RedJedi's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Ximen Bao wrote:

I think Yora hast the right of the empowered spell.

I believe when you cast an empowered maximized spell, you roll it normally, take half the result, and add it to the maximum possible damage.

An empowered, maximized spell gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus half the normally rolled result." gic---final

This is great! So, if this gnome Sorcerer is of the Draconic bloodline, he will get an additional +1 damage for every die. Thus bringing the total per Empowered Maximized Ray to:

(4d6+4)+(2d6+2) Per Ray

OR: 28+14=42 damage x3 for 126 total?

Grand Lodge

Ok, so I want to get a confirmation on this.

I want to cast as a 12th level sorcerer an Intensified Empowered Maximized (Maximize spell via a lesser rod) Scorching Ray. This sorcerer has spell specialization in Scorching Ray, and has the Gnome Pyromancer archetype. This sorcerer also has the Magical Lineage (scorching ray)trait.

Assuming all To-Hit rolls are successful, what damage dice will I be rolling per Ray, and what level spell slot is used up?

Thanks in advance everyone!

Grand Lodge

This is all great stuff. Thanks to everyone for replying. Now one more thing comes to mind.

Say this same Crane Style fighting Monk gains Power Attack. How does this affect FoB to hit and Damage?

Sorry for being very noobish!

Grand Lodge

So, when you are able to swing just once, you get the 1.5 strength modifier bonus because there isn't any reason why you wouldn't use it to its max effectiveness damage wise. When you flurry, you are only able to get your straight strength bonus to each successful attack.

Now, next question. Say this Monk wants to use Crane Style to better defend himself.

1. Possible only when swinging once for 1d6+4
2. Possible only when flurrying
3. Never possible because you aren't fighting unarmed, or never have at least one hand free

Thank you so much for the lightning fast reply!

Grand Lodge

Need a rules clarification on this. Does it work like this?

Level 1 Weapon Adept Monk, with 18 Str (+4 damage)

Attacks with Q-Staff (no Flurry), +4 to hit, 1d6+6 damage.

Flurry of Blows with Q-staff: +3 to hit/+3 to hit, 1d6+6, 1d6+6 damage.

Then at Level 2, does it change to +4/+4 while flurrying, 1d6+6/1d6+6?

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!