
RinValak's page

23 posts (3,510 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 aliases.


Interested in the idea, but I think I'll just lurk and watch for now :)

Woo hoo! Thanks much :) Being a prisoner sounds much more interesting. Feel free to abuse Kiril as much as you like.

I've read up on the campaign info, and I understand the house rules, though I still have a few questions--and any players that know the answers feel free :)

On the setting:
1) Are the deities Tempus, Tymora, Tyr, etc? Or are there custom Gods?
2) Is this the same world as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Amn, but far away? Or is this a separate universe entirely.
3) As noted in my background, I'm wondering if there's a big imperial style army (Aldoan?) that my character could have been in.

On character creation:
1) Do I pick my fighter starting gear as normal, then add my 'additional gold' roll in coins on top that? (I think I did it wrong on my gold-spent post, woops).
2) What am I rolling for additional starting XP?

And thanks again, hope you're feeling better sir

Heh sorry for coming on so strong :]

I had some time and motivation at that moment so I just made it, don't worry about it if there's no room or I'm not a good fit etc. I just enjoy making characters.


4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 4) = 16 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 1) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 6) = 20 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 4) = 16 = 13
5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 4, 5) = 27 = 18
5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 5, 1) = 14 = 12

Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) = 11 x10 = 110gp

Hey. Heard you lost a bunch of players. If you'll have me, I'm in.

Memorize this:

Any class.

Name: Kas'Gala
Class/Career: Quarian Mercenary
Short history: Left on pilgrimage and was amazed by the outside world. He loved the dangers and excitement, telling himself he just hadn't found the right thing to bring back to the migrant fleet to conclude his pilgrimage. He still tells himself that, when he thinks of home, but it's been almost two decades. Now he is jaded, working for a powerful crime boss doing odd jobs--collecting debts, catching runaways, pushing out anyone who encroaches on the boss' territory, etc. Since he grew into adulthood away from the fleet, he had to retrofit his own clean room to design and build his own adult enviro-suit. Given his profession, he built it with heavy combat in mind, adding plenty of armor and targeting-assistance systems.
Personality: Kas still hopes to return home one day, but it's seemed less and less likely each year that passes. He has all sorts of excuses, some he even believes. Having an extremely 'even-keel', Kas is almost always steady and calm. He doesn’t like violence, but rationalizes that he needs the money to keep eating, so he can stay alive, so any violence he commits to get paid is merely self-defense. This thought process has made him fairly callous, but not without heart. On numerous occasions (when he thought he could get away with it) he helped people escape instead of killing them or shaking them down for credits. His boss has either never found out, or chooses not to punish him for whatever reason.

Krogan would be my second choice

OH snap

Dungeon World sounds pretty interesting to me, more focus on narration than dice rolls from what I understand.

sounds good to me, plot hook away

Can't pass this up :D I Don't know dungeon world either, though I've read a lil. I have a backstory roughed out in my head, but don't have time to flesh it out at the moment. Short version is a Quarian who never came back from his pilgrimage, got mixed up in organized crime, and became something of a mercenary.

Name: Kas'Gala (may change)
Race: Quarian, Male
Alignment: Neutral
Moves: Overload, Tech Armor, and Offensive Mastery (passively increased weapon damage, power damage, and carry capacity--or however you want to handle it).
Gear: Wears a custom-built heavily armored enviro-suit of his own design. Favors his thoroughly modified blackmarket M-6 Carnifex heavy pistol.
Appearance: Tough and dangerous physical build, a criminal's build, made more threatening by the bulk of his armored enviro-suit. The suit itself is mostly black and gun-metal gray, with war-paint around the mask--a maw of long fangs in white. Contrast to the white is a black stripe across the visor, covering his eyes--which is a thin strip aim-assisting and vision-enhancing electronics.
Stats: Str(12), Dex(15), Con(16), Int(13), Wis(9), Cha(8)
--Or something along that order of priority

haha happy birthday then!

cool :D

If a spot opens up let me know.

I'll be lurking

Another try...:

Name: (Not yet)
Align: Chaotic Good
Race: Human

STR 16(+1)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 13
CHA 12

Rogue 5, Fighter 5
Fighter 6, BowInit 1
Rogue 7+, BowInit 2+

1: 10
2: 6
3: 5
4: 6
5: 5


Rogue: 8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level
9 per level, 36 at 1st level = 72
Human: 1 per level, 4 to start
10 per level, 40 to start

5 Craft Bow
7 Diplomacy
5 Gather Info
8 Hide
8 Intimidate
2 Know: Religion
8 Listen
8 Move Silently
8 Open Lock
5 Search
8 Sense Motive
8 Spot
80 total

Starter Feats:
-Rapid Shot
-Precise Shot

Human Bonus Feat:
-Iron Will

Fighter Feats:
-Point Blank Shot
-Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)
-Weapon Spec (Composite Longbow)

Rogue Feats:
-Sneak Attack +3d6
-Trap Sense +1
-Uncanny Dodge

+1 Composite Longbow (Str+3) [3lbs]
Comp. Longbow [100]
Masterwork [300]
Enhanced +1 [2000]
Str Mod +3 [300]
TOTAL 2700gp

+1 Chain Shirt 1250gp
+1 Buckler 1165gp
+1 Battleaxe 2310gp
TOTAL 7425gp

Quiver /w 20 arrows.

2gp Backpack
1sp Bedroll
1gp Flint and steel
7gp Lantern, hooded
3sp Oil (3 pints)
15sp Trail rations (3 days)
1gp Waterskin
1sp Sack
11gp, 20sp [15.5lbs] (Not including quiver)

Ok, ty much both of you for the help :) I'll look it over and make the fixes.

Question on sneak attacks, any tips on landing those? I saw it lists flanking as an option, and precise shot allows easier hits on enemies currently engaged in melee, so I figured I could flank during fights and take sneak attack bonuses while our friendly melee line does the hard work?

Decided to go a slightly different route, but same theme:

Fighter/Rogue for first 5 levels, then Order of the Bow Initiate. Basically just a thuggish brawler type prior to this adventure, but gradually pursuing that prestige as time goes on.


Name: (Not yet)
Align: Chaotic Good
Race: Human

HP rolls:
4d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 8) = 23 + 10 = 33
33 + CON(+2) = 43HP

STR 16(+1)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 13
CHA 13

8 Climb
5 Craft(Bow)
8 Intimidate
8 Open Lock
8 Spot
8 Swim

-Fighter: Weapon Focus(Longbow), Weapon Specialization(Longbow), Point Blank Shot
-Rogue: Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge,
-Normal: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot

Fort: +4
Refl: +4
Will: +1

Gear: Need a lil help with this one, I'm unsure of the gold-buying system.
-Composite Longbow (Str+3)

Drunken master sounds pretty awesome (I did read up on the complete warrior book). I'll read more into it, and other options.

One question, how do the 'prerequisites' work for drunken master? it says it has a lot of them. Does that mean I have to monk first, or just checklist down all of those? Or multiclass to drunken master later?

ok first shot at this:


5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5, 1) = 22 = 16
5d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 6, 4) = 18 = 14
5d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1, 1) = 16 = 14
5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 4, 2) = 13 = 10
5d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 3, 4) = 11 = 9
5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 1, 1) = 15 = 13
5d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 5, 3) = 16 = 12

and the two rerolls:

5d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 3, 5) = 16 = 12
5d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 2, 4) = 17 = 13

16,14,14,13,13,12 Did I do that all right? -wipes brow-

Also I'll try some short summaries:
Physical: Burly, but not a giant. Bearded and slightly hunched with a keg belly. Human, native of the area.
Personality: Almost always grinning cheerily, easy to laugh. First to make fun of himself and also first to stand up for the underdog. Tries hard to make light of bad situations (coping mechanism).
History: A very common man, a villager. Became a local hero of his village not by choice, just by trying to protect his friends and family. Japanese drunken villager demeanor, but actually a very skilled fighter.

Hey :) I'd like to join. I'm fairly new to DnD and Pathfinder, but I learn quick (I'm from world of darkness RP-ing). I'll post more later, just wanted to mention I'm interested.

How did a Sarenraen priest and place of worship survive so close to Egorian?

Just a very very small one, but if that's unrealistic it can be moved.

With such a reason to hate the church of Asmodeus - why does he turn North?

Not a conscious decision, just following his feet so to speak. Possible Sarenrae is guiding him, or just chance. Wanted to keep it ambiguous whether he was hallucinating or had a real vision. Additionally, although he has plenty of reasons to, he doesn't hate the Church of Asmodeus. He knew from a young age what they were like and gladly went along with it, believing it was necessary for a strong nation. He placed all the blame upon himself for what happened.

Background Story (Warning: Long, and some graphic content):

Akorius Thrune, born in the heart of Egorian, heart of the Chelish nation, born to noble parents with slaves tending to his every whim. Although 'spoiled' would be an understatement, that's not to say Akorius's childhood was easy. His parents allowed no time for play or friends, discipline was harsh, and his studies grueling. To carry the name of Thrune by itself placed heavy expectations on his shoulders, but his parents heaped on even more, trying to mold him into someone who could elevate their clan to higher status within House Thrune. Their particular clan held respect through a long tradition of arranging bloodsports for the rest of the nobility, picking the best fighters from the impoverished and offering them lavish rewards for success, inspiring and bribing them. It's rumored they often took gladiators for lovers, to 'inspire' them further. Successful fighters were allowed to live on their estate, and were treated almost as family, all for the purpose of imbuing fierce loyalty and motivation into the fighters.
As Akorius grew, his studies of politics and the history of Egorian grew as well. No expense was spared on the child. When one of his tutors let slip disdain for the practice of legal bribery within Egorian, young Akorius reported him to the Inquisitors, the country's iron-masked secret police. The tutor was never seen again, and the Inquisitors' usually dreaded gaze turned to Akorius and his ecstatic parents. They were offered a contract: in exchange for temporary ownership of Akorius, they would instruct him and train him. His parents agreed, signed, and sent Akorius off with the Inquisitors.
For all of Akorius' teen years, he lived in the secret training catacombs of the Chelish Inquisitors, underneath a Church of Asmodeus. Talking to other students was strictly forbidden, and the lessons were harsh. Harsher still because Akorius was struggling in his academics. Each failure brought lashing and isolation. He grew to hate the Inquisitors, believing that none of them were so pure and lawful to have the right to punish him. He was of House Thrune! Ego and entitlement were bred and raised into him. As the years went on, Akorius spent more and more energy investigating each instructor, and less on his studies, avoiding punishment by cleverly cheating on academic tests. One night he followed the head instructor, suspicious. It was risky, but he knew a loophole in Chelish law that allowed him immunity if he were able to prove the instructor's guilt. Akorius found the crowds in the busy Egorian streets easy to mold and sway, moving among them and joining a group's conversation whenever the ever-wary Inquisitor looked over his shoulder. What Akorius discovered was far beyond what he could have hoped for--the Inquisitor was part of a rebel organization, and he had unwittingly led Akorius to their secret headquarters. Running straight to the nearest Hellknight, he revealed the treason with righteous indignation, tears of fury in his young eyes.
When the dust settled, Akorius learned that the Hellknight he had spoken to was Lictor Toulon Vidoc, leader of the Order of the Scourge. The Lictor's influence made Akorius a full Inquisitor overnight, donning his own black robe and iron mask.
From then on, Akorius Thrune was passionately devoted to uncovering corruption and treason anywhere it festered. Every little bit of praise and commendation increased his fervor. For almost fifteen years he was a relentless Inquisitor, interrogating suspects without them even realizing they were being interrogated, charming families into inviting him in so he can secretly gather evidence, seducing wives and daughters, and working mobs into a frenzy when the need arose. His family rode the wave, becoming highly respected and richer still. Akorius, though he hated his family for awhile, came to love them, bonding deeply with his mother, father, and two brothers.
Traitors he captured were often brought to a Church of Asmodeus for horrific sacrifice. At times, Akorius skinned them himself before placing their squirming exposed bodies onto the sacrificial altars. His ruthless devotion to Hellish order was noticed by Most High Aspexia Rugatonn, the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus, who offered a deal to him: if he signed a contract to serve her first, and the Inquisition second, she would bind a Brachina to be his personal slave and assistant, aiding his pursuit of the guilty and tending to his every whim. Akorius signed gladly, eager for not only the practical support of a Devil, but the social status it would grant. Secretly, he had always been fascinated by the seductresses of Hell, curiosity and lust having been built up since he first saw a painted depiction in a Church of Asmodeus. He didn't know it, but the Grand Priestess saw straight through him and knew all about his dark fantasies, offering him a Brachina for that very reason--to test his will. If he fell prey to her seduction, he was not worthy of attention, but if he resisted...she may have great plans for him.
His new 'servant' had plans for him as well. They laid together the same night he signed the contract, both believing they had conquered the other. The Brachina, named Tisiphone, through a series of complicated contracts, still served the Grand High Priestess and was to report to her if Akorius' will failed, but through fine-print so loved by denizens of Hell, she kept their relations secret. 'Tisi', as Akorius called her, had her own secret game: to bend one of the arrogant Chelaxian to her will. As they rooted out corruption and rebellion, their relationship was a constant power-struggle. Akorius knew just what buttons to press to make Tisi feel like she 'won' by bedding him, but the Brachina took great joy in making him jump through hoops for her touch. Years passed, and one morning Akorius woke to find a crying, bloody, newborn laying on a pile of blood-soaked blankets. The vibrant purple of the child's eyes told Akorius what he already knew: it was Tisi's. A Tiefling. Loathed in Cheliax because they were a product of a Chelaxian's failure to control a Devil, giving in to their will. He realized then that he had grown to love Tisi, and now she was gone, her conquest complete.
Akorius Thrune kept his Tiefling daughter secret, binding an imp to help take care of her while he resumed work with the Inquisition. The Grand High Priestess questioned where his Brachina servant was, and he almost broke down on the spot--Tisi hadn't told her anything. Whatever that meant, Akorius clung to the hope that maybe she actually loved him too. He quickly made up a story about banishing Tisi because she was no longer useful to him. As his secrets and deceptions piled up, he became a nervous wreck, constantly paranoid of being investigated himself.
He named his daughter Lucia, but she would never bear the Thrune surname. A tiefling in the family would be a constant reminder of his 'failure' in the eyes of the nobles. He couldn't even tell his parents they had a grandchild. As the years passed, Akorius's nerves settled, and he grew accustomed to the routine of guarding his secrets closely while he worked as an Inquisitor, then coming home to spoil Lucia with gifts. She particularly loved a fine purple scarf he bought her when she was a baby, chosen to match her eyes, and never gave it up even when she outgrew it. Her room was filled with dolls, clothes, and other finery that nobility and status allowed Akorius to afford. The imp Akorius had bound as her 'nanny' obeyed him with fierce devotion, taking good care of Lucia while he was away. The relationship between father and daughter grew from quiet detachment to a very close bond. He taught her the value of order and rules, being completely honest with her at all times. Often this lead to the child crying or not understanding, but as time went on Akorius took heart in the respect he saw in her vibrant purple eyes, a constant reminder of Tisi.

One day, the Inquisitors, in their all-too-familiar iron masks, kicked in Akorius' door. He commanded the imp to take Lucia into the other room and demanded answers from the Inquisitors. Two restrained Akorius while the rest began to search his home. The squeal of the imp being slain was followed by Lucia being dragged out, tears in her vibrant purple eyes. He tried to remain calm, calling on a law that assures he has a right to know what he or his family is being charged with. The Inquisitor started laughing, cruelly, gloating in that Akorius admitted Lucia was family by invoking the statute, before explaining that Akorius had broken the contract his parents had signed when he was first accepted into the Inquisition, decades ago. There was a fine-print condition that said just as Akorius was granted from his parents, so would he grant his children to the Inquisition if they so wished. Confused and outraged, Akorius pulled a curved dagger from an Inquisitor's belt and slew him with it before being shackled. The Inquisitors put a black bag over his head, whisking him away as he had done to so many before. He could hear Lucia crying, and told her it would be okay, over and over.
When the hood was removed, Akorius saw the Grand High Priestess behind a sacrificial altar, as he had seen her so many times before. Next to her was the Inquisitor he thought long dead, the one he turned in for treason when he was but a child. The priestess told him the Inquisitor's treason was all a ruse to shape and mold Akorius, bestowing in him his loathing of injustice and corruption, an outlet for his frustrations in academic training. The priestess had been molding and shaping him ever since he first drew attention by reporting his old tutor. Once he had become a successful Inquisitor, the next step was to test his will in control of Devils, which he failed. She admitted that she hadn't known about the child for many years, and it was then that Tisiphone walked out, smiling cruelly and seductively at Akorius. Tisi had betrayed him, after all that time, yet all he could think about was how much he missed her. She seemed to know it, teasing him that if he was truly dedicated, they could be together again, forever. Whispers of how respected and loved he would be, how all would be forgiven, all set right, everything back to how it was. He stared into her vibrant purple eyes, then signed the contract with shaking hand, unsure if he was doing it out of his own will or through Tisiphone's supernatural persuasion. It was then that Akorius' family came out, forming a circle around him and the sacrificial altar, smiling with pride, as Tisi began kneeling before him in submission. She whispered for him to close his eyes, her voice sinking deep into his mind, past all the walls of secrecy and self-control. His family and the priestess applauded around the Hellish altar, making him open his eyes. Tisi wasn't there, yet he could still hear her whispering, comforting him, congratulating him. His brief moment of happiness sunk into dread when he heard a faint cry he knew too well. Lucia. A cleric of Asmodeus carried her over his shoulder, her tiny wrists bound in black-iron shackles, her favorite little purple scarf soaked with tears. His heart jumped into his throat and he strained against his own shackles and the Inquisitors restraining him. The Grand High Priestess Aspexia held the contract loosely in her pale fingers, blood-red nails tapping on the parchment, on his signature.
Akorius only has vague memories of what transpired, which he tries desperately to forget. His hands moved on their own, while he screamed and cried in anguish within his mind, Tisi shushing and comforting him, as he took the blade to his Lucia. He remembers all the proud, ecstatic faces around him, smiling and applauding, welcoming him, as control seeped back into his limbs and he dropped the blood-soaked ritual skinning knife. Friends, family, his parents, his mentors, all hugged him, bowed their heads to him. Akorius picked up the blood-spattered scarf, purple like Lucia's eyes had been, and gripped it so tightly his bones creaked. He remembers only his mother's expression of surprise and disappointment when he threw off the Grand High Priestess' embrace and stumbled out of the Church of Asmodeus. He remembers seeing the common people of Egorian scramble out of his way, the merciless Inquisitor, as he trudged towards the city gate. He remembers wandering northward, out of the city, until dawn began to break, just as he came upon a sheer drop to jagged rocks below. Clutching Lucia's scarf to his cheek, he stepped off the edge.

Laying amongst those broken rocks, his blood covering them, he closed his eyes and waited to die. He woke with the sun glaring down at him, his lips cracked and bloody, pain through his entire broken body. Akorius saw the treetops swaying back and forth like cobras, twisting and warping as dehydration and blood loss set in. Tisi's soft, warm voice comforted him, telling him it would all be over soon and they would be together. It took several delirious moments for him to realize it wasn't Tisi speaking to him anymore, it was another voice, deeper, stronger, more melodic. The sun warped and twisted into the shape of a woman, her brightness making his eyes water and dim. The voice offered a quick death, not the days of dehydration while scavengers picked at him. He begged for it, at first, then in despair changed his mind. His pain and sadness turned to self-loathing, all the suffering he had inflicted on others--on Lucia--he deserved his fate. The voice then offered a different choice: a lifetime of atonement, or that quick, merciful death. A favor he didn't feel he deserved. Dying now would be selfish after all he had done, he needed to spend every breath til his last in atonement.

When he woke, he could barely sit up. So many broken bones and infected wounds, he was so thirsty though. Crawling to the nearby riverbank and drinking greedily, Akorius tried to make sense of his visions. Were they hallucinations? He listened for the melodic voice, or even Tisiphone's seductive purr, but he was alone. So begun his pilgrimage. Akorius roamed aimlessly away from Egorian, away from his 'family', away from his past, but never able to escape the memories that plagued him. The first village he came upon had a small temple, just a house really. The furniture had been replaced with altars and pews. Akorius went in to add to the donation box, when he saw a brightly-painted mural of Sarenrae above an altar. He recognized the Goddess from what he thought had been hallucinations and immediately fell to his knees, staring up at the mural in shock, feeling as dizzy as when he first woke broken upon the rocks. The room spun, and he collapsed. He hadn't eaten in weeks, and was suffering from exposure, wandering and sleeping in the open. The priest tended to him and taught him about Sarenrae, the Goddess of redemption. In between his lectures he began to hear Tisi again, whispering seductions in his ear, mocking the priest, mocking Akorius' 'redemption'.
So he kept wandering, just following his feet. When he came upon travelers beset by bandits or monsters, he stepped in, fighting brutally with no regard for his own safety, before continuing on his way, ignoring cries of gratitude or offers of reward. Cold and cynical, detached. The only glimmer of the man that used to be was in the tiny purple scarf he kept tied around his wrist. Eventually he made his way to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, old, scarred, and broken, but determined to stay on the path of atonement.

Stats & Basic Info:

Name: "Kor" (Real name: Akorius Thrune)
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Paladin
Align: Lawful Good
Deity: Sarenrae
Languages: Common
STR: 11
DEX: 10
CON: 13
INT: 8
WIS: 13
CHA: 18(+2 from human)
Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive
Feats: Melee Training, Noble Scion of War
Traits: Focused Mind, Rich Parents

Positive traits: Dedicated to Paladin virtues and code, has a good heart. Entirely selfless.
Negative traits: Honest even if it's seen as cruel. Cold and detached, unfriendly.
Appearance: Though not elderly, Akor is often referred to as "that old man". His hair is close-cropped and gray, with roughly shaven gray facial hair. Scars adorn his body, and not in a masculine macho way--they make him ugly. Though he bathes as regularly as he can (old habits die hard), he still looks like he's been living in the forest for years (because he has). He has a prominent nose and strong chin, and may have been handsome in his youth, but now his eyes are sunken and dark, weary and drained.
Attitude: Akor tries to keep emotional distance between himself and others. Conversations tend to be short and to the point, no nonsense. Despite all of the pain he seems to carry, he walks with some stubborn sense of pride that hasn't died. He doesn't back down from anyone, enjoying the occasional beating from lost fights as part of his atonement. Every wound from battles, every bruise from brawls is just a drop of atonement in an ocean of sins, and he relishes in every suffering he endures. He often stares off into space, watches the campfire for hours without saying a word, paces impatiently, or just slumps a bit and closes his eyes, seeming to sleep.

Note: I didn't add a lot of the extra benefits you offered as extras, just wanted to spend more time on the character and less on stats. I'll add it in later, along with equipment etc. if I am accepted.

Why he fits in RoW:

I was very excited to read about the setting and storyline, and while I tossed around a few character ideas, I eventually settled on the world-weary foreign crusader because I envisioned a party sitting around a campfire in the harsh north, snow, wind, viking laughing and drinking, a skald bard spinning a tale, and this old, scarred foreigner in foreign armor, scarred and detached with the traumatized war veteran's thousand-yard-stare, just watching the fire, and started writing him with that end-point in mind. While he has lived through a lot of story already, none of it was really the "adventurer" lifestyle that justifies DnD leveling up, he was mainly involved in investigations, politics, day to day work, etc. It wasn't until his very recent time of wandering that he actually started fighting, worshiping, etc. Hope you can see him sitting at that fire too. Cheers for the inspiration even if I'm not accepted, was a fun character to write.