Rifter315's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


ajkkjjk52 wrote:
I think the iconic witch is the single most faithful and detailed costume, so it gets my vote.


Bonnie the iconic witch gets my vote.

Runner up: Leslie as Seoni.
Second Runner up: Jessica the Gray Maiden

Got back from the wedding only to have to attend a funeral. RL always has a way of interfering with gaming.

Anyway, frequent posting is probably not something I'll be able to do so I'd best bow out now before things get underway.

Thanks for your consideration and I hope everyone has a swashbuckling blast!

I'll be out of town for a Wedding until Sunday. Internet access might be sparse.

In the meantime I'm going to flush out Jovanni's background a bit.

@Balodek - The player's guide is a great read just for fun, and the fiction will help give a flavor for the setting. When it comes to character creation, there are sample characters in the book that are ready to go. All in all it's not too hard to pick up.

The smuggling connection sounds good as a way to tie-in to the plot line.

As far as politics goes, any amount is fine. I'm good with a heavy politics game, as my character sort of has two sides, the charismatic, outgoing, courtly noble and the sly smuggler.

Virtue: 1d22 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 Inspirational
Hubris: 1d22 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 Lecherous - Well, I did say he was a bit of a philanderer, so this makes sense.

Past: 1d20 ⇒ 11 Ace of Cups, will bump this to 2 of Cups, friend with the Governor a 3pt connection. The religious thing doesn't quite sit well with his hubris.
Present: 1d20 ⇒ 3 3 of Coins, his hard work has been noticed, will receive reward
Future: 1d20 ⇒ 10 10 of Coins, family always there for him, will return the favor in the future

All of these seem to fall into place with what I envisioned.

Jovanni's Hubris gets him into trouble and causes a bit of difficulty for the family from time to time. However, family values and dedication prove to be stronger bonds. While some of his clandestine activities aren't always readily apparent to many, those in the know realize the hard work Jovanni has done and his utter dedication to his family. When it comes to his illicit activities and smuggling, it's just as important to have friends in high places as well as low.

Jovanni Falisci

Young, up and coming family member with an aversion to hard work and a penchant for skulduggery. When it comes to the politics and family affairs sometimes stealth and trickery is the best approach, rather than a head to head confrontation. The other side of the coin, however, is the public face of a somewhat brash, boisterous, philandering noble. Has become involved in some smuggling, aiding the family trade in any way possible although he has developed something of a reputation for being soft-hearted, and has been rumored to help smuggle desperate people out of bad situations.

(A Scarlett Pimpernel inspired character, if you will)

I'd love to get in on a 7th Sea game. Never played before but have read (and own) the core book and nation guides. Read them several times actually, I just can't get enough of the setting.

I'll have to think about the character I'd like to play...so many ideas floating around right now.

As far as the setting suggestions, I'd pick Montaigne > Castille > Avalon > Vodacce, but any of them would be great.