorak wrote:
You might also want to check out the Divine Scion prestige class for bonus spell damage.

Nice trick, thank you, I haden't noticed that.

Taja the Barbarian wrote:

I'm currently playing WotR as a Aasimar Spirit Guide Heavens Oracle 16, so I'll try to give some non-spoiler feedback.

Thank you!

Obviously, your campaign may be very different.
If it becomes a thing, the GM-to-be is not exactly known for being the model of reliability.

Core Choices I've Made[list]
  • Burst of Radiance as your 'core' Low Level AoE
  • Holy Smite for mid-levels, but remember it is a bit underwhelming against non-outsiders (which there are quite a few of)
  • Holy Word with a few buffs (see below) at higher level
  • This is my basic concept

  • As a Spirit Guide, I often used a Flame Spirit to add Fireball to my spells known, but only when I wasn't expecting a lot of Fire Resistance (might return to this spirit at 18+ for Fiery Body)
  • My plan is to avoid fireball. Partly because we have some very excitable players playing melee-martials (so Selective Spell seems a worthwhile investment anyways) Partly because I'm worried about Fire Resistance/Immunity. Admittedly, I understand WotR is about Demons rather than Devils, so Fire Immunity shouldn't be universal.

  • Intensified Spell
  • On my list

    (quote bug)

    Consecrate Spell is the reason I was thinking Aasimar - not usually a fan of that race. How did it cost you a 2nd level spell though?
    Varrisian Tattoo and Spell Specialization are conrnerstones of most (all?) blaster concepts, but you still cap out at 15 dice, right?

    And yes, I generally consider the role of the blaster to be anti-cannon fodder. BBEGs are for the martials.

    Shadow Lodge

    RoseCrown wrote:
    If it becomes a thing, the GM-to-be is not exactly known for being the model of reliability.

    The major issue is Mythic Spells: We're not using them, so things like Fire Resistance can't just be removed by using a mythic version of the spell, and nearly every outsider you'll be facing gets Fire Resist 10 or higher.

    RoseCrown wrote:
    My plan is to avoid fireball. Partly because we have some very excitable players playing melee-martials (so Selective Spell seems a worthwhile investment anyways) Partly because I'm worried about Fire Resistance/Immunity. Admittedly, I understand WotR is about Demons rather than Devils, so Fire Immunity shouldn't be universal.

    No, Fire Immunity shouldn't be common, but a lot of things will have Fire Resist 10: It's not a show-stopper, but saving for half and then ignoring the first 10 points of damage can really make you feel you just wasted your action.

    RoseCrown wrote:
    Consecrate Spell is the reason I was thinking Aasimar - not usually a fan of that race. How did it cost you a 2nd level spell though?

    As an Oracle, I wasn't planning on taking Consecrate as a spell known, but felt it was worth it for the feat (and yes, it was). Clerics will have a much easier time with this choice.

    My GM isn't fond of Aasimars (they are just too good) but allowed them because he felt they were a perfect fit for this AP.
    RoseCrown wrote:
    Varrisian Tattoo and Spell Specialization are conrnerstones of most (all?) blaster concepts, but you still cap out at 15 dice, right?
    Note that I applied my feats to Holy Word, not Holy Smite: The idea was to get my caster level so high that I would actually effect the creature I was fighting (Holy Word is pretty weak without the extra caster levels). Honestly, it might be 'too much' as I can now Paralyze any opponent we are likely to face for at least one round (and we have a Gunslinger who can spend a mythic point for an extra move action to get adjacent before forcing a DC 130ish save from a Coup-de-grace) and apply Consecrate Spell for free:
    • +8 HD above me: Deafened (save negates)
    • +7 HD above me: Blinded for 8 rounds (save for half duration)
    • +3 HD above me: Paralyzed for 10 Minutes (save reduces duration to 1 round)
    • -2 HD Below Me: Dead (Save means you take damage instead)
    I tried to avoid using it in our first big fight at level 15, but then one of the party got turned to stone right away and I felt the need to end the fight quickly.

    I was originally thinking of applying perfection to Holy Smite (mainly for a free quicken every round), but that spell just seems a bit weak at this point (as I feared it might): Part of the issue is our GM doesn't feel like running battles against 'cannon fodder' that we are just going to roll over, so he often hand-waves the fights away.

    A cleric can be a very good blaster but never great IMO. It doesnt get the spare feats to really excel. With Fire (Ash) as one of your domains and your normal spells you can be v.effective though.

    Burning hands, Burning disarm, Fireball, Burst of Radiance, Boneshaker.... all solid.

    Boneshaker in particular is excellent.... its single target but only 2nd level... throw in some metamagic reduction and at 8th level you are throwing out Empowered 7D6 Boneshaker for a 2nd level slot, with no probs of energy resistance.... not bad.

    But all in honesty debuffs are where its at.... I played a cleric in WOTW once and spent most of my time using Wall of Ashes! Mass blindness can happily end encounters far more effectively than a blast here and there IMO.

    Taja the Barbarian wrote:

    My GM isn't fond of Aasimars (they are just too good) but allowed them because he felt they were a perfect fit for this AP.

    I don't disagree with him on this :)

    Taja the Barbarian wrote:
    Note that I applied my feats to Holy Word, not Holy Smite: The idea was to get my caster level so high that I would actually effect the creature I was fighting (Holy Word is pretty weak without the extra caster levels).

    Oh, right. I'd missed that, thank you for pointing it out :)

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