Richard999's page

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Marusaia wrote:
It really is a rotten thing that Mr. Cook died when he did. It seems that he had some great plans in the works for how his series would develop, and my god, the man could write. Ten novels in six years is nothing to sneeze at, particularly when the output of a lot of other fantasy authors is distressingly slow. I'd like to think, though, that it at least made him happy that one of his books was getting republished.

His illness and subsequent death from it were certainly regrettable. But his interest in writing further novels in this setting, had long since waned with the decrease in sales and subsequent ending of his publishing contract. A long time before his illness and death. Decades before. Even if he were still with us, he would not be writing any more.

As far as his productivity, there is a degree of overlap in his novels. While I am not a writer of stories, I do create other content, and that removes some degree of the work involved in creating multiple products. I expect it helped him with his ten novel output. That and the fact that two or three of them felt like he was phoning it in.

Erik Mona wrote:

The only thing getting in the way of it happening now is the extreme expense of publishing a 600 page book, my utter unwillingness to cut the book into smaller pieces, and my fear of how the book would do if we priced it at something like $18.00, which we'd have to do in order to make any money on it.

The book is on the internal schedule and I hope to put it out next year. But it's going to be expensive and we will probably take a bath on it. :(

Ah. Sounds more than reasonable. I wish I could say I would buy a copy if you published it, but I already own a copy and couldn't justify buying another.

Erik Mona wrote:
I've read the entire series twice. I love them. When I got the green light to launch Planet Stories, I immediately contacted Hugh and his agent and licensed "The Walrus and the Warwolf" for publication.

How is this going? Is it still on track, or have Hugh's circumstances gotten in the way of it happening?