[Beware Tex] Kineticist Tome

Product Discussion

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Hi all.

So, this might be a bit early to start a thread. As of yet, Beware Tex has never put out a product, and I have not yet begun the process to make Beware Tex an "official" third-party publisher.

However, it looks like I am on track for publishing a book this June-July. So, I thought now would be a good time to drum up interest and make my intentions official. As of yet, it is not 100% certain obviously if I will succeed in getting my product on sites like Paizo, but even if I do not it should be finished relatively soon.

Or, rather Chapter 1 of an epic journey in the making will be. KT will be released chapter by chapter, in an expected period of 1-2 months between chapters. This might, however, be affected by my unfortunate health conditions and personal life. Thus far, 6 chapters in 5 books are planned with potential additional chapters to be considered after I have finished. These first 6 chapters could be considered a single product, and I will no doubt make a proper combined edition when I finish them. Each chapter is listed below with a short description and preview.

Kineticist Tome

Chapter 1: Elemental Races Elemental races explores additional options for each race with a connection to kineticist powers. Emphasis is given on the genie-kin races, though several others appear. This is the most "off-topic" book with additional race options for non-kineticists by the kineticist connected races.


Aether Bloodline (Sorcerer Bloodline)

You were born with aetheric energies in your bones or otherwise exposed to the aether present on your plane of existence. This had warped your blood giving you unusual powers.


Intimidating Flames
Element(s): Fire; Type Substance Infusion; Level 2; Burn 1
Prerequisite(s): Ifrit
Associated Blasts: Blue Flame, Fire
Saving Throw none
You may make a single intimidate check to demoralize all hit as a free action. They do not need to see or hear you, but if they cannot see you size modifiers do not effect the check. Each target can only be affected by this ability once per turn.


Alt Racial Traits:
Fey Elemental: Some undine are more related to fey, such as nereid or oceanid, than outsiders. Instead of appearing similar to most undine they have the pearl skin and usually the hair color of their fey ancestor. Their type changes to fey and they lose darkvision instead having low-light vision. Their ability scores change, instead of +2 wisdom they gain +2 charisma.

In addition they gain charm person as a spell-like ability that may be used once per day. The DC is 10 + character level + their charisma modifier. This replaces darkvision and alters their type, subtype, and ability scores.

Chaos Affinity: Ganzi sorcerers with the Protean bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ganzi clerics with the Chaos domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level. In addition, they add +1 to the DCs and caster level of Void wild talents. This replaces quibble.

Psychic Circuitry (Su): Androids with this trait that possess a psychic discipline in mindtech add +1 to the caster level of all discipline powers, psi-tech discovers, and discipline spells. They can cast spells with emotional components from the class that granted the mindtech discipline by replacing them with somatic components.

These Androids loose the +4 racial bonus from constructed against mind-affecting effects and lower the +4 racial bonus against stun effects to +2. They lose all effects of this trait if they take the empathy feat. This alters constructed.

Chapter 2: Basic Kinetic Techniques: Basic kinetic techniques is geared towards giving a wealth of feats, wild talents, archetypes, and more to bring Kineticists more in line with other classes in terms of raw content.
Kinetic Mobility (Combat Feat)
Prerequisite(s): Dex 15, Dodge, kineticist level 4th
You use your kinetic talents to move lithely through battle.
Benefit: When wearing light or no armor you gain +10 to your base movement speed.
Special: This feat counts as the mobility feat for the purposes of satisfying prerequisites.

When using the Shot on the Run feat you can use kinetic blast as the ranged attack in shot on the run so long as it is a standard action. Furthermore, your full-round action to move can be a usage of greater flame jet or a wild talent that acts as greater flame jet.


Aethereal Muscle
Element(s): Aether; Type Utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 1
You infuse your muscles with a bit of your kinetic power allowing you to either move quicker or be stronger. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to either Dex or Str. This bonus lasts for 2 rounds per kineticist level and you can switch between stats as a swift action. At level 10 this becomes an +8 bonus to either Dex or Str and a +2 bonus to the stat that isn’t active. At level 16 this increases to +12 and +6.

Mutable Plant
Element(s): Wood; Type Utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
Prerequisite(s): Bonded Plant
Your plant companion becomes an avatar of your plant manipulation. On your plant companion’s next turn they can take a move action to change forms, or if you possess wild growth they may choose to use as part of an action to change sizes. They can change from one species of plant companion to another that you choose. This adjusts all their base statistics to their new form, but does not alter skill points (calculate skill points per level from here on using their most favorable form) or change their feats or any other feature besides species. When they change, you may also choose an elemental focus as per a spiritualist’s phantom using your plant companion’s level as their phantom level. Your plant companion gains all the benefits of this elemental focus except good saves.

If this focus changes a stat bonus from progression (such as lust) to use a different statistic, then the plant companion recalculates their base scores putting dexterity into the new stat instead. In the case of foci like anger this means the plant companion’s strength and dexterity bonus would apply twice.

At 16th level you may use this wild talent as a move action. If you possess two plant companions, this wild talent applies to both of them at the same time. If you possess Elemental Armor while they are at the same size or smaller than you your plant companion(s) may take a move action when within 10-feet of you to morph into your armor, keeping their natural attacks. They may still be attacked while part of you in this way. While attached to your body, you may choose to use a standard action of your own to reduce them to tiny size to become an inanimate part of your outfit, such as a flower tucked behind your ear. They can be restored as a free action.

Chapter 3 and 4: Magnetism and Time And here we have the brand new element, magnetism! Time is also present, but perhaps not as one would expect as a legendary element needs to be more separate from the masses. Admittedly, these are the two chapters I have written the least of so they might be moved back.
Armor Crush
Element(s): Earth, magnetism; Type Form infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts: Magnetic, metal
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
You brutally crush an opponent inside their own suit of metal armor. This form infusion can only be used against a target wearing metal armor. The target and their armor takes half of your blast damage as bludgeoning damage and can attempt a Fortitude save to reduce that amount to ¼th normal damage. If they fail their save and their armor has, or is given by this attack, the broken condition it's wearer gains the entangled condition so long as they wear the armor.

Armor that gains the broken condition from this wild talent requires twice as long to remove.

Chapter 5: [Error, permissions not found.] We have to keep one ace up our sleeve now don't we~ This is easily the best chapter in this book.

Preview: N/A

Chapter 6: Kinetic Traditions Honestly, I kinda hate that it will take so long to get here. I put this back this far to make sure any feats or wild talents I miss in basic kinetic techniques can find a home in KT. Some of my favorite feats, archetypes, and more made it into this section. Such as...

Kinetic Caster (Feat)
You were raised and trained in the ways of a kineticist using ritualistic methods and taught to use your abilities from magical words and gestures, rather than from the power of your psychic might. Accessing your inner abilities takes on a different shape, be it dancing, muttering phrases to focus, singing, or strange gestures and movements.
Benefit: Whenever you choose to accept burn you only take nonlethal damage equal to ½ your class level +1 for every 5 class levels you possess.. However, using a wild talent or class ability that requires you to accept burn takes a full-round action (Unless it would normally take longer) that requires either somatic or verbal components and provokes attacks of opportunity. If you take damage during the activation of the wild talent you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the effective level of the wild talent). If you fail you must take the burn you were going to accept and loose the wild talent. Wild talents that do not require you to accept burn are not affected by this. Burn put into Elemental Defense does not benefit from the reduced burn (all other restrictions apply). Metakinesis (quicken) can only be used to reduce this to a standard action unless you accept another 3 burn to reduce it to a swift. If you accept burn on a wild talent that may be used as a free action it is only increased to a move action and can be turned back into a free action with metakinesis (quicken).

Furthermore, your gather power kineticist class feature (if any) possesses verbal components to focus your mind.
Special: This feat must be taken at 1st level or before you take your first level in Kineticist or any level in another class that would grant the burn or wild talent class features.


Mental Supremacist (Kineticist Archetype)

Great engineers, architects, kingmakers, charlatans, the mental supremacists come from all walks of life. The one thing they all have in common is extraordinary ability. A mental supremacist can bend the world, and the people in that world, to their wimp. Few can match the casual dismissal with which a mental supremacist approaches their problems. To the mental supremacist, every problem requires a unique tool, and they hold the toolbox.

Powerful Morpher (Ranger Archetype)
The power lies on the side of the powerful morpher. These rangers defend the world thanks to their connection to mysterious magic that grants their unique abilities. These energetic fighters must GO GO GO GO.

Servant of the Ancient Ones (PrC)
A Servant of the Ancient Ones is either a follower of a Great Old One or Outer God. Vile worshipers of chaos whose ultimate goal is to bring about the mysterious desires of their dark masters. A Servant of the Ancient Ones may be difficult to integrate into a group of adventures. But, they will remain loyal so long as it will, or they believe it will, bring about the will of the Old Ones or Outer Gods.

Unfortunately, the mysterious desires of a Servant of the Ancient Ones’ masters are most likely a mystery even to the servant. These great beings might not even consider their cultists. Awareness of such petty mortals being beneath them. Though, that does not alter the crazed beliefs of their fanatical worshipers. Many of whom seek to garner the attention of their masters. Regardless of the possibility that attention will destroy the world as it is known.

Silver Crusade

I should also mention that Mort here is the original member of Team KOP, having helped extensively with the series. She knows what she's doing, and I'm helping with this project as well to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be.

I'm pretty excited for this project, so everyone should check it out once they get the chance. I can also promise that there is zero overlap between this and any of my content, so if you've already picked up KOP or Legendary Kineticists, you won't have to worry about getting the same material twice.

So do I just mail you the money now, or...?

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wynterknight wrote:
So do I just mail you the money now, or...?

I'm still looking into that, but it's entirely possible I will do a pay-what-you-want model off Paizo. If I can, I would like to see about setting things up with Paizo for the exposure. For now though, I will be working on setting up a Patron over the next month and more importantly making sure KT is in tip top shape for her debut. ^_^

Sooo, give me like a week and you can. XD

I don't believe "pay what you want" is available for Paizo.

Scott_UAT wrote:
I don't believe "pay what you want" is available for Paizo.

That is, as far as I know, correct. That is exactly why I said it is a consideration for off the Paizo website only. It is most likely I will run the book for a bit exclusively before offering that model so as to be fair.

The Mortonator wrote:
They do not need to see or hear you, but if they cannot see you size modifiers do not effect the check.

Should be affect. Remember, you affect something with an effect!

Yes, I clearly have problems.

Luthorne wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
They do not need to see or hear you, but if they cannot see you size modifiers do not effect the check.

Should be affect. Remember, you affect something with an effect!

Yes, I clearly have problems.

Naw, don't worry about it. There are actually two other typos at least in the first preview. It's not a grammar problem though. I have dysgraphia, so with very close words no matter how much I stare at things every so often something my brain does not register slips through. I apperciate any feedback in this regard.

Since you're working with N. Jolly on this, is this series going to be compatible with the things that he wrote? It all sounds cool, but it'd be even cooler if everything synced up :D

Elegant Egotist wrote:
Since you're working with N. Jolly on this, is this series going to be compatible with the things that he wrote? It all sounds cool, but it'd be even cooler if everything synced up :D

We've talked about compatiblity a lot. Right now the plan is to make a compatiblity list. Generally, they play nice together. But they were originally started seperately so there are some things you will notice as being my takes on something from KoP. Particually in chapter 5.

Cool, that's good to know! I wanna play with all of these options together :)

Silver Crusade

So, any news on when we should expect the first volume of this to come out? Also obvious thread bump is obvious.

N. Jolly wrote:
So, any news on when we should expect the first volume of this to come out? Also obvious thread bump is obvious.


The ETA is the next few weeks, though I would be leaning towards three weeks. The artist has half of the drawings done and the editor hasn't gotten her hands on it yet. We're looking at about 40+ pages of content with some great traditional art and a handful of things left for me to finish writing. I took a break to write some Vigilante books for a few publishers, and am coming back to it fresh next week (in a few days) to finish up the remaining pieces!

After the artist finishes I'll assemble it in adobe and check back over the rules on how to get a 3P product officially released. Before then, I might set up a temporary system so that people can buy it directly from me via Patron or PayPal.

And yes, I am dragging my heels to make sure the first release is some of the best quality people have seen from third party publishers.

In the meantime, does anyone have any desires or wishes for the first chapter? New things you would like to see for races who should have a deep connection to Kineticists?

So, turns out I am later than I thought. A mix of very unfortunate personal situations for those on the project ended up holding us up. However! The end is very much in sight. The art is all set and I'm touching up the chapter before laying out the PDF.

In the meantime, I have a book out through Purple Duck Games for Vigilantes out there.

Silver Crusade

I apologize for lurking, but I was just wondering if there was a release date for the tome. I was just excited when I saw the thread :3

This is exactly what I've been looking for for literal weeks. I hope this is still in development; if so, my journey may finally be at an end. One thing though: any chance of a feat/archetype that'll tie class abilites to DEX or CHA? I'm not above bribing you to include one.

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*flails into thread*

So, the first book... Is litterally pages from finished. I have the art and over 90% written. In fact, so is the second book.

The bad news? I hit a writting block of epic proportions. The intress expressed does help me power through it though.

Riflestorme wrote:
This is exactly what I've been looking for for literal weeks. I hope this is still in development; if so, my journey may finally be at an end. One thing though: any chance of a feat/archetype that'll tie class abilites to DEX or CHA? I'm not above bribing you to include one.

For general purposes, chapter 2 will be more up your alley as chapter 1 will focus on elemental races. That said, chapter 2 might hit hot off the heels of 1 since I have delayed FAR too long. (Curse this block!) And Chapter 1 has a lovely set of feats and wild talents for Cha as well as style feats for earth based around Str. Even though they are focused on the elemental races, I did try to put a bit of a basic starter kit of general feats and talents for all to help make builds buildable.

Consider this as more expressed interest. I want this book! I'm super looking forward to it.

Looking forward to both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, then. Very excited.

On a side note, in your "Kinetic Caster" feat, you have the sentence '...if you fail you must take the burn you were going to accept and loose the wild talent...'. Was 'loose' intentional here?

Hope that writer's block explodes in a shower of elemental gravity-time shards, in any case.

Riflestorme wrote:

Looking forward to both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, then. Very excited.

On a side note, in your "Kinetic Caster" feat, you have the sentence '...if you fail you must take the burn you were going to accept and loose the wild talent...'. Was 'loose' intentional here?

Hope that writer's block explodes in a shower of elemental gravity-time shards, in any case.

There are more than a few typos in all the examples given. Most of them have already been found, but the final product will be edited by a professional. (I.E. not my terrible english. XD )

Ha, not an indictment; no worries.

I dunno, the post title is telling me to stay away.

Texas Snyper wrote:
I dunno, the post title is telling me to stay away.

Heheh, the name actually comes from my YouTube channel. I've found it was infinitely easier for people to remember and type in than my real name and the condentation was mean to be along the lines of, "This Texan is super scary good at taking out people in games."

Riflestorme wrote:
Ha, not an indictment; no worries.

Not taken as such! ^_^ I appreciate typos being pointed out to me.

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