Artemis Entreri

Raker_'s page

28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

i am trying to make an assassin with either a fighter or ranger up to level 10. go

As the headline suggests i am looking for suggestions on a prestige class for my ranger who primarily uses a bow. i was leaning toward nature warden but just wanted a second opinion. thanks.

So i know a two weapon path for a barbarian is not the greatest path because of the heavy feat requirements how ever i really liked the idea of a viking bererker so he fights with a Battleaxe and Shield Bash.
I am using the beast totem rage powers to simulate werewolf blood because the ulfen see them as blessed not cursed. I dont meet the dex requirements for improved two weapon fighting and i am not necessarily looking to improved his combat capabilities as much as i am trying to add to the flavor. i am ninth level and dont know what to get with my feat. here is what i have so far

Two Weapon Fighting
Shield Focus
Improved Shield Bash
Shield Slam
Power Attack

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

does anyone know if there are rules to make custom magic weapons with special abilities not found on the chart? such as frost brands ability to dispel fire effects just as an example

So my DM gave me a giant eagle as an animal companion and i am having a hard time finding there starting stats before i apply the animal companion levels. any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.

thanks again

So we are about to start a new game and i was thinking about playing an Inquisitor but i am looking for feed back they seem like a pretty well rounded support class. the only thing that concerns me is the fact that they are not proficient with martial weapons.. so i think that will take away from what magic items i will be able to put to use because i was told we wont really be spending to much time in cities with magic shops. also if you could throw some build suggestions my way that would be great as well. we are doing a 20pt point buy.

thanks again

So we are about to start the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path and I would like to play a Druid but have never made one before it is a 20pt point buy. just looking for some build ideas. It is set in the jungle.

Thanks again.

Any suggestions on class?

We are doing a 20 point buy?

I am only asking because i know nothing about the region and what i might run into.

We are playing a game right now and the GM is saying it doesnt but i swear it does

i am thinking about making a barbarian that fights with a two handed weapon and i was looking at taking the vital strike feat but want some clarification before taking it it say i can do double damage on an attack action. is it referring to a full attack or a attack that is just a standard action such as after a move action?

i am making an 8th level barbarian i already bout his armor shield and weapon, but i still have about 16,000 gold to spend i am trying to stay away from stat enhancing items and lean more towards utility items. any suggestions that would go good with a barbarian?

so building a invunerable rager that fights with a viciuos greataxe. is that to much?

with out rage while power attacking ill be doing 1d12+2d6+14 and will only take 3 damage at the most from vicious and once i hit 12th level i wont take any. from a dm's point of view is this and abuse of DR?

Is there any way to make an assassain that can death attack through a bow instead of just melee?

So i am somewhat new to the Pathfinder System. I have always like Barbarians and wanted to try one in this new system. i am just trying to bounce some ideas around and get some input.

I really Like The Ulfen's and the viking cultre so i was thinking about doing a Two Weapon Sword and Shield Barbarian but the limited Feats make it hard. I will be Starting at 6th level the stats i rolled in no particular order are:
18 17 16 15 14 12

I was thinking about the Invunerable Rager Archtype

And the rage powers it doesnt look like anything would really help me until 8th lvl

just looking for some Ideas.