Tarrin Dars

Raquel Cailean's page

813 posts. Alias of Brainiac.


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I'm going to mark this game as inactive for myself. If the GM does return, please send me a PM and I'll rejoin the game. If not, see you all around.


I believe we are waiting on our illustrious GM, yes?


Happy new year! No more vacations scheduled till March so I'm around again for a while. :)


I'll be taking another short staycation from 1/1 through 1/5. Posting will be sporadic until I return to work on 1/6.


Raquel clears her throat when Boram asks Lilianne about speaking Elven. "Our dear Lily is fluent in many tongues, but the chief language of concern around these parts is coin. Money talks, they say, and right now, that man is leading the conversation." She gestures across the taproom, where the merchant is propositioning Nisli.


I will be out of town from 12/18 through 12/26, with limited or no internet access for much of that time. Normal posting will resume when I return on Monday, 12/27. Please bot me as necessary.


"Yeah, a little too quiet..." Raquel muses, glancing around the taproom.


"Hear, hear!" Raquel says to Boram. "You are a man after Cayden's own heart, my friend."


"Hey, Jo! Whaddya' know?" Raquel says. "The stew smells great, and I'm sure it will taste great as well. I just hope Braegan made enough for you!" She gives the dwarf a wink.

Lilianne Nightshade wrote:
"Did you see Nilsi is here, scribbling away?"

Raquel nods. "Aye, I see her. I still don't know why she bothers to come to a tavern if she's barely going to drink. But to each their own!"


"It's the calm before the storm," Raquel says in agreement. "Enjoy it while it lasts, cause I'm sure tonight will be as rowdy as always."

The cleric scoots her chair close to Lily as the half-elf goes through her restless leg ritual. She raises her glass in praise to Cayden Cailean before taking a sip.

Noticing the halfling at the corner table looking at her, she gives him a nod and a salute as well.


”You look awful cozy, Lily,” Raquel says as she saunters up beside the half-elf, holding a glass of whiskey. The human woman is a few years older than her fellow barmaid, with a bit more of an ample frame. Mirth twinkles in her brown eyes. ”Mind if I join you?”


Anything from Tara Ravenheart yet?


Restov works perfectly for Raquel’s backstory.

Not a fan of roll20, so I would prefer Google Docs or theater of the mind for combat.

I’ll tweak Raquel’s stats to account for two favored class bonuses and Wisdom-based channeling!


I assumed Brevoy or River Kingdoms as well, but I’m fine in any location.


Raquel is a human barmaid/entertainer and the requisite cleric of Cayden Cailean. She is cheerful and gregarious, and totally not the secret heir to the throne of Brevoy! :D


"Huzzah! A toast to our illustrious GM for choosing us as players! Drinks all around!"

Looking forward to a fun game with all of you! :D

So, which one of Tara Ravenheart's aliases will be joining us?

Raquel’s tropes are Noble Fugitive and Really Royalty Reveal (with a healthy dose of Gender Bender), as well as Fun Personified.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You have me as an idea and a finished character! I am but the latter! :D

And my demi-gestalt class is bard.

HP Rolls: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 81d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 51d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Alright, I believe Raquel is complete and ready for submission. :D

@Robert Henry, this is Brainiac's submission, so you can take me off the "Dot" list!

I'll likely have time to finish her up tomorrow or Wednesday, then I'll be good to go.

Want to make sure I'm doing the demi-gestalt right.

I'm building a cleric with the demi-gestalt class of bard. I chose to boost my skills. So normally it would be 4 + Int. Boosting it gives me an additional 3 skill points/level, correct?

Then I get 3 boon feats (levels 1, 2, and 4). I would use them to buy bardic performance for inspire courage +1, fascinate, and inspire competence +2. Is that correct?

I'm excited for it as well. A fun, light-hearted campaign is always welcome. :D

I'm going to be submitting a cleric of Cayden Cailean, a "prince in exile" trope with a twist! I've got the backstory done from a previous Kingmaker game. I'll just need to rebuild according to the demi-gestalt rules. I'll aim to get the crunch done in the next few days!


I'm glad the ordeal is almost over. I'm here and ready to pick things up again.


"Thank you, friends," Raquel tells the faeries. Seeing how scared they are, the cleric tries to lighten the mood. "Hey, why don't we play a game of hide-and-seek? I'll count first, and you hide. One... two... three..."

She spends the rest of the afternoon playing with the pair to bolster their spirits.


Got it! Made a post, ready to move on. :)


Cool system. I assume, then, that Raquel and Sasha are currently engaged in the 11 days of influencing the faeries?


Raquel smiles at the two fey. "We were actually hoping you might aid us. Last time we spoke, you mentioned a certain...dark lady. We have reason to believe that she is plotting against us. Any insights you could give us into her plans would be greatly appreciated."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26


Same here. I'll try to post tomorrow!


I’m still here if and when things get started again.


Still here and hoping things will pick up again soon.


Still here!


I will be on vacation from Saturday 10/10 until Monday 10/19. During this time, I won't have much chance to post. GM, please bot me if necessary.


Raquel waves and calls out to the faeries. ”Yoo-hoo! Well met, faerie friends! Remember us? We have some questions for you!”


Raquel looks surprised. ”Sasha! We can’t go all the way out to the hot springs and not have a soak! Besides, I’m sure Yuri has some tension he’d like to relieve. Maybe you could help him eith that?” She smiles coyly at the rogue.


"Ah, I remember them! Perlivash and Tyg Titter-Tut, was it?" Raquel says. "I'll go with you and Sasha, Yuri. We can show you where we're going to open our spa one day at the hot springs!"


Since Tristan’s player is still MIA, it would probably be best to have him stay here and supervise Raquel!


"Ooh! A tough choice!" Raquel says. She pauses a moment as she remembers how much of a fool she made herself at last year's soiree. But she did meet Leroy there, so it wasn't all bad.

"I think I'll stay here and help with the local festivities. I've been working on a new formula for a winter ale that I think will be a hit! Plus, our celebration will likely be much less stuffy and formal."

And free of nobles who knew me in a previous life...


I'm here and ready to move on! Raquel has more shenanigans to engage in!


”As always, we proceed bravely and boldly,” Raquel asserts, letting the others make more specific plans.


Raquel reaches out and gives Aivar's shoulder a squeeze. "Don't worry, big guy. We'll figure out a way through all of this. Both Shelyn and Cayden are on our side!"


"Yes, thank you, thank you, Cayden's blessings upon you," Raquel says as she quickly stands and ushers her friends out of the caves.


”I, for one, offer copious amounts of alcohol!” Raquel declares, tapping the keg she has brought with her and distributing mugs of ale to the kobolds.

Profession (brewer): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29


I say continue on for now, and welcome him back if and when he returns.


"And then the heroes decided to give up and go home. The end." :P


Ah, I see. Definitely not happening. :P

And happy anniversary all! Looking forward to more antics as we keep rolling along.


Once the image has played out, Raquel looks at her companions dubiously. "Leave the Stolen Lands within a year? Yeah, no, that's not going to happen."


"Aye, a true pleasure, it is," Raquel agrees, trying to hide her grimace. "May Cayden bless this bounty we are about to receive!"

The cleric prays over the food.

Casting purify food and drink repeatedly to be sure it is safe to eat.


Though she isn't happy about it, Raquel sighs. "Fine. I say we do it. If push comes to shove, we can defend ourselves."


Raquel waits for somebody to translate the kobold's words. Then she whispers in return, "Ask him what sort of common cause he's talking about. And we'll need more assurances of our safety than just leaving some kobolds here. The chief has already proven he has no regard for the lives of his subjects."

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