
Rikka Rask's page

319 posts. Alias of stormraven.


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Indiecred324 has offered a cleric.

Indie, 3.5 and PF are siblings. You should have no difficulty picking it up. You'll get tripped up on small rule differences, which are easily straightened out. Welcome to PF!

I'll toss my hat in the ring with a tweaked version of Rikka here (Ulfen Human Tattooed Sorcerer). Her backstory and description are still valid. I'll likely be changing her familiar and some feats.
At some point in her future, I'd like to give her a couple levels in Monk and I prefer the Unchained version but that isn't a deal-breaker for me.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Hi guys,

Sorry for the disappearing act. There have been a stack of changes at work: our group was re-org'd, got moved to a new department - which doubled our area of responsibilities, and we acquired a new Director with 'big ideas'. I went heads down to knock out some critical objectives hoping that I could come up for breath in just a couple weeks *hollow laugh*. Unfortunately, more stuff keeps getting tossed on my plate faster than I can clear projects. At this point, I'm going to be working like crazy until some time in May - at a guess.

So, I'm going to have to drop out of every game for the foreseeable future. If you've already replaced my character or dropped me... that is totally fine and I apologize for the inconvenience and for not digging myself out of this work pile earlier to let you know my situation. If you've been generous enough to NPC my character in my absence - thank you for keeping the faith and I'm doubly sorry that I can't come back to pick up where I left off. You have every right to berate me, so feel free to scourge me via PM. I won't put up a fight, I've earned it.

Again, I'm quite sorry for leaving you all in the lurch and I'll hope to play with you good folks again at some point in the future.


Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'm pretty sure that is my HP after healing overnight.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka pushes forward (Just trying to get on the map for simplicity). Understanding only snippets of the conversation, she doesn't bother with the finer points of right and wrong. Her new ally is under attack so her response is to defend him. She sends two beams of energy at the rats besieging Klo.

~ Round 1 ~
MOVE: 30'
STAND: Cast Magic Missile (if a rat drops, target a new one)

HP: 9 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): x
Dancing Light (3):
Spell Effects:

Cast Magic Missile
EFFECT: Mage Tattoo - Evoc (as +1 CL)

Missile #1 DAM: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Missile #2 DAM: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

I'll leave Sausage in Tattoo form to not slow things down

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Sorry for the absence. I was traveling over the holidays and my laptop chose that time to crap out. I've got things sorted now and rebuilt my character cheat-sheets. I'll try to catch up quickly and post in the next day. Sorry again.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I vote for walk on at our own pace.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka considers the matter and then says to Tassidar for translation. "Please tell him that I am a stranger to his ways. How would his people settle such a debt? Is there something he would value that we may have? Is there a favor I can do in return?" She laughs, "Would he like a tattoo?" She shows a few of her more modestly placed tattoos.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka runs a hand through her unkempt hair and looks thoughtful. "A hunt may cause you to stray too far from the safety of the road. If the town is but a few hours ahead, I say we press on."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

For ease of tree-climbing, Sausage is back in tattoo form.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

"I've also got a blanket and bedroll."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka nods to the strange creature. "Thank you for helping. We owe you and your family a debt." She nods politely to the 'female' in passing, heads for one of the large trees, and starts climbing.

Climb (Take 10): 10 + 0 = 10

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

"I think getting off the trail - at least a bit - might be better than camping on it. Given our host... no fires." She begins to follow the strange creature.

Perception v DC20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 nope
Sense Motive v DC12: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 nope

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka is vaguely saddened that the play of light and glamer is over. Given the ever-present dangers of her snow-bound home, it was nice to run across creatures of mischief in a meeting that didn't end in spilt blood. She manipulates the energy of her own creation to make the figure bow then trip and fall. When it hits the ground, the motes of light disperse.

The sorceress makes a friendly wave in the direction of the laughter indicated by Knute. Much as she'd like to walk over and meet the fey in person, she respects their choice of distance.

She looks at the distressed Stirgen, amused by his predicament. "The dweomer will wear off soon enough. I suspect the spirit in which the gift is given is more important to them than the value of it."

Perception v DC17: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Sense Motive v DC10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 What do I know about Shrinky-Dink rays?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Sorry for vanishing and not giving notice. My ISP turned the bandwidth spigot down to 'pathetic trickle' and it made it nearly impossible to access Paizo.

It looks like my ISP is starting to fix the problem so I'll try to catch up with the game this evening. Feel free to bot me if needed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Sorry for the late response, it's been an odd couple of days...

Rikka calls upon an innate ability and conjures forth a figure made of glowing blue tendrils of smoke, similar in shape - if not composition - to the one approaching Halla. She works her seiðr, giving her figure comically large ears and attempts to make it caper towards the other figure.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Spellcraft for making it do unusual things?

STAND: Cast Dancing Lights as a SLA

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3): xx
Spell Effects:

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Unless I'm missing something, I don't have an action left. I opted for a 30' move, active perception, and then 'free - speech' (a game mechanic as well as a right I love). I'm done for this turn I believe.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka chuckles at the 'figure', deliberately making light of the situation. "That's a fine glamer to be sure! I think I can even make a similar one if you'll give me a moment. Shall we make them dance together?"

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Yeppers! We did cocktails and prime rib.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka watches the figure manifest and...

Spellcraft v DC15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Can I speak before they react?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'll go with "30' move and active scan" for $200, Alex.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka watches Stirgen shrink and says to no one in particular, "Well, that didn't take long." She glances at the pig beside her, "Let's go."

In no particular hurry, Rikka and Sausage saunter along the road watching the bushes and grass along the way for signs of mischievous fey.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

MOVE: Double Move

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3): x
Spell Effects:

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka finds the wispy tongue effect startling and delightful. She recaps the jug and places it carefully in her pack.

Klo wrote:
He scowls as Stirgen just keeps going, "You think he will stop at some point?"

By way of response, the seiðr worker makes a small gesture indicating the strange land. "Stop or be stopped. He may end up stomping more grapes if he isn't careful."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka watches Stirgen press on with amusement. She pops the cork on the jug, sniffs at it cautiously before touching just a bit of it to her tongue, then casts a glance at Klo. "Did the satyr say what sort of potion would be your 'reward'?"

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 ID potion?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka adds one of the little golden 'grapes' of dwarf-make to the pile of shrine offerings. While she waits for the others, Rikka weaves a spell over her new jug of gods-know-what.

Cast Detect Magic

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka picks up the jug Stirgen discarded as she begins walking. "Since the trail is the only safe course, following it until we must leave it seems best." The sorceress carefully avoids discussing the vagaries of time in different planes, lest it cause even more concern about matters that cannot be helped. But she imagines that long years may pass in Hofn before they return to it.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Guys, I'm going to be mostly offline Saturday through Monday. Please bot me as needed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka steps between Klo and the satyr, facing the former with a hand up-raised. "I understand your anger but stay your weapon, friend. We have gained your freedom in exchange for the promise of information we need and that no harm comes to this creature in the exchange."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5
Kló wrote:
"What ... uhhhh ... what is going on?"

Rikka answers the question matter-of-factly, "Your will was confounded and your body slaved to the satyr's ensorcelment... for some time. Now, you are free."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Sense Motive v DC15: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Seeing few good options, save agreeing to the deal or gutting the satyr and losing what useful information he could provide, Rikka approaches Eysteinn. "In the end, the choice must be yours. But if you worry that he won't abide by the agreement, I may be able to ease that concern."

Rikka plants her spear in the earth and approaches the satyr without weapons. She comes to within an intimate distance of the creature. Her tone is matter-of-fact, not threatening, cajoling, or even particularly emotional, "You seem a mischievous creature. That's a fine thing. But in my experience, mischievous creatures sometimes forget their oaths when those who exacted them are out of sight. You should know that I - and others of those here - are not like that. We never forget our oaths and we hold others to theirs. I am a seiðkonur - 'sorceress' in more familiar tongues. More than that, I am a daughter of dragons. Like my forebearers, I hold all vows sacred and vengeance is exacted for any broken vow." She looks the satyr in the eye for a long moment. "Do I need to tell you what my dragon's blood will demand of me if you fail in any way to honor the spirit of the promises you make here?"

Not trying to threaten or diplo this guy - just stating a cause/effect relationship. If you want a roll for either:

?: 1d20 ⇒ 18 +3 for Intimidate, +6 for Diplo

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka finds her growing dislike for the satyr leads to a distrust in it's words.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Does his story about the ork's paying him off ring true?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka raises an amused eyebrow at the satyr's proposal. "Perhaps after we've rescued the young ones; It would be impolite of me to renege on my commitment to these people."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka watches cautiously, "Yeah, those don't appear to be willing grape-stompers."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Knowledge: Nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka frowns at the beauty of the place and quietly quotes something she drowsily sang in Hofn what seems a lifetime ago...

Where the wandering water gushes
From the hills above Glen-Car,
In pools among the rushes
That scarce could bathe a star,
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in their ears
Give them unquiet dreams;
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop their tears
Over the young streams.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.

She concludes with her own thoughts. "This is a faery realm. Perhaps a child escaped here, or maybe those were fae footprints we saw. Orks would dare this crossing? Well, maybe if they are allied with some evil fae..."

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Hi! I'm still here... just catching up on the ridiculous load of work email accrued while I was gone. I'll try to post tonight. Sorry for the delay.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Nothing to see here, officer.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'm for moving out while the fight will cover our movement and distract the orks.

Rikka stays low behind the pews but moves to follow Eysteinn.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I love this plan!

Rikka transfers her light to Thorgal's sword, then escorts Sausage and his unconscious cargo to a concealed spot before secreting herself.

Rikka Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Sausage Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka frowns at the stretched out line of warriors, seeing the danger in it. With a stifled curse, she sends the glowing orbs following Leif to hold position in the center of the room then stalks back to the fallen elf.

She growls, "This part, I fv<king hate." and then - heedless of her audience - she pulls off her coat and yanks her shirt up until it is around her neck. Most of her pale skin is etched with the elaborate and colorful image of a dragon that writhes up from beneath her trousers, coils across her back, launches over her shoulder, and ends with a fanged head and claws over and around her breasts. Between her shoulder blades an oddly contrasting image appears - a stylized line tattoo in black and white of a bristling boar with tusks. It races along the dragon's back.

The boar image shifts then begins to move. It faces outward and leaps. As it does so, Rikka's pale skin stretches, taking on the shape of the boar trying to burst free from the sorceress' back. It thrashes and pulls at her skin. Rikka tenses and grunts against the pull of the beast. With a loud snap of rebounding skin and a scream torn from Rikka, the creature emerges and lands on the floor in the form of her tattooed posterboard pig. The sorceress takes a moment to recover as her skin goes from a stinging red back to its normal shade of pale. She drops her shirt, puts her jacket back on, and looks at the female warrior next to her. "Help me get the elf on Sausage's back. He can carry him for awhile. We're not leaving anyone behind... yet."

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

MOVE: on map
MOVE: Familiar Tattoo

[ooc]HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3): x

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka moves forward and tries to confound the senses of the ork.

MOVE: On map
STAND: Cast Daze Will DC:13

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3): x
Spell Effects:

FWIW, I have a Light spell on me and I cast Dancing Lights that I sent to give Lief full light. Since they are different spells, I think they can both operate at the same time.

If I can Daze this guy, then I think other people can move through his space without drawing AoOs, yes?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

DOH! I thought it wasn't dismissible. In that case, let me amend that last post...

Rikka calls on the dark powers and the oil is drawn back into the stones as if it never existed. She hustles through the doorway and rounds the corner to bring Lief in sight where she sends eldritch lights to surround the youth.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

"Apologies, Thorgal, the oil drawn from the stone cannot be undrawn. But the bird said that all the paths converge. If you take the door on the right, it may take you to Lief. In the meantime..." Rikka takes a running start and leaps across the grease slick. From the far side, she looks down the corridor and send a set of lights dancing around Lief.

Acrobatics vs DC:10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Cast SLA Dancing Lights

MOVE: Leap!
STAND: Light!

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3): x
Spell Effects:

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Hey folks,
I'm going to be traveling on vacation from this Wednesday through 10-Oct. I'll try to check in and toss in some small posts but it may not be realistically possible. Feel free to 'bot or sideline my character as seems appropriate. Thanks!

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka watches the orks scatter. Unfortunately, with the interwoven network of chambers, it could be an attempt to flank, get to the children, or combine forces. There was simply no way to tell. She spins and casts a spell at the newest flanker.

Cast Daze Will DC:13 on Yellow Ork

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3):
Spell Effects:

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I moved Rikka a couple steps forward with my free move from last turn. I can't make my Light spell follow Eysteinn so that will be up to Tassidar's Dancing Lights. Sorry.

Rikka prepares to cast a spell on the first ork that comes into range and threatens Lief or Thorgal.

READY: Cast Daze Will DC:13

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3):

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Too far and too many people in the way...

Rikka weaves a spell and oil seeps from the stone beneath the orks' feet.

I'm assuming this is a surprise round, so just a STAND action.

STAND: Cast Grease on the 10' square capturing all 3 orks. Reflex DC14 Save.

HP: 7 / 12 | AC:12 = 12+0
1st Spells (5): xxx
Dancing Light (3):
Spell Effects:

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka comes back through the door and shuts it quietly, looking uncharacteristically excited. Her look fades to seriousness seeing Halla's gesture and seriousness.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka moves back into the bird room and closes the door before speaking with the bird.

She points in the general direction of the dark and stinking room. "Ancient One, what can you tell me of the room over there? It seems that once it was used to mirror the night sky. Do you know if the orks use it as a midden now? What do you know of the tree room? Which exit leads to more quickly to the orks, if you know?"

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'd rather not blow through all my magic before we run into a bunch of orks... and my 0 level spells have had pretty limited effect on the baddies to date. Personally, I think the risks of leaving an ork cleric alive with an open door and the ability to scream outweighs any info she might give.

Rikka weaves a spell to confound the ork's mind, hopefully providing an opportunity for the warriors to cut it down.

Cast Daze Will DC:13

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Rikka motions the bird to silence - politely - and prays it accepts the direction. She then stands and moves around the cage to the side closest to the door.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

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