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@ baradakas: That is exactly why I made it do what Rynjin suggested but originally I only brainstormed on how he might get 4 attacks after fully moving and I thought "What about free actions." However going down that rabbit hole was a terrible idea as I couldn't really find too many concrete rulings on it.

@ Rynjin: I did exactly that because it was an end game fight and everyone was level 20. I wanted a BBEG that used minions that weren't particularly hard hitting but interfered with movement and abilities enough to buy him time to run in and then disengage quickly without taking AoO's and whatnot or staying in a compromising position. Never before has my party hated goblins so much. XD

@ FrodoOf9Fingers & BigHatLogar: See I thought something like that existed somewhere in the rules but I just couldn't find it and no amount of google fu helped me there.

@ kestral287 & Umbral Reaver: That's why I gave it a VERY specific effect. Because I figure if I made it airtight then it wouldn't be as abusable if I did decide to allow the artifact even as a houserule.

Thanks for the replies though guys especially Logar who pointed out that I might find the answer in a thread about action economy. I didn't even think of that.

So a cool artifact I thought of making in a game was intended to give the BBEG full attack after moving and since it's first writing has been rewritten to do only that however when I first wrote it I put down that it allowed you to make an attack as a free action. This got me thinking and I started looking everywhere and after finding nothing I decided to google it and still found nothing for any of my questions.

Does this make it grant unlimited attacks because your number of attacks in a round limited by your actions? Do you only get a number of attacks as outlined by your BAB? I cannot seem to find a ruling on this and I am curious if a weapon that has some kind of enchantment on it that makes your attacks a free action somehow lets you make as many as you want. The original intent being to make a bad guy that can fully move and still make full attacks IS stated to do exactly that now, but the questions raised by this weren't answered in the books and now I'm curious if anyone here knows or can point it out.

This is where I as a GM allow the player to throw 30000 shields. And then tell him his max damage does not manage to overcome it's DR. Since he doesn't get the magic bonus to shield damage. Then I immediately ask him one more question.

"How are you still breathing and living? You just went through the motions of throwing and unstrapping 30000 times in 0 seconds. No human body can take that. Even if you want to say it took more than 0 seconds you still have quite some explaining to do. In fact at 6 seconds you are still moving so fast that you have turned yourself into a fine red mist."

No amount of rules whoring will get you out of that and consequently, the pathfinder version of hell since they technically committed suicide. No deity likes followers that commit suicide unless evil. Even then they prefer you kill others in their name rather than yourself. Also you'd be in a form of hell anyways since your god is evil.

Also none of these rules cover retrieving a shield. Ready and searching through a bag are two separate things. Unless there is an item that allows you to pull items out as a free action. Either way he's still red mist. And explaining some things to the gods.