
Ragwaine's page

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The fortress springs up in just 1 round, with the door facing the device's owner. The door opens and closes instantly at his command. People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress's sudden growth. Anyone so caught takes 10d10 points of damage (Reflex DC 19 half).

This item seems very poorly written to me. First it doesn't sound like there's a limit to the number of times you can use it in a day so I'm assuming it's unlimited. So you can pretty much do 10d10 damage every other round. That sure beats the hell out my +5 Holy Avenger.

I'm also totally not digging "people and creatures nearby" as a range description (and also as a type description). I want to know if I can drop this 10d10 damage tower on foes from 30 feet away or 100. If it's 100 feet I might be able to smite them with it twice before they even get to me. Also can I pop it up under a wall and do the damage to a wall?

Is there errata on this anywhere? I searched the message boards but didn't find anything. Just looked up the 3.5 version and the wording is exactly the same so I guess we could blame Wizards for writing it and then Paizo for not noticing that it sucked?