RobertDD's page

51 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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I just saw this. I am still looking for a set of my own as well. If paizo'd be making these, I'd be estatic!

Thank you so much!
Customer service is the best here. Even the ex-customer is king, it seems. I will more than likely be back to purchase more D&D materials in the future. Meanwhile, all the best to everyone!

Cosmo, is that including the order that was going to be sent to me on the 11th? Please don't send that one and don't charge me for it!

While the downloads for that order have been made available to me today (I just noticed) I haven't and won't download them.

Well, I am sorry, but at this point I have to cancel my subscriptions. It really has gotten to the point where I cannot justify the cost anymore.

The collector in me wants to collect it all. It is why I signed up from the start. But if I can't have the complete set, I don't really want any of it.

I am extremely sorry to have to make this decission, especially since I have had so much fun reading through all of it, but tagging on more and more to the pathfinder world has gotten to be too much at this point. So please cancel my order and my subscriptions before it goes out, and thank you for the teriffic first adventure path. :(


Hi, I have a few questions about this order. First, why isn't the Pathfinder Advantage applied? The email is worded so that it seems that all this will ship after the tenth (and if not, can you hold it a few days so the Pathfinder Advantage does apply?)

Second, the order total is $71.19. What the heck [stronger expletive removed]? I cannot pass this by the wife!

When I signed up for the chronicles I was lead to believe that we would have an extra book or game item every other month or so, like six extra items a year. Now I am getting three all at once? Will this continue? I really do not want more than two products a month ever, no more than a $35 charge. I also want everything pathfinder, no gaps (with the possible exception of the item cards (but including the harrow deck!)). If pathfinder is going to be more than that I will (have to) cancel out, which I wouldn't like because I really love the products. I expressed my concerns before about Paizo going the "TSR way" with this, which I would consider a big mistake...

Terry Dyer wrote:
I was answered with an inquiry that I had posted and was told they have two patents they are trying to finish before going at it again. Though he said it would be late in the New Year or even later but he was hoping to get them up and going again.

Very cool, I so hope that that will take off sooner rather than later, as I think those are the best D&D accesory I have seen yet. Paizo, you guys should really make another attempt at getting in touch and getting this going! 2nd hand sets fetch in the $150s now on ebay, if they are available at all.

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Thanks to Cruelaide and Guillaume Godbout for the linkyies. I guess I'm looking for things to make me excited about 4e. Those articles fit the bill. Mahalo!

Uhhh, you are welcome, I guess...


I don't know if anybody posted this already, but I just found out about this and didn't see anything:

Gary Gygax.

I just read this and I found it worth sharing here. I hope you agree.... (if it has been pointed to before I apologize)

Well, seems like you fixed something. I just selected Standard Mail for future shipments (it's 0.08 more than it used to be, but I can live with that, lol)

Hi Cosmo,

I noticed you have not changed me over to USPS ground shipping yet, and when I went to try to change it myself, there was no option that I could select? I mean, I can select shipping methods, just not USPS Ground.

Also, I know that I ahve not made changes to my account since adding the Chronicles subscription, and since the order after that (which included item cards) says it did arrive USPS Package Service something really weird is going on here...

Can you please look into this?

Thanks again!

Euh, yes please, set it back to the cheapest option, please. I have no idea how it got changed as I really don't think I changed it myself?

Thanx for filling me in. I look forward to seeing the new font.

Paizo Order #872338
Subtotal (1 Item): $13.99
Shipping & Handling: $7.17
Order Total: $21.16

Paizo Order #852492
Subtotal (1 Item): $13.99
Shipping & Handling: $4.00
Order Total: $17.99

What happened to my $4 shipping? Is the $7.17 right? Last month, when I got item cards too, all in a huge box, it was even less than $7.17. Can someone please check what happened (& correct)? thanx!

Frank Reding wrote:
[...] But I wish there were a way for people like me, who keep their local gaming store alive, to get a PDF version of Pathfinder too, without having to shell out twice [...]

Funny, I have been on here half a dozen times to start a threat about the exact same damn thing. Hear, hear!

SirUrza wrote:
You guys are missing the point. The PDF is free to subscribers because WE do business with Paizo, not the FLGS. If you choose to go the FLGS, that's your choice. The PDF free is their way of competing with the FLGS instead of offering discounts on the price of books.

No, you are missing the point.

My FLGS is where I play D&D every tuesday. They keep the hobby alive. By selling directly to the public Paizo undercuts their retailer base, who are the same people that introduced many of us to the hobby. There is a mutual dependency between retailers and producers.

The problem is: between Borders running 30% discount coupons all the time and selling every WOTC product I ever need, and Paizo offering PDF's for free, how can my FLGS compete?

Cpt_kirstov wrote:

This is something the they have discussed multiple times, but have not come up with a good solution. [...]

I believe Lisa and Vic have both said that if you can think of a way to eliminate the abuse while allowing FLGS buys to get PDF access. to propose it, but until they find a cost effective way, its a no-go.

Here's the cost effective and practical way for you:

1. Instead of ordering Pathfinder through my FLGS I will still order and subscribe from Paizo.
2. I will get an email: "your copy is on its way to your FLGS, here's your PDF".
3. My hard copy will be shipped to my FLGS at the appropriate time, quite possibly automatically bundled with their two weekly order from their supplier.
4. I will go to my FLGS to pick it up.
5. Financially: I pay Paizo, Paizo pays FLGS. I am quite alright with being charged retail, but no shipping, instead of getting a subscriber discount + shipping, as that evens out.

That way Paizo gets all the advantages of subscribing and volume control, and my FLGS gets a piece of the action for being the retailer servicing me and providing the "after market support" I rely on as a consumer.

Now, here's the real kicker, and why Paizo should do this:
Paizo gets Pathfinder in the FLGS. That is something that has not happened here (and I have read reports that that is not happening elsewhere either). That means that they will reach a whole new group of roleplayers. When I used to pick up my Dungeon from my FLGS, Five people that would ordinarily never see a Dungeon (because my FLGS had it come in esspecially for me) would leaf through it. I have no clue in how many sales that resulted, but the exposure was much higher than now, since it is just me getting it at home.

So Paizo, help me do the right thing (support my FLGS) and implement this!

Oh, whoever made the remark about this being a bad year: you are so right! If Paizo implemets this quick, they might find themselves earning some brand loyalty real easy, 'cause there's not much love for WOTC right now with these guys...

Erik Mona wrote:

You have detected the Invisible Hand of Sarah Robinson.

Galleys for #7 hit my desk today (before rapidly being snatched back up), and she's really upped the ante on the look of the new Adventure Path.

I can't wait for you to see it!

I hope it has the larger font. While I support the decision not to change the look during an adventure path I do get really tired of those small little scribbles and I don't think I can do much more of it.

Brent wrote:
I was wondering if there is a wallpaper for Seelah? I have one for all the other pathfinder iconics as well as Karzoug, but I couldn't find one for Seelah. Anyone who can either point me in the right direction or let me know if/when there will be a wallpaper for Seelah is much appreciated.

She's not on a cover for the Rise of the Runelords adventure path, so this is all there is for now:

Robert Miller 55 wrote:
I would love for you guys to partner up with Fat Dragon Games to do their 3D dungeon stuff for important encounter areas, the town of Sandpoint, etc...

I just checked out fat dragon games, and I would really like Pathfinder Cardboard 3D stuff like that. The town of sandpoint would be fantastic. I would also like to see simple little cardboard standups for mini's that we can use. Can you imagine having a stockpile of goblins like that. Cool!

The Last Rogue wrote:
[...] In a completely impartial light, yes they are taking some of the math away [...]

Yeah, they are taking fractions away!


We better get a 4.5 soon! :(

I just wanted to throw in my support for slip covers. However, if pathfinder will ever come out in hard covers I will discontinue my sub immediately and wait for the hard covers.

I think it would be a big mistake going that route, and I would MUCH rather see slip covers, though.

Slip cover would be GREAT! We NEED that!!! We should have it already!!!

BTW, the mock-up art posted is outstanding. I agree with the comment that on the spine we'd want some text, though, including a big numeral "1", but otherwise outstanding.

Paizo, get this done. :)

Is there any news on the topic of Paizo produced tact-tiles?

Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Wizards hasn't been around since 1974 either.

You may know dogs, but I know corporations, and it's entirely possible that TSR does still exist. The DE secretary of state has TSR, Inc. as having existed since 1969 and still active in that state. Just as WotC continues to exist after being acquired by Hasbro, so to can TSR continue to exist after being acquired by WotC.

So, if the Company = WotC, including its subsdiary, TSR, the statement is true.

It's like if GE were to say "bringing you the Tonight Show since Johnny Carson" that would be true even though it's NBC (GE's subsidiary), and not GE itself, that produces the show.

I'm OK with them saying they offered D&D since 1974, although I think that's as much of a stretch as Mitt Romney seeing his father march with MLK, but saying they are the only company that offers both Dungeons & Dragons is justplain not true and ridiculous. Paizo offered Dungeons (I bought one every month for years) and Dragons (Bought oneor two of these at some point too). Heck, even my local game store offers Dungeons & Dragons, every tuesday night. These companies are not and never were owned by WOTC, and while WOTC might've licensed Paizo, they certainly haven't licensed my local game store.

WOTC marketing department is a bunch of idiots for printing this add. False advertising is what it is, and someone should call them on it.

Alright, back to the original topic: "Deluxe Pathfinder Subscription"

Pathfinder Chronicles Subscription


Oh, I just figured they had the date wrong, lol

A while back I subscribed to this "Games for Windows" magazine. They had a cheap deal on it. So when I was reading my current copy I saw this add by WOTC:


The words "Only" and "Both" are underlined.


I would get very excited about minis made like WizKids makes their Pirates and Star Wars miniatures games, or maybe even cardboard standups with plastic stands. That way you can make a lot of different ones with full color artwork that look good and work well in gameplay. I'd be all over something like that.

Unpainted miniatures, on the other hand, haven't gotten my interest in long while, although I might just pick up the iconics, as I can justify the time and effort involved in painting (or quite possibly the cost in having someone do it for me) for PCs more than I can for monsters.

Whatever you do, please don't make it "collectable"/random blind packaging! I will not get sucked into another money drain like that.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Unfortunately, telecommuting isn't in the cards for this job for a ton of technical reasons I personally don't understand. :)

As for what we program in, I believe it is MySql, WebObjects, and Java.

I can make a guess at at least a few of those reasons, they're probably pretty close to why we don't let people on our team tele-commute, lol.

Anyways, I just noticed it took you, CEO of Paizo, 11 minutes to reply to my reply. Now that is just insane. (for reference, it took Tomtom (the GPS guys) customer support three days to answer a technical question of mine the other day, and I thought that was alright)

Lisa Stevens wrote:
[...] his wife wouldn't let them move to Seattle), we still don't have someone to help Gary. You wouldn't want to apply Robert, would you?

Would I? Of course I would! Working for Paizo would be sooooo cool (insert valley girl accent)!

Unfortunately, my wife also doesn't want me to move to Seatle. I emigrated from Holland five years ago, and then we still lived apart over here until about year and a half ago 'cause for a while I couldn't find a job anywhere close and I ended up renting an apartment in CT and later in VT and commuting home (home is NH) on the weekends, so now that she finally has me home she tends to be protective about that.

How about tele-commuting? :)
BTW: do you guys even write your software in Delphi?

Meanwhile, I tend to agree with that guy before me, the one that suggested to just offer the option:
"Ship with you regular Pathfinder subscription for as cheap as we can do it"

That totally so would work for me. :)

Systems Analyst Developer Upper Delphi Senior Programmer Architect Project Leader Paizo Wannabee Telecommuter

SirUrza wrote:
Just be patient guys, I'm sure they'll have the combined subscription option ready for chronicles before the first chronicles book comes out.

I really don't get this type of reply. They don't add anything to the discussion and distract from getting real answers. So please don't post unless you have some real knowledge to share, or just want to express an opinion, came up with a funny joke that is halfway relevant, or have something to add at all.

So Anyway, I've been checking here daily for a while now to see if there is more info on the "deluxe pathfinder subscription". There hasn't been (I think, sometimes I miss these things). So, an update (any update, like: "check back in another two weeks 'cause we are running a little behind") from someone at Paizo (not SirUrza) would be appreciated.

And I also appologize for sounding grumpier than I really am ('cause I really am not, really). And SirUrza is a good guy, just a little over-protective of the Paizo staff. :)

Blackscorp wrote:

Even so you end up spending 18+ hours a day to meet the dead lines.

Senior Developer System's Specialist.
Delphi, C# Programmer.

I'm not entirely sure if there's a question there, but going out on a limb: I spend 24 hours a day meeting and exceeding deadlines (I especially often exceed the deadline that I set my alarm clock for...)

Senior Upper Delphi Developer Systems Analyst Architect Project Leader

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
give them time. they are busy doing other things than just posting information. they have a business to run as well.

They're a good lot, they are. :) I just bumped my original post, but I don't really like just typing "Bump".

Oh, BTW:
subscription = money
money = business

So I really don't get the "they have a business to run as well" comment.

grrtigger wrote:
And writing (and testing, and debugging) code never, ever goes as well, or as quickly, as you wish it would, no matter how hard you wish.

Depends on the achievability of the wish and the quality of the programmer....

Robert DD
Delphi Programmer

Erik Mona wrote:
I suggest waiting a bit. We plan to have things up and running in the next two weeks at the latest, and should still give you enough time to get the extra stuff before the first one ships out.

Written on the 12th. 12 + 14 = 26. Today = 28. At the lastest = We should know something by now.

Did I miss it?

Erik Mona wrote:
I suggest waiting a bit. We plan to have things up and running in the next two weeks at the latest, and should still give you enough time to get the extra stuff before the first one ships out.

That is somewhere next week. Good news, can't wait!

Lisa Stevens wrote:

We have never sold Tact-Tiles on, though many of us use them in our games. As far as we can tell, the company that made Tact-Tiles is out of business. Numerous queries to them have gone unreturned. We agree that Tact-Tiles would be nice to sell here on and are exploring ways to get a similar product into production. Stay tuned!


Wow, that would be incredible! I have been looking for tact-tiles or an alternative for quite a while, but have come up empty. I only learned about tact-tiles when they had already closed down production. I would love to own a set. I will keep on the look out.

As to queries going unreturned, not too long ago, I, too, emailed Tom Belcher of BC-Products. While the answer I got was not what I was hoping for (I was hoping for: "yeah, we have a few 12-packs laying around that I'll let you have at half price", lol) he was fast and responsive in his emails back to me. Strange and unfortunate that you have a different experience...

I while back there was talk about having an all-inclusive pathfinder subscription, a deluxe edition if you want, that includes Chronicles, Map Folios and all other Pathfinder materials. Has a decision been made yet as to wether or not such a subscription will be launched (and what exactly it will include)?

Also, there was talk about having an option to delay shipping of an order from Paizo until the next edition of your Pathfinder subscription to combine and save on shipping. Is that in place yet?

DarkArt wrote:

Ooh White, White

[Drivel Drivel Drivel]
Rang dang diggedy dang di-dang
[Drivel Drivel Drivel]
visions [Drivel] in my head at the moment.

Dude, that must be the single weirdest reply I've ever gotten to a post anywhere. But seriously: what happened to that download? I'd like to have the good version....

What happened to that download? It says it's a 7.5 MB zip, but when I download it its only a 0.99 MB Zip, and when I unzip the maps have all these white lines on them, like parts of it were cut out and then pasted back in not exactly the right place.

First: I am not a big proponent of 4E. It sounds like one big computer game to me, and while I love computer games I feel there’s already more than enough product out there to fulfill that need. D&D is pen, paper and a table full of friends, snacks and drinks, and if it becomes anything else I’m not interested.

Second: it seems WOTC is not concerned with keeping the current customer base; they are aiming at a new generation of gamers. So, if Paizo would aim for the current customer base they would not go head to head with WOTC, they would both serve different market segments.

Third: publishing 3.Paizo is by no means an exclusive decision. With rulebooks outselling adventures 10 to 1 the break-even point of a Pathfinder PHB could be a fairly easy mark. Later on, when things stabilize in 4E, Paizo could upgrade, or, when things do not work out in 4E, Paizo would be uniquely positioned to sweep up the pieces. Win/win!

Check this thread out:
Confused About Products

Ah, I forgot about that free pdf download. That would take care of that particular example, of course. Now, if you are like me, you would still need the hardcopy, but I was trying to give an example more than I was trying to point out a giant and accute issue ('cause it isn't).

tbug wrote:

So the stuff that wasn't included was the SRD and the player's guide. These are both available for free as a download. What would have been a better solution? Possibilities that I can see (and I may be missing some):

1. Include links to where people can download this information.

2. Include the information (eg weapon stats and domain details) and cut out an equivalent amount of other content.

3. Include the information and reduce the font size slightly.

4. Remove the need for the information (eg by never referencing dogslicers or non-PHB domains).

Any others?

What would be your preferred way of fixing this? I favour option number one, myself.

Here's some others:

5. Offering it for free (hey, didn't they do that?)
6. Offering it for a ridiculously low price so noone can afford not to get it (hey, don't they do that?)
7. Adding it to the subscription, since everybody needs and want it anyways and it's ridiculously cheap to begin with (hey, why don't they do that?)

I favor 7! By the way, I do not favor links to anything but home pages ( in printed form, as links tend to go dead...

James Jacobs wrote:

The best solution, I think, would have been to simply reprint the material. In Pathfinder 2, when we have a big section that talks about Desna, we reprint the domain she has from the SRD.

I am a big fan of reprinting like that, but I understand that can get out of hand.

Again, my preference is that someone (Paizo) sets the expectation up front ("GameMastery material will NOT EVER be referenced in Pathfinder, but Pathfinder Chronicles, Pathfinder Player's guides and other Pathfinders might") and that Paizo offers a subscription that matches that expectation.

I just stumbled upon this, which added some fuel to my proverbial fire...

In Pathfinder #1 on Page 63, Paizo wrote:
More information about the six gods and goddesses of Sandpoint can be found in the Rise of the Runelords Player’s Guide.

This is exactly the sort of thing I was talking about in my original post. Such a reference infers a need to have access to that resource, and this is a resource not included with the subscription. Am I correct in assuming that a similar reference will never be made to a GameMastery product but might be made to a Pathfinder Chronicle?

On a side note: I noted that "Tome of Horrors" and "The Book of Fiends" are also referenced, but it seems that in those cases the relevant referenced content has been reprinted in Pathfinder. That is totally fine as far as I'm concerned.

I just went over to downloads (for an entirely different reason) and I saw there were two downloads ready for me, one of Pathfinder one in pieces, and one as a single big bookmarked file.

WOW! Great way to show Paizo listens, guys!

The only real issue is that the bookmarks for the Bestiary section seem to be a bit of a mess, but otherwise it is PERFECT!

Vic Wertz wrote:
RobertDD wrote:
giving a generic option to add an order to the next shipment of your subscription to combine shipping
Actually, we're already planning that.

That is great, can't wait!

Vic Wertz wrote:

a *discounted* subscription is another matter. Remember that as a publisher, we have to keep retailers who sell our products happy, and and they feel we're undercutting them at the retail level, they won't support our products. [...] (If you're wondering why we *can* discount the base Pathfinder sub without annoying them, it's because Pathfinder is uniquely positioned as the successor to Dungeon and Dragon.)

Hmm, I'd like to submit that the "super" pathfinder subscription would still be a Pathfinder subscription. Maybe, instead of giving us a straight discount of the coverprice of the Chronicles we get an extra discount (say 40% instead of 30%) of the coverprice of Pathfinder if we subscribe to the "super" pathfinder subscription. It would be like being gold members, lol.

Just putting a thought in your head....

Vic Wertz wrote:
We have yet to figure out how to implement this. Obviously, you can subscribe to Pathfinder, and you can subscribe to Modules... coming up with a subscription to Pathfinder Chronicles would be fairly easy... but what about stuff like Item Cards, Map Packs, Flip-Mats and such? How about T-shirts? Alternate covers? Should those be included? Until that sort of thing gets solved, we can't really say what it might cost.

I see, that is tough. While I can only speak for myself, I would say:

Pathfinder: Yes
Pathfinder Chronicles: Yes
Pathfinder Player's Guides: Yes
PathFinder Map Packs: Yes

Item Cards: No
Flip Mats: No
T-Shirts: No
Alternate Pathfinder Covers: No
GameMastery Modules: No

But when I am going over my list like this I am realizing that maybe the subscription should be more "piecemeal" than I anticipated previously. I guess it would be interesting to see if my preference is what others want, or if I am way different than everyone else, or if everyone wants something different.

By the way, I very much like Urza's idea of giving a generic option to add an order to the next shipment of your subscription to combine shipping (that would definately make me want to order some of those really nifty spell template wire thingies I've been eying) but I do not know if that will become a logistical nightmare for Paizo. And I also want to get rewarded for having a subscription by getting a percentage of the cover price of my Pathfinder articles.

Vic Wertz wrote:

The Pathfinder Chronicles books are like bonus features, allowing you to immerse yourself more deeply in the total experience.

The GameMastery Modules are like a collection of shorts set in the same world as the feature, but unrelated to the plot of Rise of the Runelords.

Alright, I get it. I don't need to buy the GameMastery modules, but if I'd skip the Pathfinder Chronicles (or anything else with the Pathfinder name in it) I'd be missing out big time.

So my original question remains (kind of): what will it take, anually, dollar-wise, to experience the full pathfinder experience... (see, I worded it different so we don't get into more discussions about need) (and I do realize that that question now is pretty much the same as: "what will the cost of the big, all inclusive pathfinder subscription be" so if I have to wait for you guys to figure that one out that's fine too.)

I just wanted to chime in and say that I am also one of the people happy to hear that the font size will be increasing a little.

I am also very happy about the decission to not mess with the format until the second adventure path.

I'd be excited to see a big subscription as well. Am I correct in stating that that would entail 2 player's guides (please DO include the player's guides), 4 or 5 Chronicles and 12 pathfinders a year, plus combined shipping and % of the cover prices of all with a subscription? While that would be a bit of an additional investment I would be very happy with a structure like that. More would be pushing it.

A quick comment about need:
I understand that there is no NEED to buy anything D&D, ever, but to say: "Having access to the other products may enhance your experience [... of the world ...] especially if you're interested in [...] coloring outside the lines of your adventures a bit." that's really the same as saying: "Without chronicles you really loose quite a bit of the color and experience of the world we created", which sounds a lot like: "if you only buy Pathfinder you are buying only half the experience" and that is very close to the fear I voiced in my first post.

I'm glad to hear that the products will be stand alone and will not rely upon cross platform information. As for getting great value for whatever I decide to buy, I am not arguing that at all. I think Pathfinder is terific value and I really have not been this excited about something D&D for quite some time, but a Dungeon and a Dragon all rolled into one and every topic interrelated and fully usable and applicable is just great.

Still, the completist in me is not too happy with all the modules I will be unable to purchase. Also, you guys make a great argument about the Game Mastery modules, but what about the monthly edition of pathfinder chronicles? That seems important background that is indispensable. In fact, others have already discussed the option of one big all inclusive pathfinder subscription... I imagine a chronicle and a pathfinder issue together gts you over the thirty bucks a month, and that's a lot...

Full Name

Fen Tova




Witch 1







Strength 9
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Fen Tova

Female Halfling Witch 1
Init +5;

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size, )
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3, +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.


Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11

Feats: Extra Hex
Traits: Reactionary, Touched by the Sea

Skills (* designates ranks)
*Acrobatics +6
--Acrobatics (Jump) +2
Appraise +3
Bluff +3
Climb +1
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Escape Artist +3
Fly +5
*Heal +4
Intimidate +3
*Knowledge (Nature) +7
*Perception +3
*Profession (Cook) +4
Ride +3
Stealth +7
Survival +0
*Swim +3

Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling

SQ Cantrips, Charm, Fearless, Halfling Luck, Healing, Keen Senses, Sure-Footed, Weapon Familiarity, Witch's Familiar

Water Patron
Hexes: Charm, Healing
Charm (Su): A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. (DC 13)

Healing (Su): A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch’s caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.

Cantrips (DC 13), 3/day
Arcane Mark - Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Bleed - Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Dancing Lights - Creates torches or other lights.
*Daze - A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect Magic - Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. Detect Poison - Detects poison in one creature or small object.
*Guidance - +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
*Light - Object shines like a torch.
Mending - Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message - Whisper conversation at distance.
Putrefy Food and Drink - Makes food and water inedible.
Read Magic - Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance - Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Spark - Ignites flammable objects.
Stabilize - Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Touch of Fatigue - Touch attack fatigues target.

Level 1 (DC 14), 2/day
Cure Light Wounds - Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).
Mage Armor - Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Ray of Enfeeblement - Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.
*Sleep - Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Summon Monster I - Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.
*Frostbite - melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of nonlethal cold damage + 1 point per level, and the target is fatigued

Fen grew up listening to the tales her uncle told about the exciting life he had as a sailor aboard one of the Halfling merchant ships from Korvosa, and was fascinated by the exotic and adventurous life the sea had to offer. The only child of the owners of a small tavern, her life would be inevitably boring by comparison, so she often snuck away to a bluff that overlooked the sea where she would breathe deep the salty air and dream of sailing away to exciting new lands.
It was after one of these forays that she returned home to find disaster – the door was broken off its hinges and the tavern was completely wrecked. She frantically searched through the rubble only to find her parents lifeless bodies, fresh wounds betraying their violent death. Through tears, Fen fled her home and ran aimlessly until she found herself in a tavern where a kindly gentleman dried her tears and bought her a drink. After she calmed down, she walked down to the docks to gaze at the sea, hoping the tranquil sight would inspire her to know where to go now. A blow to the back of her head silenced all such thought.