
Raynair's page

Organized Play Member. 103 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I have an order for the Pathfinder Iconic Mini's and I cannot seem to get the order to go through. I had pre-ordered these a while back and now, when I try to use the "Ship this item as soon as possible" option, it takes me through the payment steps, and then it puts the item right back in to the sidecart.

Any help would be appreciated.


Just posting to see if anyone else has had any success with this scenario yet.

Me and the girlfriend run a 4 character party (her with Merisiel and Velendron, me with Kyra and Tontelizi). We have run all of the scenarios in the Card Guild fine with absolutely no problems... then this one came along. We have tried this 3 times now without getting anywhere near beating it.

If anyone has completed this one yet, please post some pointers. We are stumped.

Hello, I created a subscription for the Pathfinder ACG a few weeks ago to start with the Adventure Deck #2: The Fever Sea. As of today, it shows The Fever Sea plus the two promos under my order history as "Pending". I had been reading about everyone receiving authorization e-mails, but I never received one so I believe that something may be wrong with my order.

Any help would be appreciated.
