Kurvis Nurpico

Roland Selasor's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Jonahen.

2/5 **

I ran both levels of the box set and had no problems so I decided to include it on my online PFS game and discovered an issue.
I already ran the upper dungeon with PF Society players and was going to wait until they were level 2 to start the Lower dungeon because the last encounter is way too hard (my previous experience) for level 1 characters but reading the free handout for the Society, I noticed that it says that BOTH levels of the adventure are level 1.
It's fine to level the PCs in the middle of a regular game and the box set even tells you to level them before the last two or three encounters but PFS Society characters cant do that.
I think the last encounter is way too hard for level 1 PCs and if without it the second dungeon loses some of its fun. I was planning to use challenge points to make the second dungeon more appropriated for level 2 PCs but now I don't know what to do. Has anyone had this issue and how have you resolve it.
Thank you

2/5 **

Hello Fellow Pathfinders! I have a question. I have already ran s6-06 Halls of the Flesh Eaters, s7-19 The Labyrinth of Hungry Ghost and I'm about to run s8-15 Hrethnar's Throne and s9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God (which is not directly related to the first three but is like a side quest of S-17, right?) Is there a fourth part to this story line? One when we go to Sevenfingers' Tomb? Is there going to be one before we go to 2nd Ed? Thank you!

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