
Riflestorme's page

4 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Necromancers of the Northwest came out with "Rituals of Blood" a few days ago; it's got some interesting blood-themed rituals in it.

Ha, not an indictment; no worries.

Looking forward to both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, then. Very excited.

On a side note, in your "Kinetic Caster" feat, you have the sentence '...if you fail you must take the burn you were going to accept and loose the wild talent...'. Was 'loose' intentional here?

Hope that writer's block explodes in a shower of elemental gravity-time shards, in any case.

This is exactly what I've been looking for for literal weeks. I hope this is still in development; if so, my journey may finally be at an end. One thing though: any chance of a feat/archetype that'll tie class abilites to DEX or CHA? I'm not above bribing you to include one.