RoseCrown's page
154 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Derklord wrote: RoseCrown wrote: The rapier sadly is not a light weapon - which is why you want this little gem. Which doesn't do anything for TWF, because it's a general rule option, and neither "feat, spell, or special weapon ability". Please don't tell my DM ;)
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AwesomenessDog wrote: Maybe not, paying is more a LE thing, now debauched ritual sacrifice per view might be appropriate. ... sounds about right, yeah.
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The rapier sadly is not a light weapon - which is why you want this little gem.
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doomman47 wrote: 1)Never fudge numbers Correction: Fudge numbers freely, but never let the players know that ou're doing so. RPGs, even Pathfinder, are not a competition, the are about the story. However, if they know you're fudging dice to keep their characters alive, their victory will feel hollow, while if they know ou're fudging dice against them, they will feel they have no chance and give up in frustration.
doomman47 wrote:
2)If a player rolls multiple natural 20s in a row consume the dice to gain its power.
Please don't do this. It'll play hell on your digestion.
I think my best advice is to pay a lot of attention to your players, and try to find out what works for them and what don't.
Groups are different, and therefore how to be a good DM for a given group will differ.
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doomman47 wrote: The whole point of spell research is to let you pull spells from other lists. No. It's to encourage, enable, and possibly even reward, player creativity and investedness.
It might be mostly used to pull spells from other lists, but that is in fact counter to the purpose.
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Kalin Arvod wrote: So i was thinking of adopting the kingdom rule from Ultimate Campaign to make a city in Taldor. My character Started out a noble son of House Merrisett and a Conjurer. I'm at level 11 now and i own a Fort on the
southern boarder of Taldor(using the downtime rules). and i was wondering what modifications would have to be made to the kingdom rules to cover just the settlement outside my fort. My character has been deeded the land by one of the Dukes of Taldor and is responsible for it upkeep and defense but it is a preexisting country with laws and a monarch so I'm not sure how much of it will translate
If you've been deeded the land, you're effectively the Viceroy for the area. Use the rest of the rules unmodified.
You might not be able to expand much, but you should be able to build
an awesome settlement, if your DM decides to play along. :)
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CrimsonVixen wrote: And the we have the issue of succubus lovers, concubines, and harems. <snip>
I may be missing some other option, but it seems that either Succubi are chaste asexual seducers, or they can control the drain.
Just wanted to chime in that I support this logic.
A succubus that cannot control her Energy Drain makes little to no sense to me.
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"To GMPC or not to GMPC?"
The answer is generally: Don't GMPC. Ever.
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NoTongue wrote: Undead will probably win out when it comes to easy access to an army of compliant workers but is there any other alternatives through spells or class features? Does your compliant workers need to have skills?
Because if so, I think Simulacrum might be useful to you, assuming you have a competent original.
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Cattleman wrote:
If you don't make it apparent to the character (and quite possibly even if you do) it's quite likely they are behind doors and will be drained to death without any real notice. Does this sound about right? Given that even a 7th level character who lost 2d6 Charisma and endures a negative level only has to fail ~6 times before they're completely drained, I imagine this is basically an insta-gib if it happens.
I thought this was the whole point of Succubi?
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Gray Warden wrote: RoseCrown wrote: Gray Warden wrote: RoseCrown wrote: I'd like to second the Cutlass Spider - especially if you know what you'll be facing, since you can give them a single Bane weapons and that will affect all of their attacks. which case you can just use an Amulet of Mighty Fists [Bane], which costs half as much as a normal weapon, on any construct with more natural attacks. Is there an errata? Because when I compare prices for melee weapons with the price for the Amulet of Mighty Fists on the SRD site, it looks like the Amulet is twice as expensive as the equivalent weapon? To apply the Bane property to a weapon it must already be +1, so a +1 Bane weapon would actually cost as +2, which is 8000gp. On the other hand, the Amulet of Mighty Fists does not need the initial +1, so you can buy an AoMF Bane for 4000gp. ah yes. That's the thing I always forget about those Amulets. Ah well, point taken.
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Gray Warden wrote: RoseCrown wrote: I'd like to second the Cutlass Spider - especially if you know what you'll be facing, since you can give them a single Bane weapons and that will affect all of their attacks. which case you can just use an Amulet of Mighty Fists [Bane], which costs half as much as a normal weapon, on any construct with more natural attacks. Is there an errata? Because when I compare prices for melee weapons with the price for the Amulet of Mighty Fists on the SRD site, it looks like the Amulet is twice as expensive as the equivalent weapon?
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I'd like to second the Cutlass Spider - especially if you know what you'll be facing, since you can give them a single Bane weapons and that will affect all of their attacks.
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Effortless Lace looks like it would do the trick.
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Louise Bishop wrote: An Oracle might be a good choice too. They get more spells a day to cast so you can really spam those blast spells.
But doesn't give me that Aura ability, in case I get greedy and want both dummoning and blasting.
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Gisher wrote: avr wrote: One more - the Red Mantis Assassin prestige class is Arcane (Cha) - Spontaneous (4th). & yes I checked this time. Couldn't sleep. That's a really interesting case. I didn't know that there were Prestige Classes that granted spellcasting (as opposed to just advancing already existing spellcasting). I wonder if there are more of these. Prophet of Kalistrade, Paths of Prestige, p. 42-43.
Arcane, Spont, Charisma. Prestige class grants spells casting, not aditional caster levels.
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quibblemuch wrote: Rysky wrote: Ooooo!
Well it makes sense, since it's still a subtype, you'd just be limiting yourself in your targets. Well, if you were a devil, you might not want to create an Outsider (evil) bane weapon for stabbing demons with... just in case someone took it away from you :) Hmmm, an asmodean demon hunter with a +1, Axiomatic, Chaotic Outsider Bane weapon... still only +4, but does decent damage against demons.
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Murdock Mudeater wrote:
Confusing section. Doesn't help that both Magical and Mechanical headings start with "M." I read that section several times before realising the difference there.
Absolute mess of a section. I've read it multiple times and still felt the need to ask questions (obviously).