![]() Hey Chernobyl, actually I wasn't interested in damage at all I wanted to make something like the instant fortress and was really shocked it was such a powerful weapon since I never thought of it as one. Happler, that sounds like a good idea. I thought command words were more about making it hard to figure out how to get a magic item to work but what you're saying makes sense. ![]()
![]() So it sounds like we've determined that the cube can NOT be thrown because to be activated it must be in "possession". So it's not a ranged weapon but can still clobber creatures in front of the user and there's no attack of opportunity so no worries there. There's still a lot of confusion to do with command words though. The command word to shrink it is different so enemies can't shrink it and then open it back up on you unless they know both words. I'm assuming that the original user can't shrink it unless he's standing next to it (which would count as "possession" since you can't really "hold" a tower unless you're a titan or something really big). BUT also nothing says I can't whisper the command words so no monster will ever hear them without specially powers of perception. So I think we can stop talking about it being used against the user. Also seems like it needs rules about opening or not opening in spaces too small for it (that relational reference was hilarious by the way - it would be like the Spinal Tap Stone Henge). The beauty of 3rd and future editions (imo) is that it categorized things. So sentences like "People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress's sudden growth" should not exist post 2nd edition. "People and creatures" = bad. "Must be careful" = bad. How about "Creatures within the area the tower fills when it is activated take 10d10 points of damage (Reflex DC 19 half) and are pushed into a randomly assigned space beside the tower. The tower cannot be activated in a space that is too small for it when fully expanded and may not fill an area already occupied by a structure with a hardness of 8 or more." ? Some of you guys are REALLY funny. Loved the fail singularity. ![]()
![]() See this is what gaming's all about. Interpretation. It's like when a DM thinks he's thought of everything and then the players completely ruin all his setup by doing something unexpected. Then all this back and forth gets people thinking. Awesome. Do you have to say the command word loud enough for those around you to hear it? I don't see anything about that. Also command word items do NOT provoke attacks of opportunity. So many questions. Does it count as an attack? If not I can remain invisible while I do it? This "weapon" doesn't take any charges. Yes you can use up a smite evil or a spell or limited special attack to do a bunch of damage but with this you don't have to. It's free. I'm thinking at 10d10 it's more powerful than fireball cast at 10th level and it's not as likely to be "resisted" because it's not a damage type (like fire). It does d10's instead of d6's AND the DC is higher than fireball which is only 17 even if you have an 18 INT. So let's say that puts it at 5th level spell and - it's free! Based on the wealth by level table you should be getting this item around 10th level (when a wizard only has 2 5th level spells) so having an extra 5th level spell at will that does damage leaves your slots open to be filled with more useful spells. Then think about the pricing. Spell effect - command word - 5th level that's 5 x 9 x 1800 = 81000gp and that's ONLY for the damage dealing effect. In the very least it's severely under priced. Thanks for the correction Chernobyl. Adamantamine Dragon I agree with them being shunted to nearest open space but then picture a 20 x 20 room with a bunch of monsters in it. They've got no where to go. Do they get a save? They could be pinned against the walls or the ceiling. This would get so old for me as a DM. Popping the tower 3 or 4 times in a session would make me very bitter. Bitter DM = Bad DM. ![]()
![]() I see what you mean Happler but I think that just translates to: If you assume they make the save (and I don't think DC 19 is all that low) it's 5d10 damage at the beginning of EVERY combat instead of every other round AND since it's a 20ft square it could hit 4 medium sized creatures (or people lol). ![]()
![]() Quote:
This item seems very poorly written to me. First it doesn't sound like there's a limit to the number of times you can use it in a day so I'm assuming it's unlimited. So you can pretty much do 10d10 damage every other round. That sure beats the hell out my +5 Holy Avenger. I'm also totally not digging "people and creatures nearby" as a range description (and also as a type description). I want to know if I can drop this 10d10 damage tower on foes from 30 feet away or 100. If it's 100 feet I might be able to smite them with it twice before they even get to me. Also can I pop it up under a wall and do the damage to a wall? Is there errata on this anywhere? I searched the message boards but didn't find anything. Just looked up the 3.5 version and the wording is exactly the same so I guess we could blame Wizards for writing it and then Paizo for not noticing that it sucked? ![]()
![]() Thomas LeBlanc wrote: I wanted to keep the item from being abused by forcing a creature to wear the saddle and then transforming the creature. Example: jump on a nightmares back, resize saddle, transform creature(happened in my playtest game) That's hilarious! Just another example of players doing exactly the opposite of what you thought they were going to do. I guess you could have done something with wild empathy but then you'd be limiting the item to druids and rangers. ![]()
![]() Trying to wrap my head around this one. So the 1/day power transforms a creature into a statue and the 1/week power changes the saddle into different kinds of saddle? Is that correct? The wording was really bad for me and the "willing" creature thing sounded like 2nd edition wording (which equals not really defining what they're talking about). Definitely a way to get players to actually use mounted feats. Interesting link to figurines of wondrous power. Good luck. ![]()
![]() I was really worried at first that you could only use it when the sun was rising. The choice to make it use 2 channel energies seemed strange to me. I don't get the spells thing "allows spellcasters that require rest to prepare spells to do so. This does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells more than once per day." Shouldn't we assume that the spellcaster has already prepared spells for the day when this effect happens and since they can only do that once per day why is this effect included? ![]()
![]() I don't like this one. It seems like much more of a "mechanics thing" than a "story thing". That kind of creativity seems to work well for board games but it doesn't work for the role-player in me. There's no cool visual. No real reason that it does what it does - just a game mechanic that get's changed. Sorry not for me, but it obviously worked for someone because here you are. Congrats! ![]()
![]() Having the different levels makes it seem really "busy" but I think Mr. Welham did as well as anyone could have. I think these big bulky gloves should prevent spell casting (but that would have just made it even more busy). I just keep picturing a cartoon of some wizard holding out his arm so a roc can land on it. Not a bad item, but not my favorite. ![]()
![]() Wording on this one is pretty confusing. At first I thought the spell was being fired back at the opponents but not having any affect. But after reading other comments I realized he was creating a safe area. I don't see a lot of player's willing to take the full brunt of a spell to protect everyone else but it is a cool visual. I also like the idea of beating down a spell barrier. Can't wait to see what you come up with next round. Good luck. ![]()
![]() I thought the writing on this one was very clumsy. It had a "oh yea an this too" feel to it. Don't like the name at all. It sounded to me like the statue changed into your familiar's form and then stayed that way - that it only went back to its original form when it had spells cast on it. Kind of a cool idea but I see the writing being a problem in future entries with a higher word count. Good luck ![]()
![]() This seemed like way too much writing for some very basic effects. I don't think it's terrible just not very exciting. It did give me an idea for next years contest. I don't want to give it away but I'm thinking "Juicer of Magnificent Power" it's extremely powerful but it's really tough to find an outlet in a dungeon so it all balances out. In the mean time you can use it as a step stool to give a +1 bonus to climb checks. I'm SO in the top 32 next year. WATCH OUT! Good luck. ![]()
![]() I read this and thought "WOW! That is really cool." and "This guy's got his act together with these caravan rules." Then I started thinking, it's really more of an npc magic item or a way to make the party more mobile so they can get where you need them to be without 3 sessions of over hill and dale. Curious what he'll come up with in the next round and thinking whatever it is at least it will be tight and well written. ![]()
![]() I'm getting this really silly picture of someone walking through an entire dungeon with their rifle shouldered and their eye plastered against the sight. That doesn't work for me. But the idea of magical sights is really cool - are there any others?. Just for finding that "missing slot" I think it deserves to be in the top 32. Cool visual on someone getting hit with the bullet and then turned to stone. Good luck. ![]()
![]() I'm a little confused about what happens if they fail the save. I understand they lose a spell or a slot but do they realize this has happened or do they forget and maybe stick around in the fog longer and keep losing spells. The price seems high to me. Does it take an action to designate someone as an enemy? So of the writing seemed clunky though I did love the description of the mists. Cool item. Good luck. ![]()
![]() Pretty cool. I think it needs a little more fleshing out as Sean said. How fast can you move with these? Do we have to do the trig to find out how far you're actually moving forward if you're moving at a 45 degree angle and dammit now I need a 3d battle board! I also think they should eventually fade (but maybe the lily pad spell does that?) and you should be able to turn them off. Good luck. ![]()
![]() My favorite so far out of about 6 that I've read. I like the versatility of it. I get a cool visual and the wording wasn't confusing at all or too verbose for all the things that it does. Very cool. I think a potion that recharges really opens up a lot of possibilities, you may have stumbled upon something here. Good luck ![]()
![]() I think he was trying to channel the mummy cat thing from a couple years ago. This is definitely not as creepy but sounds like a lot of fun, especially sticking it on someone without them knowing. That last paragraph was a little "thick", maybe could have used a re-write. Can't imagine having more than one of these in a game. Good luck. ![]()
![]() I'm definitely not digging the visual on the white gloves. Would go with +5 instead of +10. Also thought they would help with disable device from the first line but that doesn't really work with the theme. If these were common items I can see wizards and others coming up with devices to keep there items from being yanked. Not sure most fighters have a hand open to catch these teleported healing potions that people are talking about so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I think I'd add line of sight to that 100ft. Cool idea. Good luck. ![]()
![]() They're like x-ray glasses but for your hands! Very cool visual. They do have the "detect thoughts" bummer thing going on though. I think they need a chance to go wrong. 15% chance you go temporarily blind (or deaf) every time you use them. Either that or the dm has to get creative and start putting naked old orc women sponge bathing behind a couple doors (complete with printed out visual handouts for the entire group). Good luck. ![]()
![]() Liz Courts wrote: Yes, you can reprint the material found on the Pathfinder Reference Document for class abilities. Perfect. Thanks for the link. I was interested in reprinting some of the firearms rules from Ultimate Combat. I see them on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ but not at the link you sent. Do you know why that would be the case and if they are still "reprintable"? ![]()
![]() Hey Vic, when you say "use" does that included printing it in your product. If for example the villain in my adventure (to be published commercially) is a witch. Can I reprint, word for word the class powers in case my customers don't have the APG? It would be the same wording found on the SRD site for example - non of the fluff. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the comments guys. I see that there are differences (below) but really the powers are so similar that it doesn't seem they would need both of them other than as Doomed Hero says it's so they can have a buttload of undead (more than other casters). If I were the gravewalker I'd rather have bonethrall and more versatility (whatever my patron power would normally be). Command Undead - 1 save (int), no HD limit, limited duration, 1 creature per casting of spell Bonethrall - save everyday (int), HD limit, no limit to duration, # of creatures determined by HD limit. With command undead AND bonethrall you could have 1 temporary powerful undead servant. With CU it guaranteed for a couple days, with BT it depends on the saves (could be just as long). But with bonethrall you could have a bunch of permanent skeleton/zombie servants. ![]()
![]() At 4th level a gravewalker witch gets both bonethrall (a special ability that acts as command undead but better) and then they have their 4th level patron spell replaced with command undead. My question is why would you need both? Bonethrall appears to be much better than command undead so I think my house rule would be to keep your 4th level patron spell. Unless the creators were just trying to say bonethrall is so good we're going to give you a spell that won't help you as a patron spell. But in that case they could have just said "this replaces the 4th level patron spell". ![]()
![]() I would take this a step further and also say that if an animal has a racial modifier to a skill, that that skill should also be included as a class skill for the animal companion. If that type of animal is predisposed to that type of skill then it only make sense that the animal companion would be good at it as well. For example, Survival is not normally a class skill for animal companions but normal (non-companion) dogs get +4 Survival when tracking by scent for a Dog, so I would make Survival a class skill for dogs (and maybe make Climb a non-class skill).