Intellect Devourer

Rob Smasher's page

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In my current group, I had three complete newbies to the game, so a theme was needed. The original group were all from the same, small town. Our first adventure was with them as children (low abilities, little skills points, wizard had only 0 level spells, etc), and we branched out from there.

Having a central theme helps keep the fusion of the PC's, and also makes them goal oriented. Obviously this is not for everyone, but with as many new players I have taught in the last couple of years, it helps greatly.

I currently have a game going on that needs one player, preferably someone who enjoys roleplaying, as I want to add more of that to the game. Three of the players are newbies, but are holding their own so far, but we only have one good role player in the group.

We will be spinning off another game soon, that one of the players is going to DM, as I really want to play. That game will be in the same world, but evil characters. I think there is room for 2-3 more players in that game.

We play D&D 3.5, with some modified house rules. The game is held either at my place, near Hillcroft and Westheimer, or the DM for the evil campaign hosts occasionally at his place off of Westheimer and Montrose.

We do have some special considerations, but open mindedness is the key here. If you are interested, email me and CC with a bit about yourself, gaming history, etc. etc. You can also hit me up on Yahoo IM (robert_gruver_2000) or AOLIM (robsmasher) anytime.