Cayden Cailean

Roguish's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


We have two players so far, need 2 more. Invites are still open

Cool dude, what class do you want to play?

I'm looking for a group of 4 players for the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path starting from level 1 at the beginning of the AP. We'll be using the virtual table top Fantasy Grounds(I have the Ultimate license so it won't cost you anything to use the software).

Games can be morning or evening Seoul/Tokyo/Adelaide time EST+13/UTC+9 since I live in South Korea(I'm American). We can coordinate which days work best with the group that we get. If you live on the east coast of the USA, your evening is my morning the next day.

I'll be using the Syrinscape AP soundsets developed specifically for this Adventure Path, so your gaming experience will be enhanced if you create an account with Cleanfeed-game music streaming service(FREE):// to hear the atmospheric sounds and dialogue.

We'll be using Discord for voice comms.

New and experienced players welcome.

Nohwear wrote:
So, I have been poked about this. If there is still enough interest I might be able to GM. Right now the best time for me is seven eastern on Tue. I will need two or three weeks to get ready. Let me know if this would work.

That works for me! Sign me up as an Investigator Empiricist or a Unchained Rogue. Probably an Unchained rogue.

James Martin wrote:
If I gm'd, it would be for PbP, sorry.

ah ok thanks. I'm going to keep aiming to build a live Roll20 group.

James Martin wrote:
So, do you guys actually have a GM yet?

Not yet. Are you interested in being GM?

DM Beckett wrote:

Well, if it's indeed a PbP, it looks like there is enough player interest.

Archpaladin Zousha

I'm glad we have the numbers. I'm only interested in a Roll20 game. Play by post doesn't do it for me at all.

Edinoiz wrote:
Posting interest! I have ideas for both Unchained classes and-not so-unchained classes. So interest noted and waiting for GM to post the rules of creation!

When we get a GM he will probably set the guidelines. I'm interested in an online game played through Roll20 and not Play by post.

Choant wrote:
Is this pbp or like a roll20 meet type thing? Pbp and I would be interested to play.


DM Beckett wrote:
I'd possibly be interested depending on what sort of game it is. PbP?

Online game played on Roll20. Interested in being GM?

Wow sorry I haven't checked this for a while. I'm glad we have interested players. We need a GM!

I want this to be a online Roll20 weekly or bi-weekly campaign. Hopefully a GM shows some interest. I might start a new thread with you guys and list it as LF GM-Council of Thieves.

I'm really interested in a live game played on Roll20. Play by post is something I might try as a distraction sometime, but I would much prefer a live game.

So is this a Play by post game or an online live game using Roll20? I'd much rather play a live game on Roll20 or something similar.

I'll post a stat block and character synopsis once I know what type of game it will be. Thanks!

Perfect timing. This is the exact campaign that I want to play. I'd love to join your group. I'm interested in playing a human Investigator with the Empiricist archetype or an unchained Rogue. Count me in! When do you plan on playing?

I'm looking for players and DMs interested in starting the Council of Thieves Adventure Path.

I have an Investigator with the Empiricist archetype ready for Council of Thieves.


Hello! :)

I'm looking for a DM and a group interested in playing Council of Thieves from the beginning online using and possibly Google+

I'm available weekdays from 7AM-12PM and 10PM-12AM Tokyo time/6PM-11PM EST and 9AM-11 PM EST

I'm interested in playing a Rogue type character, probably a Investigator with the Empiricist archetype.

Let me know if you want to play!
