Rainer Woreck 34's page

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Been issued a cease and desist yet?
When a company doesn't do their job, fans are there to do it for them, and if the company is as many companies are, they'll slap you across the wrists for trying to take their IP and making it into something they aren't making money off of.

Maybe the board game industry is not as garbage as the video game industry.

I'd love an updated pack of the generic monsters, events, allies, and more gear to make use of, along with maybe more generic adventures.
Every set has been rather themed for that exact adventure path. I'd like to just have a nice collection across all possible locations within the world to come up with my own adventures, or even tinker with the Rise of the Rune Lords, Skulls and Shackles, Wrath of the Righteous to update them.
Perhaps supply me with blank cards from the Core/Curse of the Crimson Throne sets for me to make my own if Paizo isn't going to provide what I seek.

Also, fill out the rest of the character roster. The older characters just don't compare well to the new characters, and are very centric to the Adventure Path they come from. What good is swashbuckling, and Mythic Paths when the Adventure Path doesn't make use of these?

I don't like the Rise of the Rune Lords, Skulls and Shackles, Wrath of the Righteous cards as they look very unprofessional. They also feature a different balance of power compared to each other. I've combined these sets to re-play Rise of the Rune Lords and Skulls & Shackles. It was pretty much impossible to balance the cards out. The monsters I tried to balance for Traits so no matter what character you played you'd be useful. Gear and allies I only kept cards people actually used, and also tried my best to keep the traits varied. Blessings included all the gods.
It was a rough experience in putting together and playing. The power gap of certain cards seriously showed. While I don't mind adventure paths, it limits creativity for making ones own campaigns.

When you make cards nobody ever wants to claim, you've messed up in the design room. Forcing players to use cards because there are too few to go around is another really bad design choice.