![]() I have to agree with Elfteiroh, you've really leveled up ;) This presents something that's far more interesting, whilst a mobile isn't my tool of choice for VTTs there's undoubtedly a market there and a lot of players who are edged out by the need for a PC or tablet. Hopefully this will serve to allow even more players and GMs to enjoy games and bring in more people to our community, everyone wins! I hope this does very well, it certainly gives a far more professional, impressive vibe this time! My one issue that immediately stands out would be that even the free $0 subscription requires a credit cards info be entered to "buy" it, that's going to significantly cut down on the user base, most directly amongst those who don't have PCs and are the best audience I suspect, if that could be fixed I think it'd add a world of new players. ![]()
![]() Greetings aadzie! There's a whole region of games you can jump in with! The Online region runs Starfinder Society in a bunch of different places, for live games (those usually run over 4 ish hours with voice chat and using a virtual tabletop) we're primarily based on discord. Our main lodge is here; Org Play Online, but you'll also find Starfinder being run on some of our other lodges such as; Cayden's Keg, Cosmic Crittermanders, and Rolling Bones. I'd recommend either grabbing the discord app (here) or using their browser version if you prefer, and jumping on those lodges to say hi. There's plenty of players and GMs who are looking to play and if you let people know you're new then one of our venture officers (and the community in general!) will help you with where to find games! There's a couple of other links that might be useful for getting to grips with online gaming if you're new to it that can be found here;
Hopefully that gives you a place to begin and we can get you into some Starfinder games! ![]()
![]() Unklbuck wrote: Hmmm….very underwhelming class ability then. thief racket so much better.. Precision Rangers have no such restriction.. Very much not the case, it doesn't work with a very small group of weapons but is an absolutely fantastic ability overall and the changes open up a whole world of new, very cool options. ![]()
![]() You can now find Remaster iconics for download here! ![]()
![]() I'd also recommend against throwing shade towards people who might disagree with your interpretation, it rarely sets a good tone and often will prejudice people against your message regardless of factual basis. However as Hammerjack laid out I'm afraid it doesn't work; Quote: Apply any abilities that alter the damage die size first.
![]() Gisher wrote:
Whilst I understand and can sympathise to a degree with the OPs frustrations I think it's fair to say that the behavior shown is not something I or most others would ever expect, or accept, from our Venture Officers and not something you should or will see in Society. I hope that you do decide to give us a try, I promise that the vast, vast majority of people are incredibly welcoming and warm and if there are issues we try to resolve them with sensible measures and a degree of calm, best of luck in your games! ![]()
![]() CorvusMask wrote: Orcs make much more sense as core option than goblins do because orcs already had nuance shown to them where goblins got spontaneously overall much more nicer in much higher quantities when they became core :'D Perhaps unfortunately for those not involved an awful lot of that development was in Society, there were many scenarios over 10 years and multiple seasons showing numerous different goblins and goblin tribes working with both the society and others in helpful ways. So there was absolutely a ton of cooperation shown, just perhaps not in ways that every player would be able to see and experience. ![]()
![]() Thank you for all the responses Natural Pengu, it’s great to see you’re focused on answering the communities questions and helping people understand the app! Despite the concerns I mentioned I truly do wish you the best, more competition in the VTT space is always good! I do have one last thing to suggest based on your replies which is that if this is an early access offering and not feature complete you really need to make that clear and have it front and centre, nothing seemed to say this until your comments. The community deserve to know if what they are buying is not truly finished and has a lot of development ahead of it in case they are wanting something that is fully featured, and it also allows those who are interested in helping with feedback, bugs, etc to know this is a project they can get invested in and potentially help shape to some small degree. Whereas if people find out after purchasing that something is still in early access with a long roadmap ahead it can definitely lead to issues (this is why Steam enforces games saying if they’re early access for example). Best of luck with it all, I look forwards to seeing what’s to come! ![]()
![]() I think some more clarity and actual gameplay videos, etc would certainly be helpful to evaluate why this is "the ultimate Pathfinder virtual tabletop" over the many others available. Most all VTTs do in fact do something better than others, but it varies from one to another and user choice is often based on what they most value. Whilst more competition is almost always good and it's absolutely possible a new option like this might have some fantastic features that others lack, overall there's a real dearth of information here that doesn't help people make informed decisions unfortunately. I look forwards to another blog or a lot more information on their site, which seems rather bare bones right now, to help people see if this is the best choice for them over the others. ![]()
![]() Not understanding the very basic premise that having fewer options to boost yourself is a tactically more difficult and challenging environment is such a huge self own I'm shocked to see people admitting it. Going from 16+ bonuses to three changes the dynamics to the point that strategy and tactics are vastly more important, rather than the easy dumbed down method of stacking enough bonuses that the dice roll doesn't even matter. I am grateful for many challenging, improved, and easy to use products in my life. This is one of them. ![]()
![]() Players of wizards in PF1 who were able to solve every situation, every encounter, often on their own, being unable to understand a changed paradigm to the point they keep asserting that the class is broken or made poorly is something that’s just not going to change unfortunately. The choices in PF2 design to bring wizards to a similar level of ability overall as other classes can only ever be understood by them as a mistake, it also seems to be perhaps unsurprising that many of the same players dislike or refuse to join in team work, a core facet of PF2 mechanics. ![]()
![]() CorvusMask wrote:
Gravitas... Gravitas... No, Don't Help Me, I'll Get It In A Moment... >.> ![]()
![]() DakonBlackblade wrote:
If you could post a link to the extensive analysis on cost/hours invested in making it/hours of use a purchaser is expected to get that you did to ascertain the price point is both not only unfair but also poor value compared to AAA video games it would really help us see your point, unless y’know, you’re just basing it off your feelings. Cause if so then the only real feedback with respect to value is from those who’ve posted their hours taken to create similar content and how much that would have cost them, by which metric this is pretty great value for money. ![]()
![]() Tomppa wrote:
This is absolutely the top take and I really feel people should be considering it strongly as the actual, logical and in game reason for RK on things you've faced before. As mentioned, a bunch of bones in armour could be 3, or 4, or possibly more different creatures! Is a player welcome to assume it's an armoured skeleton and switch to bludgeoning weapons if they've fought skeletons before and seen how effective they are? Of course! Said player should also not be mad or upset when it turns out they're fighting something with resistance to bludgeoning, which they didn't RK to identify. I very much think it's important to try and keep actual creature names out of descriptions both so as not to give away exactly what is being faced for free, and also not to mislead people into assuming without actually knowing. It's both more evocative and avoids problems to say "You see what looks like a skeletal corpse, covered in platemail armour." vs "A skeleton champion is in the room." etc. ![]()
![]() spacecat11 wrote:
I'd strongly recommend giving Token Tool a try, it has an option to import a pdf and then scroll through all images as drag and droppable onto your desktop (or whatever file you like) whilst retaining the alpha channel assuming the image has one (so you avoid that pixelation around the edges). ![]()
![]() Dragon Nexus Games wrote:
Wait, wait, wait… you’re doing 96 hours of work a day?! My good sir I whole heartedly withdraw any concerns or complaints, you are a Hercules, you are an icon of the modern working man! I’m frankly shocked you can find so much time to post on the forums, but no doubt this is just another example of your excellent time management that allows you to do 12 full time jobs in a single day, I applaud you sir! ![]()
![]() Dragon Nexus Games wrote:
So I'm confused, do you think Paizos lawyers are just bad at their job then? Because you, not a lawyer, are saying with absolute certainty the opposite of what Paizo has been advised. Generally, I feel that most people, when seeking actual, real legal advice are probably advised to listen to actual, real lawyers and not people whose companies have gone into administrative dissolution just to throw out a random entirely unrelated example, maybe that's just me though. ![]()
![]() Dragon Nexus Games wrote:
Are you a lawyer? And is this legal advice you're offering to Paizo, that you're willing to back up with fully researched documentation and argument in court? ![]()
![]() It feels like there's an awful of lot people saying "my actual play experience over levels x-y was great and the shield was impactful" and the counter is "the math says shields aren't worth it" which seems a little disingenuous. White room math is all well and good and can absolutely help with evaluating options, but actual real play experience from multiple people over a huge range of levels is at least as useful, if not more so since y'know that's where the shield is actually being used. ![]()
![]() Darksol the Painbringer wrote: If it's good enough to establish a serial killer's trend, it's good enough to establish design trends. I urge you to do some reading on basic statistics, 3 points not only isn’t enough to establish a trend it’s a tiny percentage of the total number of responses you need to see consecutive results within. What you’re incorrectly conflating with a trend is a threshold, absolutely different things. ![]()
![]() Greetings! This is Stunt from the OPO discord, I'm the online region VC for VTTs, I've seen plenty of your posts on the server and i'll reach out to you there to discuss. Just as general advice for anyone interested, there is no direct just "apply and get VA", typically it involves either working with a current lodge that needs more help or if the area/region decides to start a new lodge, anyone interested should talk to their local VC for help, or if they're not sure who that is you can find the RVC for the whole area who can better direct you here. ![]()
![]() I don't recall which book it's in but there's definitely something about Zon-kuthon knowing the end was coming and ensuring a 'seed' of him survived, Dou-bral was the 'new' universe version of him, the seed called to him (when he went off into the void) and when he found it boom... Zon-kuthon was back and Dou-bral was no more. Edit: Here we go, hinted at in Book of the Damned and the Nidal sourcebook, but this is James explaining it at a PaizoCon panel. ![]()
![]() I think possibly a large part of the feeling of shock at pricing is because even if someone already owns the pdf they're still paying around 50% of the full cost of the rulebook to now access it on Nexus. Is the value of what Nexus provides as much as half of the effort and time that goes into developing an entire rule book? Only each person can answer that for themselves. It may not be an entirely fair comparison but it's a very clear one that people are going to make without even thinking about it in many cases. For many, many people if the cost comes down to "I can get two rulebooks and their content on Nexus vs three new rulebooks" (regardless of any other external support options or free content) then they're going to plumb for more stuff and make do, that is a business fact that has to be dealt with and factored in if they plan to be successful (and I very much hope they are!). Frankly people (politely) expressing why they feel the pricing isn't ideal for them is a good thing for Nexus, free market feedback they can access alongside actual sales data to make future decisions. ![]()
![]() I hope that this does very well, it certainly looks like a slick, visually appealing way to build characters! Sadly for me it definitely falls into the "way too much for what I personally get out of it" area. The devs have clearly done a ton of work and absolutely deserve to get paid a fair value for that, I hope there's an audience large enough out there to see that happen. Honestly I'm not even priced out of it, I could afford the cost without a problem, I just don't see it as giving enough value for me and that's not on the devs at all, simply that there are tools out there I am happy and content using that provide a value it'll be hard for Nexus to compete with. Best of luck to them! ![]()
![]() Qidan wrote: As long as we can play it online somehow (vtt, pbp), sounds awesome! Playing online is easy! We have a ton of lodges for both play by post and virtual tabletops in the online region! I’ll post some links below along with other useful posts in case that helps, but all our lodges are very welcoming to new players, as well as having games for most time zones, so feel free to jump on and say hi ! VTT Lodges
Play by Post Lodges
Other useful links
![]() Quote:
For those watching at home, if you guessed ‘That was not actually the answer’ you get a point! If anyone truly is concerned enough it’s very easy to find the other thread this is addressed in. ![]()
![]() CaptainRelyk wrote:
Its already been said to you by many people, many times, but once more; I strongly recommend you actually play some Pathfinder Society before continuing to try and tell people authoritatively how it works in all sorts of fashions, or what GMs do and do not allow in their games. In the kindest light it comes off as repeated misunderstanding and not paying attention when informed better, in another less kind light, it looks like actively trying to spread misinformation and drive people away from Society. And once again, as has been also mentioned repeatedly, calling out what individuals who have had conversations elsewhere have said as 'evidence' for or against the points you are trying to make is at best rude, at worst harassment (let alone doing so in a way that inaccurately portrays what people have said). ![]()
![]() Red, how long do you think a playtest should be? 4 weeks? 8 weeks? 12? How many months? Then there's collecting, collating feedback, and examining all the data and messages. That's going to take a few weeks at minimum. Next we have internal playtesting of any changes, finalising edits and changes to the books, which obviously means layout for the entire thing has to be redone along with deciding if cuts need to be made, and then eventually after all that sending it to print... before it even starts to get made. Do you think that it's perhaps possible that delaying their brand new, easy format, attractive to new player remastered rules for what 4, 5 months, maybe longer, is a sound business decision right now? Cause if you agree it's probably not then you're literally asking Paizo to tank their business because you think it might make the rules a little bit better. Does that seem reasonable to you?