
Raynair's page

Organized Play Member. 103 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Andrew K wrote:
On reducing characters per deck -- there is a hell of lot more customization in one character between skills, card feats, and all the powers, than 3 cards will ever get you.

The point isn't removing the characters cards and having 3 additional slots for deck-cards.

For example: If Tarlin was removed from the Cleric class deck, then they wouldn't have needed to worry so much about having Aristocrat/Hireling allies, and they could have lowered the amount of Armor's in the deck by a lot. That would give them much more room to support Heggal, Kyra, and Zarlova. (I am in no way saying that Tarlin is bad, just using it as an example).

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In our group of 6 that has played all 10 of the available scenarios so far, Oloch has pulled as much weight as everyone else in the group. His ability to display Weapons and Blessings to add to other checks has been pretty helpful, as has his built in ability to heal. He isn't afraid to explore with all of his weapons displayed (leaving nothing in his hand), as a natural d12 Strength with +2 melee is nothing to scoff at when someone else throws him a blessing... which isn't hard with 5 other people.