Rev Bolyard's page

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Can anyone please explain how N. Jolly's Master Hyde build is able to perform all those natural attacks? Is it the bite+claw from feral mutagen and the hoofs from skinwalker shift?

Certainly appreciate the help. I'm currently looking at the Dastardly Finish Feat which I would qualify for once I get the 5d6 sneak attack dice.

My question is: when performing a coup de grace with natural attacks, do I automatically hit with all 3 or just the bite portion?

Currently beginning a 25 point buy campaign at 6th level and would appreciate assistance on developing a Human Vivisectionist (who doesn't multiclass) that is built around natural attacks given with Feral Mutagen.

So aside from the sneak attack damage added to the bite, claw, claw... my best ways of adding even more damage are to increase size as well as power attack, correct?

I would like to add Bleed Attack at some point, and am leaning towards Combat Reflexes. Any other advice you could provide?

LessPopMoreFizz wrote:

First level ASAP. Then take the other two after getting Pounce, IMO.

And no, personally I don't think the BAB is worth the trade. With a primarily natural attacker, you're not worried about iteratives anyway, and there are plenty of great ways to boost the actual attack roll.

How do you recommend getting pounce and what other feats would work best with a claw claw bite build?

LessPopMoreFizz wrote:

Go three levels of MC, not 9.

Furious Mutagen is great. The others, you can either take as normal Alch discoveries or aren't as good as having more and higher level extracts.

is the extra BAB not worth the trade?

Also, when is the best time to take the levels of MC? As soon as possible?

We're beginning a level 1-20 campaign that I'd like to be an alchemist in. I steering away from bomb use and going strictly for melee damage using the 3 natural attacks found with the Scaleheart (skinwalker).

I'm looking for an efficient way to combine the Vivisecionist and Master Chymist. I'd like to to be able to fit in 9 levels of MC to get Brutality (+6), and not really wanting to add any other natural attacks (tentacles, ect.).

My stats (before using Scaleheart adjustment) are 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12 (rolled 4d6, dropped the lowest). Scalehearts get a bump to STR and INT at the cost of WIS when shifted.

Before deciding to add Master Chymist I had my discoveries picked out as such:
2 preserve organs
4 preserve organs
6 wings
8 combine extracts
10 crippling strike (rogue talent)
12 greater mutagen
14 spontaneous healing
16 grand mutagen
18 preserve organs

The only feat I had yet accounted for was Eldritch Claws at 9th level.

For the Master Chymist, the advanced mutagens I'd probably lean towards taking Feral (for qualification of others), Furious, Growth (or Draconic), and Nimble.

edit: Also of note we get 3 traits, and I'd like for one to qualify me to wear the mithril breastplate.
Any thoughts or suggestions as to combining the two efficiently?

I've been allowed to use Pathfinder's Inquisitor in a local 3.5 game. I've opted to go with the spellbreaker since it's very magic heavy with the following rolled stats at level 6:


I'd like to be melee and use the judgements to help assist get me in line with other BAB character.

I'm also allowed AN additional bonus feat at 1st round.

So I receive 3 first round feats (Human) and with the selection of Power Attack at level 3, how else can I pour on the damage? The inquisitors proficiency with only simple weapons seems to hurt alot. Also, since he's a follower of Pelor (again, 3.5 game), I'm not sure what my deity's preferred weapon would be. Any suggestions for feats, gear, and how to arrange my ability scores would be appreciated!

I have recently been added to 3.5 game and was told I could use Pathfinder's Inquisitor. I'm having a hard time converting him with the skills however. Anyone have any suggestions on the 3.5 relevant skills that should be class skills as well as if there's any other changes I should be aware of.

Chess Pwn wrote:

Well you could go urban barbarian and make dex mutagens for the dex build.

for the hulk idea I'd say go 4 levels in Bloodrager abyssal and then some levels of mutagenic brawler or fighter.

A +6 instead of a +4 isn't that much different. That's 1 to attack rolls and 1 maybe 2 to damage rolls. If you went mutagenic fighter you'd have the full BAB so your to hit would be the same (+1 if you pick up weapon focus). And fighters can pick up weapon specialization for the +2 in damage. Also the Bloodrager/Barbarian can pick up Reckless rage feat for +2/+3 damage and the level four ability for abyssal makes them larger when they rage.

You made that whole thing seem entirely easy.

My very -VERY- end game is to make a melee witch without the use of the scarred witch doctor or prehensile hair who uses natural attacks, like maybe claw claw bite progression and who maybe enlarges. I can begin to piece things together with you above assistance which seems to work much more efficiently then the hex blade magus does. I'd likely avoid the offensive and save based hexes to provide a uniquely flavored witch.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Well, you could always try not to be hit. Getting a high AC or using range can help you not be in danger of losing stats. Also it's only a little boost to the STR. What is drawing you to it? I might have suggestions that let you do it a different way.

The flavor to go with the possibly insane spikes in STR as listed here: der-Roleplaying-Game

Stacking it with the drunken brute barbarian might not be my personal way to go, but just be able to become that kind of melee force is insane to me. Personally I'd have more use if it spiked your DEX instead (AC + reflex save!!!).

I've read it. I like it. Now is there anyway to avoid being in a coma after every battle?

The -6 to Will saves at Level 6 is a tough pill to swallow. By then your will save is a +2 base which is a net -4 - which means succeeding on a will save of 19 (24 on a critical hit!) to avoid further will penalties and intelligence damage.

Anyone have any suggested thoughts or builds that worked with the rage chemist?