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Something I would LOVE to see with Mech Combat (but also something I know I don't have the skill to do): a version of the Training Interface Modules as seen in the Starship Operations Manual, but for Mechs instead.

For those who don't know what they are: In short: "A training interface module (or TIM) is an advanced computer combat simulator that enables a starship’s officer to apply their own training and expertise in starship combat. Each TIM is programmed to interface with both a specific class feature or feat as well as with a crew role; " face%20Module&Family=None

It just seems natural that such a thing would exists for Mechs as well (particularly the ones that can 'Transform.....and Roll Out ^_^) into Starships themselves.

A quick glance shows that some Class Special Abilities can probably used with Mecha with no modification, particularly some of the Soldier Fighting Styles.

Far as I know, though, there is nothing to allow a Weapon Solarian to apply the benefits he receives from a Weapon Crystal to Mecha attacks (probably the very first thing I would want if I were playing a Solarian Mecha Pilot).

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A teaser trailer for an upcoming Netflix movie called "Space Sweepers", which seems to be about a crew of a small ship going about making claims on space junk to make money, and one of their 'claims' has something special.....and very dangerous.....onboard.

I couldn't help but think of the 'Fly Free or Die' adventure path when I saw this, which has the same " simple people making their way through the galaxy" theme ^_^

This isn't really a 'serious' post, but I just had to make it anyway ^_^

Is anyone else out there watching "Star Trek: Lower Decks"?

Personally, I really enjoy it (and, in my opinion, its the only good 'New Trek' to date).

Anyway, in Episode 4, entitled "Moist Vessel", the crew encounter a 'Generation Ship', but its crew/colonist died due to a malfunction long ago. However, onboard the ship is a substance I'm calling 'Liquid Genesis', since it can re-order 'inorganic' matter into simple life (plants and the like), which was intended to help reseed a new world.

The superficial similarities between this episode and "Waking the Worldseed" are interesting, and I love the idea of 'Liquid Genesis'.

Also, how many of us players often end up being less like Captain Picard and crew, and more like Captain Zap Brannigan and his cohorts? ^_^

Okay, I know Starfinder isn't meant to emulate 'Anime' style of role playing, but I recently saw a bit on youtube with the title "Crouching Moron, HIdden Badass", and I couldn't help but think of how you could create a character like this in the game.

Of course you could just create any character you want and play him as such, but a part of me likes having actual 'crunch' in the character (rules modifications) that allow/reward the player for picking a character with this concept.

The closest I have been able to find is a 3rd party supplement called "Star Log.EM-080: Isekai Characters" (not certain what the rules are here about linking to 3rd party producers, but the name should be enough for you to find it yourself).

Its essentially a 'concept on the tin' product, if you know what a "Isekai Character" is: A concept from anime where a 'real world' character suddenly finds himself through various means thrust into a world that's like whatever Fanboy product he has been consuming (comics, anime, and yes, RPGs ^_^).

I could see using these rules, but dispensing with the outward Isekai concept. Play him as a doofus who just happens to have extraordinary luck when it comes to what he does (so of course his alignment is probably Chaotic Neutral ^_^)

Anyone else have any ideas on how to add the 'crunch' to play such a character (maybe feats, archetypes, etc.)?

I've did a search here and at Reddit. A similar question was asked when Horror Adventures came out, but there doesn't seem to be any rules like this.

I was wondering if anyone out there knows of any rules to represent the character slowly becoming a Kyton-like being (personally, I've always seen Kytons as the 'Cenobites' from the movie/Book series "Hellraiser").

Officially, the closest thing I have found is the 'Shadowbound' corruption, but that doesn't represent the modification of the flesh that you see with Kytons. There is a 3rd party product that has the 'Voidspawn' corruption, but it comes off more as a chracter devolving to a 'cthulhu' like tentacled monstrosity.

If anybody knows of any such rules, I would appreciate the help (I may try to come up with my own rules for such, but I such at rules modifictions myself).

I've done several checks through the various rules FAQ threads, but I can't seem to find an answer to this probably simple question:

When it comes to Variant Multiclassing and spell casting classes as the secondary class, how do you handle the spell progression of that class?

Is the spell progression somehow limited, or does the character receive the same spells per level for his total class level?

I may have missed it, but I can't seem to find any answer in the Pathfinder Unchained rules themselves.

This is not directly Pathfinder related, but I saw something I found very interesting:

I play around with a program called Poser, used for making 3D rendered images.

While searching for some new fantasy items to add to my library, I came across this:

I thought to myself "Why does this look so familiar?"

Then I realized its the exact same outfit as the iconic Pathfinder barbarian 0_0

I'm now curious: did the makers of this product just copy Wayne Reynolds image, or is Reynolds working with the makers of the product?