![]() I started listening to a blue grass band last week that I really like: The Dead South. All of their stuff is pretty solid and while most of their stuff isn’t particularly sad 1 really stands out to me and I have to add it to the list. Ballad for Janoski. I really like their cellist and he stands out a lot in it. ![]()
![]() Casters with bow proficiency: bard (shortbow,) clerics of Erastil (longbow) and druids (shortbow) maybe? I don’t have the playtest manual on me. The SRD says no but I’m not sure that’s right. Otherwise you’re spending feats. So honestly not super common as whole. The other ranged options have reload actions so cantrips work just as well or better. Plus you potentially have to ready your weapon, another action. I’ve said my piece and despite my playtest group apparently being odd it worked out very well so I really don’t care. Whether this is relevant or not I’m not sure but I admit that my views may be a bit slanted. I’ve never particularly cared for gishes. The only one I’ve played in recent memory was a bloodrager. I’m actually quite happy that a primary caster bard seems much more viable in 2E. I might actually play one at some point. ![]()
![]() I have been repeatedly told that my playtest group wasn’t the norm but only our divine and occult casters ever used weapons much. Divine obviously because of a severe shortage of offensive spells and while occult does have some at higher levels there is a shortage of them for a few levels but the biggest reason is that both lists lack a good selection of attack cantrips. Our arcane and primal casters didn’t have that problem and only occasionally used a weapon. Usually using the 3rd action to keep moving, even more useful now that AoOs are on the rare side.
![]() I admit that I have always put function before form and have always had trouble appreciating visual art beyond the most basic levels but still...
Whatever. I’ll try to leave it be from here on out. ![]()
![]() Lower numbers of spell slots were complained about pretty significantly in the playtest forum but what Captain Morgan and Malk_Content said is largely correct. Plus in many of those discussions the people complaining didn’t seem to have actually played the playtest scenarios or just had bad experiences with it all around, not spell casting in particular. But then I may be biased because as Captain said, no one in my group, including myself, ever ran out of spell slots in the playtest except at the very end of the 5th scenario. Which was pretty intentional for that scenario, if you survived that long. Edit: in that scenario I don’t think we actually ran out of slots, just out of spells that had any relevance. That might be splitting hairs but I felt it was worth being clearer on. ![]()
![]() Alceste008 wrote:
I still, for the life of me, do not understand the “I don’t like the art therefore I don’t like the game” mentality. It just feels so utterly petty. ![]()
![]() Ed Reppert wrote:
Exactly. This gets down to world building but I think that that possibility would be a good reason for why the big bads have to be a little cautious and rule from the shadows most times otherwise every country would be blatantly ruled by a big bad. Armies would effectively be utterly useless against anything higher than about 12th level. Countries would be far better served by training a half dozen high level hit squads. This isn’t the case and it’s complicated. I know that in actuality most armies aren’t made up of 1st level characters. I’d say only completely green recruits are. Most soldiers are probably in the 3rd to 4th level range. Then veterans or specialists will be even higher. Plus there’s the squad rules that probably won’t be out for 2nd edition for awhile which will also help.I’ve said in the past and I’m not backpedaling on it that PF is pretty solidly a supers game by early mid levels. But the thing is that every single living being has that potential to become that 20th level character. Now significantly less than a percent of a percent get there but there is still that spark. Which in part is why I think that thousands of people, even if they’re level 1, should at least have a chance even if it’s a really small one. Yes, the plot requires the PCs to come in, throw everything out of whack and save the day. But it shouldn’t be the only way that things can be resolved. But as I said in my 1st post this is just my opinion and I get it if the system and everyone else disagrees with me. It’s not a deal breaker. I will play regardless. ![]()
![]() I don’t mean to derail and it might just be me but I have no issue with the idea (and any mechanics that enable it) of thousands of level 1 characters (an army) being able to take out a dragon or other high level nasty. It makes sense to me and is another reason that said big bads don’t blatantly rule the world (other than PCs and other high level NPCs stopping it.) Meh, different strokes I suppose. ![]()
![]() Malk_Content wrote: I guess my hopes of a troop/mook template in the first bestiary are not indicated then. As DMW said enemies that are 3 or 4 levels lower than PCs die quick and ugly. Things aren’t much worse when the PCs are low level either. In DD1, other than the BBEG everything else dropped with a hit or 2. The danger was that so did the PCs. ![]()
![]() In other news. It’s finals week and I only have 1 left! Sadly it is at 8am tomorrow and I am praying that my alarms actually wake me up because I will have to catch the 1st bus to get to campus just in time. Yes, I’m 32 and in college. I went for a year back when I just got out of high school but had to drop out because of life. Now I’m trying again because it’s getting to the point where you need a Bachelor’s degree to even get a minimum wage job where I live. It took jumping through hoops and knowing the system but I am managing to get the state to foot the bill. ![]()
![]() In the U.S. most schools have a zero tolerance rule for fighting, there is no self defense, both parties get in equal trouble. Even my school had that policy. Sadly that didn’t stop people much and going to adults just made it worse later. Call it a personal flaw but I’m not that abhorred by violence and just taking it lying down wasn’t helping me. So I fought back until they realized it wouldn’t work well for them then I extended an olive branch by showing that I could be a pretty decent guy if they would accept me for who I was. Things were also pretty complicated as far as my school’s functioning. It was a school in a poor rural area on a Native American reservation. For many reasons I won’t go into the drop out rate was significantly higher than average. With the No Child Left Behind governmental regulations that came out about that time and how the 2 interacted, things got messy. It boiled down to the school having to graduate anyone who showed up or the government would shut the school down. They were extremely reluctant to expel people so kids could get away with a lot and get no more than a stern talking to. But I should probably let this conversation go. It’s probably depressing for some. ![]()
![]() Yeah, the last fight I was in in high school actually gave me a rep boost that helped when I decided to try and fit in. The Varsity football star quarterback decided to push me around and I decided to fight back. I almost had him choked out and then 3 of his friends pulled me off of him and held me down then when the guy got up he punched me square in the face. His class ring cut me pretty bad and blood sprayed all over the place but I shrugged it off and just gave him the look of death until teachers got there.
![]() So about the whole school popularity thing. I went to a smallish rural school, my graduating class was less than 30 people. I started out very unpopular but in my area that meant that people picked a lot of fights with you. After about a half dozen fights I devoted a lot of time into getting everyone at least neutral to me. Popular enough to not have to defend myself but still unpopular enough that no one wanted to start drama either. Also something I noted after talking to people that went to larger schools is that with less than 100 people in the school you got to know everyone pretty well, even if you didn’t want to and it pays off to get along. Oh and hello all! I hope you don’t mind me joining in on conversations. I only migrated to this section of the forum a day or 2 ago. Is this just kind of an off topic thread or is there a specific set of topics that it should be kept to? ![]()
![]() I get it and I agree. I would like to reiterate that for all intents and purposes that I do know who I am and that when you get right down to it labels don’t matter a whole lot to me. It’s just that it would be convenient if there was one for what I am so that I don’t have to give that speech every time I want to describe myself to others. I also find it somewhat humorous that in an age where everything has a label there apparently still isn’t one for me.
![]() Okay so before I get into this I apologize for the WoT. I’m just going to try and get everything from the conversation that got modded out + some ramblings out. So the conversation that got me here was of all things about cisgender. Because I’m well behind the curve on such things I hadn’t heard the term. I looked it up and the definition I found was a bit confusing (I was told that the definition I had found wasn’t a good one) so I asked for some clarification and as I had assumed I am but it then lead me down a path I’d been down a few times which is if there is a term for what I am so I described myself in some limited detail and I will give the answer, as it were, further down this post. To my current knowledge the best description of what I am, using sociological terms as that is my specialty, is a heterosexual male that dominantly follows reverse gender roles. In the past I’ve been called a Beta B**** which, while very insulting, is somewhat true and then in the thread in question I was told that I was an egg. I had not heard of it before but after further discussion both on the thread and with others offline that know better than I, I don’t think that one fits either as I have no ignorance of nor am I questioning my identity. (If myself and the others I’ve talked to are wrong about this term any input is welcome) I am a heterosexual male and I identify as such. I just solidly lack and in many cases outright despise accepted male gender roles and gravitate towards female roles without even thinking about it. I also don’t feel that there is a biological element in my case. (though I suppose I could be wrong, how could I really know) I feel that my case is nurture over nature. Looking back I can see events in my life going back to my earliest memories that could easily have started this and then reinforced it.
Where was I? So I know what I am and despite the many problems it has caused me I accept it and wouldn’t change it. Its just weird feeling that I don’t really fit into the straight world but at the same time, and I want to be very clear that this is just my experience, not fitting in with the LGBTQ community either. I do hope and have gotten the general impression that the LGBTQ community as a whole is better than the one in my community. Though I admit that I live in the liberal stronghold of what is largely a conservative state so I have trouble faulting them for being tribal and militant.
So yeah. That’s the long of it. I just thought I’d throw it out there. I sincerely hope that I didn’t offend anyone. My knowledge of the ins and outs of this subject matter is limited. If anyone has input I’m all ears. And thank you all for your time. ![]()
![]() Honorable mentions. These didn’t quite make S class but are definitely on the high end of the situational category.
I’m going to stop myself there. I could talk about music all day. It is my truest passion. ![]()
![]() Just for crying outright let’s see...
Those are most of the ones that get me crying every time but I’m pretty emotional and there are plenty of others out there that will do it under the right circumstances. For sad or depressed, more than I can think of offhand. Easily in the hundreds. ![]()
![]() Yeah Ancient Greece was interesting and in some ways horrible to say the least... It was both very patriarchal and approving of bisexuality. Women had almost no rights outside of the home and were the cause of most of humanity’ woes. Men were expected to marry and have children but what they did on the side and particularly before marriage was pretty open. Hell, pederasty was more or less expected between adolescent boys and men in their early twenties. Hell I’m forgetting which one it was but the undertone of one of Plato’s writings seems to be his hurt over Socrates turning him down. I am also in the “be careful about the connection between orcs and toxic masculinity” camp. There has historically been a tie between orcs and people of African descent. Also I believe even Tolkien said that one of if not the biggest regret he had about his work was making orcs out as irredeemably evil. Otherwise I am fully in support of gender bending mythological creatures. ![]()
![]() Yeah, trying to apply reality to pulp high fantasy (PF), other fantasy, sci-fi, Supers, urban fantasy and most post apocalyptic or even action settings is pretty pointless and takes the fun out of the genres to boot. If you can’t keep the suspension of disbelief up and enjoy them for what they are then why are you even bothering to play/watch/read? ![]()
![]() At this point anyone trying to prove anything is moot. This thread went into an argument just for the sake of argument territory a long time ago but here is a story from my actual experiences that is a fine example of how deceptively strong people can be despite how they look. About 5 years back I worked in a group home for disabled individuals. I am not going to say I’m super strong but I’m a pretty big guy and others have told me that I am probably in the strength 14 category and most of the other employees there were in the same range. We had one client who was thin as a rail with no muscle mass to speak of but when they lost control on occasion and became a threat to other clients it took 3 of us to restrain them and they could take hours before they tired out. (Different places have varying laws on what can be done in these situations but I assure you that what we did was legal and caused no harm to the client, we on the other hand sometimes weren’t so lucky.)
![]() Megistone wrote:
I suppose that if everyone at the table agrees to it and there is 100% transparency sure. But I feel that shouldn’t be in the actual rules. Any mechanic that favors certain players over others due to out of game circumstances such as income is complete BS. And loaded as Hell. ![]()
![]() This may be neither here nor there for many but I feel the need to extrapolate. To me her build fills the requirements for a strength of 16, but attributes can be somewhat of an abstraction (the word I’m actually looking for is escaping me at the moment but that’s close enough.) When I see her I also see the feral and crazy factors, then I add how I interpret the giant totem and I easily see a strength of 18 justified. This is a way I interpret it. Unless your class gives a strength bonus a starting character has a maximum strength of 16. During the ABCs your class choice gives you that final +2. It comes during it, not before. When you finally become a wizard your mind opens to new understandings of knowledge and the arcane. When you finally find your muse and become a bard your self confidence and personal magnetism increase etc. For barbarians I see it as an embrace of some limitless, intoxicating, feral force that even when you’re not raging has hardened your body and mind in some fundamental, but not necessarily obvious way.
![]() Oh god this thread needs to just die but since some people keep ignoring this little bit I will restate it. Whether you think she looks strong enough or not remember that she follows the Giant totem! It’s why she can use her weapon effectively in the first place and eventually will let her grow multiple size categories. Most barbarians are blatantly supernatural now. And for those that don’t think she looks strong enough, you are partially right. When she isn’t raging she suffers all of the penalties and no benefits for wielding that sword. ![]()
![]() Wow this thread has derailed into a landfill and set fire to the whole thing. While I do have some serious issues with alignment in general I have never had an issue with deities tenets and that clerics have to follow them. I mentioned it in passing in the long ago of this thread but despite it thematically changing the class a bit having champions follow a deity and it’s tenets is very good for the class. While it may make their code stricter in some cases I feel the clarity it adds to the code very helpful. I’m not going to give my piece to every point made in the last few pages of this thread but I’m in general agreement with the pro anathema cleric side of the debate. It feels integral to the class. Plus the majority of anathema are really easy to abide by (Gorum and Rovagug stand out to me as a bit harder but whatever, they aren’t exactly the most reasonable gods.) If there is so much trouble over this in a game then either the GM or player in question is a problem. To sum up. Play a sorcerer until other divine casters or optional rules are released or hack the game to shreds with house rules and/or play a different setting or home brew. (Sorry if my feelings towards house rules offends but I’ve only had 1 GM were I wasn’t appalled by them.) ![]()
![]() I’ve said my piece. Not as well or as elegantly as I’d have liked but whatever. The only thing this thread really proves, along with every other discussion over these topics I’ve been a part of or even just witnessed, is that people will always disagree about it. Though that isn’t surprising since people have been arguing over some of these topics for probably all of human history. ![]()
![]() I think some people here have been scrutinizing these stories for some hidden hints for mechanics in the final game more than is necessary and probably in vain to boot. The playtest itself arguably allowed for everything there. When you spend an action to give your companion actions you decide what those actions are. The entangle is a bit more of a GM call but I’d rule that a significant quantity of mushrooms would count as “plants” for the purposes of casting entangle. Yes technically fungi aren’t plants but that seems like splitting hairs for a fantasy setting.
![]() The Eldar deities are a bit trickier. Kaela Mensha Khaine more than likely falls into the Gorum category. Cegorach is a weird amalgam of Norgorber and Desna maybe? Isha is a pretty stereotypical fertility goddess but PF doesn’t have one of those so Erastil I guess? The new goddess, Ynnead I’m honestly not super familiar with but she is a goddess of death but not at all like Pharasma. I’m not sure how you’d make her.
Lol it can pretty easily be argued that Isha is the only good deity in 40K. Though I will note that despite being evil on the alignment spectrum, Grandfather Nurgle is such a nice guy! Oh and add aspects of Urgathoa to the Slaanesh mix. And that is enough 40K derailment. Sorry all. ![]()
![]() As a 40k fan I take offense! Yes Gorum fits with Khorne but don’t leave the others out! Urgathoa could be adapted for Nurgle, Calistria for Slaanesh and Nethys can be pretty readily converted to Tzeentch. With the exception of Khorne, adding a few bits of Lamashtu’s portfolio fleshes them out as well. Lol, I don’t take offense, though if I were to channel my 40k tastes into a character PF isn’t the game I’d do it with. ![]()
![]() Aaron Shanks wrote:
Over 1200 pages you say? Con: sounds a bit cumbersome for easy travel. Pro: heavy enough to beat someone to death with. After careful consideration of the pros and cons I approve! ![]()
![]() Not sure if this is on topic or not but I have decided on one thing I like about champions being tied to deities. It will (hopefully) cut down on the Lawful Stupid interpretation that was common in the past. Now that’s pretty much just champions of Abadar’s territory. I suppose it also adds some much needed diversity of perspectives for the class. In the past I often felt that if you’d met one paladin you’d met them all. Not much room for variation. Very boring. Getting rid of the deity requirement and making it purely on the ideals of an alignment would continue that problem in my eyes.