Robert Merrow's page

48 posts (85 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I actually was looking for this just a few minutes ago. So far it isn't cleared up; there's neither a ruling fixing the wording nor a ruling supporting it. However, the way its worded in comparison to almost everything else is very different.

I'd like to think they just made an error here, but its such a unique error that I can't tell. Also I can't seem to find any other posts about this issue.

Hey all, sorry I've been out of touch for almost a full week.

It looks like I wont be available to play, let alone GM. Work's getting much more intense for the next few months.

Sorry about this. Good luck getting your game going :D

I already run a skype game of Kingmaker haha, I'm down with that. It works great although it's harder to have a battle map since I'm running on a laptop and can't run too many programs at once. (especially if I want to load anything quickly)

However, I haven't explored the roll 20 site, but I hear good things about it. I'll check it out and see how that goes.

I wont be able to run once a week if we do that though, only once a month.

May have already been an idea of mine...

Should I PM you my character build? or would you rather I just leave it here?

If I was to GM....

well, given the recent activities. I'd say that in addition to Kana and BIG, I'd probably go with Deadspeak and icewhisp as they've been more active. Also icewhisp's experience with the system would be very helpful to the rest of us noobs. :D

however, that could change based on the level of activity/expressed interest in the game.

Anyway, Kana I'll PM you my gmail account.

(Also, I'll be quite busy today and most of tomorrow. As well as friday night to sunday mid afternoon. But once that's done I'll start compiling and sifting through all our random research and brainstorms. I'd wager we have enough for the next step and its high time I stopped stalling in hopes that another GM will show up haha)

Icewhisp, I'd like to PM you with questions about the system once I begin reading over the rules more thoroughly. Will you be able to respond relatively quickly once I do?

I'm a fan of that.

Also I think we were still throwing Ideas around for the Goblin Market. Other than the fact that it exists, and has portals up the whazoo! I don't know if anything has been set in stone.

I do like the idea of the coffee shop though. WOuld be interesting actually. (I'm overly sensitive to caffeine, like the squirrel in "OVer the Hedge" and I might pass that on to my Changeling character just because.

I try to avoid coffee because of this, but i'm thinking either my character will be adicted (and hyper to the extreme) or just look weird hanging out in a coffee shop not drinking coffee.

Of course, all this is if I'm actually playing and not GMing.


Thinking he's a decedent of one of the red dragons that helped Choral the Conqueror take Brevoy back in the day. However, if you don't allow the Eldritch Heritage feat line, I might chose black to keep it themed with the whole Soot color of the Soot Scales.

Developed his magical powers at a young age (thinking he'll be the youngest of all the PCs having only recently gone through... puberty?)

Originally looked to Sartuk for help, but the kobold was too busy so he was left alone to work things out.

Now that the statue's been stolen, he wanted to use his talents to earn Sartuk's respect.

He hopes that Sartuk will make him his apprentice once he proves his worth.

Its short, its sweet, its fitting the campaign. But if I'm too late to get my tiny little claw in the door, I'll understand. :D No hard feelings.


I know I'm late, and probably already out of the running (I'm not sure if you've settled on things I wanted to get this out before I read all of the previous 61 responses.

I have a kobold concept done instantly (probably feels a little cliche, but the image I have for later just feels amazing)

Would you be allowing the Eldritch Heritage feat line? If so this concept pretty much writes itself.

Kobold Dragon Sorcerer, with feats for Fire Elemental bloodline. Dragon Disciple prestige class, and (once i get that far) Permanent Reduce Person spell. (even without the eldritch heritage it works, I just have less "boom" abilities.)

Anyway I just enjoy the idea of Lil Slithus running around (house cat sized) making nuclear explosions. :D

Let me know if I'm already too late though.

Peanuts wrote:
Yeah, I had someone want to play an inquisitor of Desna when I ran kingmaker. That's right Desna! It doesn't even make sense!

It could work. They'd run around severely punishing all those who try to reduce/remove/destroy other's freedoms. Hypocritical? probably. But then most inquisitors (real life or in PF) are. I mean, theres something odd about a class that explicitly states you can stick your diety's rules in the toilet and flush them when they're inconvenient, and then not suffer any loss of divinely granted power. That whole class just spells hypocrite haha.

Well, I think we settled on the Goblin Market (Official name Pending) as our Accorded Neutral Ground.

But I wouldn't mind having a restaurant or book store or some form of "normal" hangouts that were supernaturally involved in some way, shape, or form.

Fine by me. I was just about to suggest we get a "pre-game Notes page"

Also, I'll keep that in mind. I occasionally hire web designers and you've impressed me so far.


VERY nice Kana.

Are you currently employed making websites?

Yes, the research is to give us foreigners a feel for the city, and to inspire brainstorms in city creation.

The Swamp could contain the autumn court (I feel like its the child court of winter, given that the power starts shifting back towards winter during the Summer Solstace, and swamps just seem more evil to me)

Or maybe it could contain a lot of Undead, after all, people dying and their bodies getting claimed by swamps is a classic because its a very real threat.

ALso, If no one else with more experience takes over, I'll be the GM... although I'm not sure I'm completely suitable for the roll. If I do, to keep things a little easy, I'll be doing only 4 people in my game. (Kana and BIG, you two are in as you've been the most active in helping out/doing things. The only thing that would change this is if you decided to drop out.)

THat being said. If some one else will take over GMing, I wanted to play a changeling. WIth my Sidhe Half not officially decided yet. I've been looking over the city-building stuff more than the Player Character stuff, and I haven't gotten a handle on how most of that works yet.

PS: Checking out the site now Kana.

PS Kana, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for the Google Site Name. Are you going to make us a website to play our campaign in?

If so I vote a variation on Deadspeak's variation to BIGs title thing.

(I like Small Problems in the Big Easy for an adventure, or theme purposes... but for over all campaign... wait for it......)

Big Easy and Bigger Problems.
(or some variation on that. I agree that small problems doesn't sound all that terrifying for an entire series of sessions.... but since we're gonna use the word 'Big" twice, we might as well draw as much attention to it as possible. Otherwise it could just sound like lazy titling) :p

Anyway, those are my thoughts.

Oh also, Dead, just in case Icewhisp doesn't respond to you soon, I'd say pick either the Suleyman or Pere Antoine ghost story and start digging into it. Then let us know which one you picked because I might jump on the other one as soon as I finish looking up Fort Pike. (Unless someone else wants the other ghost story then I'll find something else to look into)

Actually at this point there's a lot of crap we need to look into that I haven't yet. But I'd really advise to ask Icewhisp for direction from here on out (at least with city building).

I'll admit that I stepped up and tried to coordinate when we didn't have an experienced player. But Now that we do I'll acknowledge that I'm not the most knowledgable man for the job.

Also, Deadspeak I'm cool with it. And I'll challenge you for ultimate Dresden Nerd haha (I'm currently on my 6th or 7th reread of the series. And I've personally converted about 10 people to "the faith") :p

But in all seriousness, I think a good number of those "titles" BIG came up with work really well for Aspects, Threats, or Themes. Although I'm not sure on the rules for taking them beyond the concept phase to the rules phase.

How do we handle that Whisp?

Ahhhh.... Geeze.... ok finally posting my notes on East New Orleans.

Also, I'd be very excited to have you join, Icewhisp. It will be good to have someone more experienced with the rules on board. (Also, I'd be very happy to step down from potential GM if you're up to take over haha)

Also, if we find a wiki type site we can use, I'll repost this on that. But for now here are my notes.

New Orleans East AKA East New Orleans AKA Da East

Historical Facts:
- One of the most devastated area's of NO during Katrina (The entire city district fell to the storm)
- since the 1980s its suffered from urban decay and disinvestment, population dropped by 20,000 to 30,000 since the year 2000, many homes are abandoned. The exception is the very wealthy neighborhoods such as Eastover (the most famous).
-Eastover is a gated community for the ritzier citizens, it even has its own golf course and what not.
-The wealthier neighborhoods used to be predominantly white upper crust, but lately the demographics have shifted to the wealthy white collar african american community. This is the new majority population.
-Origianally called Lake Forest due to its original development around Lake Forest Blvd. (but this is way early in history, I'm guessing its something only out of touch immortal/long lived beings would call it)
-Unlike a large chunk of NO famous for its clutter in the street, Da East has most utilities installed underground instead through wood covered pipes and massive tangles of cable common in the rest of the city.

Potential Landmarks:
-Village de l'East AKA Versailles AKA Little Vietnam: Famous for its ethnic foods (the most famous being Dong Phuong Restaurant and Bakery which, despite not being a chain, has a name outside the city) One of these could be a fun supernatural hang out maybe? or a place for mortal organizations to hang out? like the cops or a specific crime syndicate?
-Alcee Fortier Blvd (its within Little Vietnam) is a huge commercial hub. Probably has malls and cafes and the like, haven't gotten to in depth research on that yet.
-Industrial Canal: A shipping canal (man made) that has the only industrial neighborhood in the entire district at its shore. Warehouses and the like are probably common, as its a port of sorts.
-Historic Fort Pike, haven't found too many ghost stories about this place, but it was a major battle site in the Civil War and also is a museum now. Floods frequently as well. Could be interesting.
-Bayou Sauvage National WIldlife Refuge. Seems like a good place for some fae to hang out.
-Lakefront Air Port, self explanatory for now.
-Audubon Louisiana Nature Center: More different fae to hang out?
-Lincoln Beach, not sure what's cool about this place, but its been mentioned as an important part of the district. Looking more into it later.
-NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility. Within Regional Business Park, a showdown at a NASA plant/lab could be a fun adventure climax. Other than that I've got no real reason to bring it up yet. Although having a presence from NASA potentially entering our story could be fun too. Maybe they've found a supernatural technology they think is alien? Etc Etc.

Ghost Stories I've found (Note: Not in my section. but I'm bringing them up cuz they're cool)
-Prince Suleyman (will explain more later, he had a harem and some bloody hands though. Now he's a ghost I hear.
-Pere Antoine, St Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter. This guy might be a friendly ghost, I hear he legitimately tried to help ppl before he died, yet he didn't pass on.

Looking forward to seeing what you've all figured out. We can move on from there.

Also, Since you've got more experience with this, Icewhisp, would you mind taking over with the city planning?

THAT is a brilliant idea.

Also sorry I've been away, conference ran long.

Actually, just taking a quick break. So I'll be posting everything I've found tonight.

I like this. In fact I like this a lot. And I'm thinking that the Market could be some mix of Switzerland and Baghdad... its a place where the Supernatural can meet, and even discuss things in Neutral Ground, yet due to its volatile position it's still fairly violent. Maybe the ANG laws aren't as heavily enforced in the Market over all, but perhaps several buildings/structures/shops/what have you have better security?

Forgive me, but i'm also now relating this to Diagon Ally in HP.

PS, I've got a lot of info jotted down on East New Orleans, and on how it relates to the rest of the city. I've got to go now, so no time to post, but later tonight/tomorrow morning I'll post my results.

As far as witch hunters, I'm just going based on what dresden said in the books. They do their own witch hunts with the warden, but only against those who are potentially going to increase awareness of wizard's in a bad way. They are trying to discourage mortals awareness of wizards so that they don't have another Spanish Inquisition. That's part of why Dresden is as unloved as he is by most of the WC, he advertises his magic. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that most mortals think he's crazy they'd probably have killed him themselves, despite McCoy's interceding.

But you have a good idea and there's no reason we can't have a minor group that the WC missed or maybe uses to keep tabs on local warlocks. Maybe this group is partially in the dark and thinks it knows more than it does? maybe it was set up by a WC member and is, in fact, a fully aware and loyal to the WC (or Black Council... dun dun DUUUUNNNNN)?

And I agree, nearly constant turf wars over the Goblin Market would be exciting/interesting, and leads us into a very nice section of the next part of the process, so I do want to incorporate it as well. We'll have to figure out a way to get there that we all like.
Perhaps Kana, Buzzard, Darth, or Rictus should weigh in. Getting alternate perspective would be useful.

On a separate note, I like the idea of cyclical appearance. But every month seems a bit too close to loup garou curses to me.

But, we could further blend some elements, Perhaps the market is always there, but follows the cycle of the tides. Only at high tide on sunset can one gain entry or exit (or something similar to that). Perhaps the entrance is actually underwater, and by swimming through a specific beach cave or drainage canal during high tide can one enter it from the mortal world. You're technically not "leaving the earth" but at the same time you're "entering the Nevernever" in a fashion similar to how Dresden entered Maeve's little shindig during his investigations in Summer Knight. It wasn't a magical portal so much as a door that lead to multiple places and needed a guide or incredible luck/savvy to get to the "right" place.

[EDIT] Its possible that the market is in sort of an Istanbul of sorts on the Nevernever. And by that I mean a crossroads of the world type vibe. It could have multiple portals to various places, Summer, Winter, The Abyss, etc. and that's what makes it so popular of a spot. Of course, one of its "gates" would lead to the Big Easy.

DrBuzzard, it's looking like most of the hauntings and ghost stories happen in the French Quarter, which is part of Downtown New Orleans or maybe just another name for the same area. It seems like you'll be in charge of finding some nifty legends for us. :D

Haha that's because the white council tries to keep those witch hunter's down :p but that doesn't mean they've caught them all.

About your threshold idea for the market, it would be in high conflict with a predetermined law of magic in the novels, (and possibly in the game rules) in that, thresholds can't settle over places of business. But I think I found a clever work around. Perhaps the mortals that deal with the goblin market (or at least the mortal coordinator) are a member of the Unseelie Accords, like Marcone (later in the books), the Knights of the Cross, the Danarians, and Pharofax. Not powerful enough to be granted true "nationhood" but recognized as sort of supernatural "City States."

Thus, violation of the Markets rules would bring about punishment from the supernatural law enforcements. Perhaps while within the market, one is subject to the total mercy of its enforcers, so its best to keep a low profile. Causing a scene or breaking any laws too overtly would cause undue attention, and thus potential punishment. And while in the market, you're not protected by your affiliations. (Therefore, someone caught and punished for a crime wouldn't be subject to any semblance of diplomatic immunity, sort of like how Dresden had to choose between Susan and Michael at Bianca's party. One of them was technically not under his protection)

That example brings to mind another possibility, perhaps one is only allowed in the market with expressed invitation? Of course millions show up without it, but perhaps they are giving up their rights under the Accords to do so.

Awesome Sauce :D

Rictus, since you're not assigned anything in my previous list, would you be cool with looking up local news stories about the crime and politics of the city at large? both solved and unsolved cases as well as any and all mortal powers involved in the city's mundane life?

I'd like to get a feel for what our road blocks might be in the mortal world, and also anything we could use to tie it into the supernatural.


PS God I'm long winded. I'm sorry for that fellas.

[EDIT] Also, welcome aboard Rictus

And if no GM shows up, I wouldn't be opposed to doing it. However you'd all have to bear with me as this is my first time with the system as well.

No worries BIG, i'm the same way. In fact I'm working on publishing my first book as the result of such tendencies.

Also, I'm a huge fan of the Sidhe both in real world myth and as portrayed in the Dresden Files. It seems the three of us agree there :D

Your lesser fey court option really works too, I'm seeing a sort of Vassal State set up with each of these lesser kingdoms beholden to Mab, Titania, or Der Erlkonnig (wild court) but still retaining enough sovereignty to act on their own. However, if they get out of hand one of the greater fey monarchs may pop in for a quick visit (and a reminder of who's really the boss here). Maybe that's what Katrina was caused by, a storm-oriented court tried to rebel against Titania and something went down? Of course the result was a restoration of balance in the fey world while causing an imbalance in the realms of the dead and the psychic energy left over.

Your idea of an underground Goblin Market / Black Market for magic is especially intriguing. I'm a huge fan of that actually. Maybe its run by a mortal crime boss who's "in the know" or perhaps a dragon is using this as a way to greatly increase his hoard size, or maybe the fey are behind this as well (after all, who better to supervise deal making). Perhaps all three are involved and have a sort of power struggle for dominance.
We could have a sort of Caper Story like "The Italian Job" "Indiana Jones" or "Reservoir Dogs" at least for bits involving the market. Perhaps your character is sponsored by one of the groups, BIG?

(We can bounce between play styles as we move on from story arc to story arc as well (Sort of like the difference between "Storm Front" and "Changes" and how all the other books are different as well, the PHB actually recommends we do that))

As far as a cult like thing during Marti Gras, I could see some heavy White Court activity involved as well, either as part of the cult, in addition to it, or opposed to it. After all, a giant festival about ignoring your inhibitions seems like a great way to get the kine to show up for slaughter.
In fact, depending on how we flesh out that idea, we could have that be the basis for our first play through, we could all be caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time during a particularly violent/scary play from this cult, the white court, or some anti-supernatural group.

The only thing it feels like we're a little light on is vanilla mortal activity, but we can always brain storm more for that later.

In any case, we have plenty to go on now. Our follow up is to find locations that might be good backdrops for any of these ideas within the city itself. Wikipedia, travel guides, and google maps will be our friends.

I'm thinking that nature park between Viavant-Venetian Islands and East New Orleans would be a great place to host at least one of our lesser fey courts, and Bourbon street is an obvious choice to work into something. In addition to grander things like neighborhoods we'll need to find specific landmarks (Think Golden Gate Bridge, or Eiffel Tower) and local hangouts both good and bad (MacAnally's and Boch Ordered Books, as well as St Mary of the Angels and the Velvet Room)

Well, refer to my previous post for your section and come up with a few locations in your areas, post back later today. At that point I think our next step will be nailing down the Threats and Themes.

I've only read through half of the city building chapter (it's one of the longest ones and I figured we had plenty to go with for now)

Once we figure out ghost stories and strange legends and what not, we need to find a way to tie them in with both our characters, and the city's map.

New Orleans ended up being an extra great choice for that. Something that hadn't crossed my mind until reading is how ridiculous it would be casting spells over the Mississippi and out over its many other bodies of water. Which can tie in to some of our next steps.

We need to come up with a list of problems for New Orleans, both long term and short term

They break them down into Themes (Long term problems) and Threats (Short term)
For the over all city, they suggest 1 to 3 total problems (combining themes and threats). It actually says no more than that.

Later, we come up with a couple specific locations per player (these would be in our assigned neighborhoods) and come up with either a theme or threat for each one.

Once we get that done we tie in both the mundane world and the supernatural one, but i'll cover that once we get there. No sense overloading our work plate.

[EDIT] Also, none of this requires understanding of the rules yet. That comes into play later in our process. For now they just want us thinking about things in terms of story, and what we as individuals would like to see/face. Speaking of which, what kind of adventure would we like to have?
-Heavy action?
-Political intrigue?
-Mystery solving?
-etc etc.

Also, what types of foes would we like to face?
-Fey Courts?
-Vampires? (Which courts)
-Mob Bosses?

Ok, so looking at the RPG book itself. This is the checklist they suggest we look into when making the city.

Šneighborhood map (having the names of neighborhoods is important)
Šfolklore, magic, ghost stories
humor, jokes
[urban] legends Š
historical maps
Špolitics Š
crime Š

If we each look up this type of thing for our respective neighborhoods, we'll be on track. (Now back to the rule book so I can figure out how to apply such knowledge)

Ok, well, I guess that's the first order of business.

Do we want to keep our original vote for New Orleans? or go with DC because it's been done for us?

Second, if we stick with New Orleans we'd be figuring out different things about the town. Admittedly I'm not sure what really matters in relation to the RPG, but I can make a few guesses.

1) Cool sites for potential encounters.
2) Something akin to Macinally's (PS blame any potential spelling errors on the fact that I have the audio books not the hard copies)
3) Any locations for law enforcement, firemen, or any other form of government work stations. (Both vanilla mortal and supernatural)
4) Night Life locations (Probably a lot of those on Bourbon Street) or any other place where the supernatural can happen "out in the open" while retaining anonymity.
5) Anything we might find cool or interesting, or that we could use to develop our back stories.
6) Our character's homes. (PS if you aren't finding anything you like for this in your area, feel free to ask around. It's possible one of us found something more like what you're looking for)

I'm sure some of us will find more of one thing than another, we'll have to keep up communications as we go through this.

Will update/correct our checklist tonight once I skim through the city building chapter. Until then, it might be best to simply look at your section and get a general feel for it instead of trying to find anything specific.

Finally, Bourbon Street is in Downtown New Orleans. I'll assign us sections with that in mind Dr.

DrBuzzard: New Orleans proper/ Downtown New Orleans
Kana: Viavant-Venetian Islands
BIG: Gentilly
Darth: Metairie
Me: East New Orleans

OK. So unless we decide to go with DC that's the break down. I'm all for city building though, it seems like part of the fun to me. (PS, that's my vote)

PPS: Good find BIG, hope your PM works out for us :D

Ok sweet. Looks like we've got everyone's official vote except Darth's. At this point we have majority rule, but I'd argue to give him until tonight (after all, I'm not sure how far we can until we've got some reading done anyway.)

That being said, I see no reason why we can't get a little bit of real world research started now.

From what I've managed to gather from Google Maps, the 5 major sections of the city are: Metairie, Gentilly, Viavant-Venetian Islands, New Orleans proper, and New Orleans East Area. Other subsections exist, and we can further break that up as we go. But for now focusing on the major areas seems wisest.

Anyone have any preferences for which areas of town they'd like to look into more? If not I'm fine with a simple assignment system. Hit me back and we can start, I'll be checking in again in about an hour or two.

Alright. Well it seems Portland's been vetoed haha.

I'm down with New Orleans. I'll miss the mountains but its not like I'd really see them anyway.

Berlin is my second choice, huge street art community there (thinking of non-supernatural aspects of my character as well) and I'm in the process of teaching myself German so it would be a fun way to force myself to practice haha.

Anyway, it sounds like we've pretty much settled on a city.

New Orleans? All in favor confirm your votes. This way we wont mistakenly assume everyone's fine with it.

As far as not having the rule books, Kana, I haven't actually looked in them too much. Only a quick glance the first time and I'm not going to have access until later tonight :( so I can't tell you for sure how much you'd be handicapped.

If it looks to be a big deal though, I'll let you know. If worst comes to worst and you can't find a copy of the books, I could send you any info you might want through PMs. (Such as what PC options are, and how they work)

Once we get that far, we might be better off posting general rule discussions in the thread as well. This way we can make sure we're all on the same page as far as how Game Mechanics work.

Quick recap: Everyone confirm whether you're cool with New Orleans or not, from there we can proceed to whatever the next step is.

PS Tomorrow I'll borrow my friend's game guide and read up on the city building rules. In theory we could get down to business then.

I'd be down to create a city and hope a GM thinks we're worth it. :D

Any votes? I personally don't feel like we need to be in the US, BIG Bad. Where ever you're from could be quite cool (I mean, its not like the supernatural is limited to America.) ;)

If we do go US though, I'd cast my vote for Portland, Oregon. It's one of my favorite places I've ever lived, and it already has this very mysterious supernatural vibe to it thanks to all the mist, mountains, dark woods, and old smuggler's tunnels. Plus its a bit on the small side as far as cities go, so we could probably finish its creation sooner. :D

I'm fine with Terms of PC Peace Azalea.

And as far as PM's that's fine with me. That's what I do on a skype game I run.

Also, I'm still waiting to hear word on any kinds of common creature types that live around Tallenfur. Still haven't settled on a favored enemy yet. Was hoping to have an option of things that Godfri would have had hostile contact with. If I don't hear word from you soon, Shallow Hammer, I'll settle on Elf and write it off as constantly sparring with his father and younger brother.

Until then. :D

Hey, Yeah Sombras, still have a ranger haha.

I'm not to familiar with the modern rules, but I suppose it would be less of a switch than learning an entirely new system.

I'd be down, although I'd need a place to look up the modern rules.

Haha yeah...

I love cold days.

I've been waiting for that book since Dresden's first run in with Mab haha

Well, if and when that type of thing happens... I call changeling :D

Well, aren't we just a gaggle of misfits? haha

Well, I 'm interested but I'm sort of in Darth's boat... Any GMs out there?

Haha I hear you. I have this awesome halfling sorcerer write up (using a 20 point build) that had a 5 str after penalties. But he could convince you to let him bang your wife if he ever got the chance to open his mouth :D

At first I was like "Oh i can stick my +2 into strength" but then I rolled a 7 and knew I'd need to stick it in Intelligence.

I don't mind being a little slow, but that was just too much haha. Had to make it a 9.

Ah, I see. Well I'm in no real position to be all "HE SAID TO ROLL IT!" because I got lucky with my rolls.

Honestly the Teleportation subschool is one of my favorites haha. So many tactical options for you. Here's to hoping you get your way <raises beer mug>


Don't forget you get a +2 to any one stat of your choice as a Human/Half-Elf/Half-Orc. As well as the racial bonuses of other races. You could bump up your 16 to an 18 that way. :D

PS: Goodbye Barvo

Sorry that last post was so long. This will be shorter, I promise.

Godfri's a Half-Orc Ranger (depending on the exact party make up I'll go either Combat Style, but for now I'm leaning toward's duel wielding)

Str 18, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 6.

I haven't settled on a favored enemy yet. Are there any creature types that you think he'd have more frequent run ins with growing up as he did SH?

Ok, I've got my Character all figured out. Using only the core rules (which I actually find refreshing to cut down all the options and embrace simplicity haha) I have my character more or less written up.

I left his last name up to you SH as this is your campaign setting and part of his backstory involves the history of Tallenfur.

His family moved to Tallenfur about 20 years ago, his 'father' and mother set about building an empire of logging, sawmills, and planting vineyards. Now his family is one of the wealthier household names, but they have a black mark on their reputation.

Variel (the 'father') is an elf, who was good friends with Godfri (my character's late grandfather, and a human). He ended up marrying Godfri's daughter, Sophia. But when they moved to Tallenfur to set up their business, a band of orc raiders attacked them and in the chaos, they raped Sophia. Nine months later, my character was born.

Sophia named the little baby half-orc after her father. And she loved him with all her heart. But Variel hated little Godfri. He tried not to, for Sophia's sake, but every time he looked at his 'son' all he could think about was his failure to save Sophia from the orcs. It didn't help that Godfri was a bit slow witted and habitually put his foot in his mouth. Yet even the things he excelled at seemed to cause more harm than good. His nearly supernatural durability and prowess for violence only seemed to further the wedge between them.

A year later, Godfri's little brother Lanliss (a half elf), came into the world. As the two boys grew older, Variel showed less and less love for his first 'son' in favor of his real son. Eventually he named Lanliss the heir to his fortune and his successor in the family businesses. This infuriated Godfri, who felt cheated somehow, and when he confronted his father the argument ended with Variel disowning his wife's bastard child.

Sophia couldn't save him from his fate, but she did what she could. And when Godfri left his family's Estate for the last time, he left well armed and equipped. Also he managed to sneak a few things out as well, like the first bottle of wine his father ever made, and a signet ring with his father's seal. The first was mostly due to spite, to take something of sentimental value away from his father. The second was to remind himself of his father, and to strengthen his resolve to be a better man than Variel.

Begin the Adventure...

Cool, that pretty much settle's that then. I'll be playing a ranger then. Is there any special place you want us post our back stories? I can post here if you're not too concerned with group sharing. (don't worry I'll keep it simple)

Yeah, good questions. Its what I was asking, but smarter.

Also, will we be getting average starting gold? How will you be handling hit points?

Oh, also. Do you use the point buy method? or random rolling? If point buy, how many points to begin with? 15? 20? ... o.O 10?

I think I'll be a local. If I recall from your Campaign Info, Tallenfur is relatively new to its wealth? Perhaps I'll be a second generation Tallenfurian. My parents were foreigners seeking wealth and glory, while I was born to their success (or lack there-of).

And don't worry Barvo, Wizard is fine with me, I like playing all types of characters so you wont be crushing my dreams. In fact, the last few games I played I was a sorcerer, so this will be a nice change of pace for me. :D

I'm thinking either a ranger, fighter, barbarian.... or druid/oracle... are you allowing archetypes or non-base classes? The decision will help narrow it down for me.

I'll sign up.

Is there any kind of local lore that a character might know growing up? I like to role play and to create a character that fits in the GMs world. (or are you running the actual campaign setting, and if so which part of the world should I look up some basic knowledge for?)

If you're looking to maintain some level of secrecy in player's information, I might also suggest getting our Sense Motive, Perception, and other reactive skill and ability bonuses on file. You can roll them secretly when situations arise, thus keeping us in the dark as to whether such a thing was rolled or how well we did. It helps prevent meta-gaming.

Also, what are the race/class restrictions?