Revenge Goat |
Well Richard Baker has stated that half-orcs as a PC race will be in D&D Insider shortly after 4E is released. So much for it not being necessary to play the game. So, to play a half-orc I have to buy the core books and have a DDI subscription. Hey WotC, how much does it cost to play a gnome, or goblin? Once again, WotC's naked greed rears its ugly head.
Actually WotC is making all the book content accessible through the online subscription. So for example, if you are making a character using the character creator, you'd have access to every class ability and feat in all the books.
They were going to charge a small fee ($1-or-something to cover cost) to access the content using a code in the book, but they ran into problems where people using the online play tools could have mis-matched sets of data. So WotC is eating the the cost of duplicating book crunch for the online tools.
You don't need Insider to play, and the half-orc will certainly make it off Insider, and begin circulating the Web. And I'm guessing that WotC will probably make that article one of the things that is available free (there will be free bits available for anyone).
FYI the cost of the insider account is already a value just for the Dungeon and Dragon content which will actually be a bit more content than what previously went out in the print magazines.
I saw a lot of negative response in this thread, and I think it's largely unfounded. I talked to several of the WotC staff and even played some D&D with a couple people from the marketing team at DDXP (I will leave them unnamed). These guys are not trying to steal money. There are very good reasons for the price schemes and release schedules.
The casual face-to-face gamer will be able to get on fine with just PH, DMG and MM. There is no need for the insider account, but that too will be well worth the money, and is available for a single 24 hour pas as well as monthly and annually. So you could even get a day pass, and scrape all the choice content if you wanted.
I understand the skepticism, but it's unfounded. They really are trying to make an affordable game.