Lord Vardak

Razamoph's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

sorry guys, started a new contract this week and also ended one. Not sure the protocol about jumping back into the game?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2


Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Raza listens carefully while stroking the rat on his shoulder "I fear our actions so far have come to little fruition and it seems we have a deadline for this gate. Let us make the haste" i think i have an idea of faction missions now

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2


Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Diplomacy Aid Another 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Raza looks at you reassuringly "I'm sure you can handle this, just let me know if you need a hand"

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

[ooc] before leaving can i use detect magic (3 rounds i think) on the dead body (for magic traps/arua)? and if it's safe I'd like to check the remains for clues [ooc]

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

12 hours farm work a day must be worse than bootcamp! or is it all mostly machine driven now? anyway 12hr days all the time has to be somewhat detrimental to well being

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

im just overly eager, lots of spare time on my hands at present.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

I thought the hit was confirmed, does that mean we can retract the heal actions? I think those charges on the wand could come in handy later :) also is this the normal speed of a PbP?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Leaping back against the wall at the sudden blast of pungent liquid rocketing towards Mella; Raza's eyes narrow on the doorway. His expression glazes over for a split-second and a feint whisper is heard from his slack jaw "the gate... " Crashing back to reality his training takes over

Know Arcane 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

on the device and not sure if i can help mella in anyway, can i caste detect magic if i'm at a good angle?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Raza enters the small room behind the others and looks around silently
Perception check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

cool and thanks for all the help so far

[url=http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2p55p?PCGen-v6000-Released[/url] and here's that char builder, very handy.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

How many traits should we have?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

found a fantastic free character builder which feeds data straight from the rule book. Not sure if im able to mention it on the boards? I'm still polishing my char and was wondering how stringent the rules on ammo are? I hope im not flooding the board...

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

could i change it? since i haven't used it yet and only thought i needed it to handle familiars, it's still in it's original packaging.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

so the animal handling feat for my char is a waste of time?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

there is a door just beside Karazan could we use that?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

a little help with animal handling feat please; i want to train my familiar rat, how to i begin? ideally i want to train it for a purpose but i'm unsure the process?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

that map app is pretty damn sweet :)

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

are we saying this place is trapped or is it just dilapidated

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2


Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Have a safe trip man and watch out for the bloomberg mafia :)
If someone could help me with some equipment queries i have that would be great! I have some basics, silver and iron, dagger, club. i'm no good with them but i have them just in case. problem is i have to keep my distance as magic is finite, whats my best ranged attack weapon options (str 8)?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

squishy sorcerer just hopes he is worth the protection in a fight :) I suggest tactical in game and strategy arc/meta in discussion but i dont know the protocol

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Raza, paying heed to his new companions advice he meekly slides his pet into his sleeve and races after them.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

No PP, roger. do i need to post the equipment i have on me here?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

"Our man is of paramount importance but i fear lacking his current location would only waste time on trying to find him. If the attic proves useless at least we'll exhaust the smallest faction of our time."

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Looking up from what looks like play with a small b/w zebra striped rat on his arm Raz offer's up a suggestion "Our 2 most important factors as i see it is time and information and we lack both. the quickest route i see to gaining information is to go up to that attic and examine what took our man. it's close, we know more about it's location and it's treat level than what the book offers. I don't know how the party feel about spitting it's resources but my thoughts on the matter are thus; we don't know the exact level of treat and we could need everyone"

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

Done and hopefully correctly now so please check if you want. i've only spent 47(ish)gp so far and still have to pick my PP which i think is going to be a healing rod/wand. more shopping to do but that should be completed shortly (checking some material costs).

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

but i have to use society approved pregens (of which my char is not)? or roll one in front of you? i don't mind changing my char stats over to a pregen or rolling again. i used an online sheet for the last guy and it calculated everything for me... which was nice.

Also i work well with excel and i don't mind collaborating info in excel format for everyone. there is a ton of excel resources out there already so really its just a matter of data manipulation and esthetics.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

"gold has been spent", u mean items i have already bought and are on my character sheet... right? should the same go for PP, what i mean is, when i created my char should i of already adjusted for PP or is it because i'm coming in with a pregen that i don't get PP?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

sorry im trying to read the society guide but i fear im misinterpreting the information. this is my first game and i thought i seen i start with 150 gp (however now i can't find that info)?

by saying "pregens do not have PP" from that statement should i assume my char does start with pp?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

How much gold do we have to spend and do we get PP right away?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

as mentioned this is my first ttrpg game, i'm going to get some stuff wrong. If anyone spots something wrong just let me know, im treating this as a learning exp. any tips for noobs are also welcomed. are we going to be using openrpg or another program for combat, etc?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

well met captain and companions, this is also my first assignment and hopefully not our last together. i do so enjoy my body's current configuration he muses to himself and i'm sure that if you are in this room with me today you posses at least a modicum of survive instinct in... awkward situations. tell me dear captain do you have any extra intel on our task?

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

picked grand lodge but might move over to lanterns before lv up. test 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

"greetings Ku-mari, why i was just introducing myself to the folks as you graced us" "i'm raz, pleased to met you?" Offering a welcoming hand shake to the new arrival.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

eager for his first assignment Raz enters the office with a bounce in his step, quickly assessing the situation he offers a warm greeting to his follow attendees "Hi, i take it you too were also summoned here by some ass kicking your door at the wolfing hour last night?" with a simpatico grin plastered on his face.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Sorcerer Lv - 1 HP 8 AC 10+2 T 12 FF 10 CMD 11 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 2 Perc 5 SM 2

checking in with razamoph (raz) the sorcerer, im here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and im all out of bubblegum... no wait, here's some, mmm minty. Where's the game play treat please and thanks for inviting me along :)

Grand Lodge

Hi, I would like to get involved in this if possible? This would be my first game however so I would need a few pointers and help along the way to flesh out the game concepts/rules. Tried my hand at character creation today (arcane h-e sorcerer lv1) and you can find that on my profile. No joy with a history for him yet but i know the personality. I work in accounts so normal office bod hours and my wife is not pregnant yet :) I live in London (GMT) but if your playing by post i don't think that would be an issue.