Lieutentant Pavo Voc

Ragnar av Gundrun's page

244 posts. Alias of Mightypion.


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Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Awesome, glad to heat that!

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Merry christmas!

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar nods at Karoliss and points north as says,
so that the tower girl hears
Lets head south Waving one of his hands in front of his face as he does so.
bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Envy does not suit you dearie Ragnar gags and hoods her.
Lets take out as many tower girls as feasible before they know whats fully up. Ragnar says indicating his preference for "threats first, loot later".

Huh, the bookworm seems mildly disturbingly bloodthirsty He thinks, casting a glance an Ambriel.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
A lot more people will get hurt if you girls keep dicking around here. In case you didnt notice, the place is a demon containment facility. The big door you mentioned isnt there to keep you out, it is there to keep something very dangerous and angry in. He pauses

The Angry Lady there is Alaznist, runelord of wrath. Anyone want to bet on what type of Abyssal a+$+*&+@ is being held here? Given the facilities size, I dont think anyone would go through that much effort for a Schir, Probably, knowing my luck, a Gallu Warmonger? Did Ayala or Terisha recently started using terms like "conquer", "dominate", "take by force" or "armies" a lot? Terms they probably didnt use much before coming here? Sudden changes in personality resulting in greatly increase hostility? Are you aware of any particular things, like, jewelry, precious gems are often catalysts for long term holding magic, that were removed?

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

You have a much better excuse for not posting then I do in my game!

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Effing Liza would laugh herself s~$&less if she knew I am raiding a hideout and mostly tie up women
Ragnar gets to work disarming, binding and blindfolding her. He has gotten quite professional at it.
Good thing you towergirls have your own ropes.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar wears Shoelace less Sabatons. The footwear of choice for any Bloodrager with any muscial ambitions whatsorever.

He does have a rank in perform sing, but it is really hard to get a class skill in it.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar double moves, providing a flank for Crystal hopefully.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar is ready for violence, but also patient enough to see if the sneaky bluffy duo of C&K, or maybe K&C? Could pull another fast one.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4


Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

It is tactically prudent to engage and overwhelm single targets, she will likely seek to rejoin her group, while the group is unlikely to move for her. Ragnar nods his assent to Caroliss.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Great idea!

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Ragnar edges along, suprisingly perceptive but also blessed with the sleek, stealthy grace of a very drunk Hippocampus that has a hellwasp nest attached to its tail.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

When you like, wonder why nothing happens and then notice that GM made the last post :).

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Let us keep going then? Noice loot btw.
Kn. History on the statue, he actually has it: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Kn.Linguistics on what language the runes are, if it is not Abyssal or Infernal both of which he can read: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Ragnar tries to figure out some more things about the area, but may not come up with much.

He motions to the party to continue northwards, letting the more agile Krystal take the lead.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

All girl gangs are probably more efficient then mixed ones.
There was a lot of dumb s&~~ in one merc company I served, over who was sleeping with whom, pretty unprofessional, especially after one particularly horny and ugly idiot found himself a wand of alter self...
Effing peacelanders, a Single Succubus would have gotten all of them to murder each other in under 24 hours, good thing we were just fighting Chelish.

Ragnar opines.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar checks the area in B13 for threats and loot
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
And finds a shadow that curiously looks like an icecream cone.
Thoughts of the chill and fresh delicacies of his native home render his loot detection attempts rather ineffectual.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Armor yes, weapons no. Standard prisoner of war deal. Ragnar does thoroughly triple check the armor for anything of use to escape or counterattack.

Couple of merc companies are on the lookout for scouts as well. Big difference between a Merc scout and a professional thief is that the former thing is more legal, most of the time, but you also fight more.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Oh, anyone of you been hearing voice in their heads? Demons are telepathic, and about all of the dangerous ones can do that.
Ragnar disarms them, takes their dangerous equipment including their thieves tools, before binding them.

We will free you on our way back out, if you try long enough, youll eventually get out yourself. Getting our of Ragnars bonds is DC26, they should have a rank in escape artist and enough Dex that they can just reach it.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Show your brains, and also save your brains. YIELD
The large heavily armed man approaches, Sap menacingly clanging against his shield.

Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
You are outnumbered, outmatched, and if we dont stop your moronic greedy pridefull idiot of a leader she will release some type of imprisoned demon.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Good plan Ragnar readies himself to suprise charge the first actual tower girl making herself chargeable, sap in hand.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

spellcraft on Caroliss: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 that should ID it as disguise self

Huh, partial shape change? No wait, not like a Succubus would, she has just magically disguised herself. So she is not a Succubus! Or is this what she wants me to think? Especially since she is super helpfull with all of he luck manipulation powers? His thoughts race

Stop being effing paranoid, the only Succubus here is 1/8 of you. Any actually Succubus being here would have taken over the city, and not hunt some effing wererats. He calms himself and gets focused again.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar nods wordlessly, switching to sap and shield.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

A bit of luck and the tower girls put the loot into easily transportable bags. Ragnar remarks, seemingly having recovered his pragmatism.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar, Bec de Corbin out, carefully steps over the wire and assumes a forward position.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar takes point, but does not advance forward, content to guard the assembly of his allies. He tries to do so stealthily.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4
Krystal Popescu wrote:

"But that means you have your whole life ahead of ya. That's centuries for you elves righ?" she grinned, patting Ambriel on the shoulde.

Krystal merely shook her head as Ragnar described the worst of his experiences. Y'all need to try and get more positive experiences."

Hmm, I outdrank a Succubus. They arent actually immune to poison when they pretend to be someone else, if you ever wanted to know why we Kellids like our booze, thats one reason. I did probably make a pretty dumb face myself when she semi passed out, and switched into her actual poison immune form. Thankfully she was to groggy to murder me and just teleported away.

Perhaps I was just looking to spend some quality time with my Grandson? You booze resistance is considerably above average for a mortal though. Only Ragnar hears a voice in his head.

Uh what? Hello, who is there? He answers in his head, disbelieving.

Must be the stress from fighting humans I dont particularly hate, perhaps a psychological adaptation via reverse humanizing my earlier foes? Yeap, I read that in a book! He comes up with a plausible idea.

Lets venture forth?

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Hmm, worst experiences? A lot less bad then contracting Demon Pox from a Schir Halberd, good thing I had proper checkup procedures and found out before it set in, trying to grill Minotaur or getting hit by acidic frog rain while force marching in the open. He pauses

The worldwound is such a wunderfull place. He chuckles.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Just hold unto my belt Anansi Ragnar gets Anansi up taking 10s.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4
Ambriel Kogalnica wrote:
Ambriel is 5'10 but only 114 pounds. Not much different than carrying a bundle of whiny sticks around.

Heh, thats about what my german army combat load was, mind you, I only ran with that, never did much climbing.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

I think so to, I probably need to adjust kit for the ladies though.

@GM how many rounds of climbing is it? If I really need to I could burn a bloodrager round or 2, climb is STR so I can still use it, so, extra 170 pounds before heavy load.

It will get muhc more funnier once Ragnar gets level 4-5, there he can grow large, and probably comfortably carry the entire party, while cheeta sprinting 200 feet in a turn.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Wrong Bloodrager :) but mechanically it works, just get on the Ragnar elevator

Aid climbing Caro: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Aid climbing Amriel: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Aid climbing Anansi: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Have a +2 then!

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Dylan is incredibly happy to have invested in a masterwork agile breastplate. He eyes Caroliss as if assessing her weight.
How heavy are you including equipment? If Krystal gets my backpack up, and you latch on to me in its place, I may just be able to carry you up.

Minus his backpack, Dylans Carrying capacity before entering heavy load is 200lbs. His combat neccessary kit (weapon and Breastplate) is 40ish. Assuming that Karoliss + gear clocks in under 160lbs, wich is reasonable, Dylan could get her up by taking a 10. His ACP is just 3 because his breastplate is masterwork, so taking 10 results in 15, which is sufficient. He would need another climb run to get the rest of his kit, and perhaps other less climb affine party members.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Hmm, extraction in return for information? Not unreasonable. Tell me more about your skillset. Did you consider mercenary work? Also, are you a wererat? You could get higher prices if you are, the innate abilities are useful. Caravans seek to leave Magnimar for other cities frequently. Become a merc, get paid for escorting one. Have some extra starting cash in a different city.
Stealthy means your a reasonable scout, likely good climber. Issue is your a thief, but if you can keep your hands out of the caravans pockets for one journey, it could be done. You would probably need the word of a merc in good reknown to get in, but that can be arranged.

Ragnar offers some options. Smiling at the last sentence. Still certified Good Cop. He presumably finished tying her up by now.

He joinks everything but the leather armor, and motions to Krystal for a pat down of it.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar would draw the line at torturing what he perceives as non combatants. Threatening them is fine.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

I would note that Gorrums teachings only prohibit killing of prisoners. Ragnar states matter of factly, leaving it open what they do not prohibit.

intimidate aid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Although I deem abuse of prisoners distastefull, nothing would stop me looking away. Our quarrel however is with your leadership, not with you. If you speak to use truely, and without falsehood, I would be honorbound to protect you from any attempts to that matter.

He states.

Behold Ragnar, CN Abyssal Bloodrager and certified good cop.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

I accept, on your knees, hands behind your back. Know me as a Gorrumite, striking down surrendering foes is anathema to us, you will likely be ransomed, exchanged, or let go on condition of a future favor.
The Lord in Iron teaches us great wroth against those who fake surrender, one of the few ways to piss him off actually.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Ragnar starts binding her. They will presumably have ropes of their own, also blindfolding her.

Ragnars CMB is 6 (he is not raging through the entire tieing her up process), meaning the binding DC is 26 for purposes of escape artist.
She will also be blinded, for a -4 to her escape artist, so total DC is a solid 30.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

In case she fails and provokes from ragnar.

AoO: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 14
if bit of luck still applies: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
damage sap non lethal: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Free action Bloodrage, standart action boink with sap

I end this quickly, maybe nobody dies
Ragnar thinks as he bloodrages and does a powerful blow against the tower girl in front of him.

Raging Sap, power attack: 1d20 + 2 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 6 - 1 = 16 kind of low, but they are flat footed presumably
lucky boink: 1d20 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 5 = 9
damage non lethal: 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14

intimidate if applicable: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
intimidate if applicable: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Funnily enough, I considered applying, but 2 characters in the same module at the same rough place?

My concept would have been reasonably funny though. Mutagenic Mauler/Fractured Mind or spiritualist/Fighter.

Mutagens, a split personality and a lot of frontline presence with an fairly intelligent phantom to assist in things on top.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

S~*#, also a prankster?

Ragnar readies himself to rage and commence boinking, as soon as she turns around the corner.

readied BOINK, power attack, non lethal because sap: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
damage: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Sasha, s!%+, my little sister is called Alexandra, which, because Kellid short name conventions are weird, would be "Sasha" as a diminutive!

Ragnar thinks, with no small degree of guilt as he seeks to slink back into the shadows. Holding his breath as a vision of his adorable little sister, giving a wide smile standing on top of her first killed demon, long blond hair flying behind her and giving the traditional Kellid victory sign of extended thumb and little finger, flashes before his inner eye.

He could not possible fake a female voice and remains utterly silent.

I am enjoying this, Ragnar has so far been untraumatized by war because he mostly fought things he could not empathise with. Like, extraplanar invaders out to genocide Golarion. He actually hasnt killed that many humans.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Ragnar switches weapons to his Sap and shield, reading himself to perform a surprise attack.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Ragnar does as bid, but a lot less stealthy or perceptive, perhaps on account of some internal disraction.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

The good thing about fighting demons/devils is that you never feel sorry for them Ragnar grumbles, looking very appreciative of the groups efforts at stabilization.

If she is stabilized, he quickly moves to hogtie her with her belt.
DC26 to escape
Let us proceed then?

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Ragnar scans the young women, including any sense of being stabilizable.
heal to see if stabilizeable: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
If yes, then

Still a sentient creature that is someones sister, someones daughter, and nobody is paying me murder rates. He pauses
Karoliss or Anansi, can you stabilize her?

if no, then

May the savored sting take you into her bosom, were you hers, or may your soul safely reach your destination, your struggles have ended. Ragnar makes a reasonable assumption on her likely deity, offering a short prayer, before closing her eyes with surprising gentleness.

bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

sense motive dc16:

Ragnars body language displays a degree of unhappiness about having killed a sentient creature.

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Likely wererat, it would be paste already if it was just a direrat

Ragnar informs the party of his opinion. Considering wererats to be quite dangerous, he unleashes his fury.

Free action Rage

Smesh PA: 1d20 + 2 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 2 + 6 - 1 = 23
damage: 1d10 + 9 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 3 - 1 = 12

Dont forget ragnar is using an alchemical silver bec de corbin, because you did went ahead and showered us in money :)

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

Making use of the surprise, Ragnar charges, hoping to end the fight immidiatly.

init surprise round: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
charge, power attack: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 4 + 2 - 1 = 16
damage, alchemical silver bec de corbin: 1d10 + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 = 13

AoOs just in case extremely unlikely to apply:

charge, power attack: 1d20 + 2 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 4 - 1 = 10
damage, alchemical silver bec de corbin: 1d10 + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 = 12

charge, power attack: 1d20 + 2 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 4 - 1 = 13
damage, alchemical silver bec de corbin: 1d10 + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 = 17

charge, power attack: 1d20 + 2 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 4 - 1 = 23
damage, alchemical silver bec de corbin: 1d10 + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 3 + 3 - 1 = 17

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4

I do have low light vision, on account of being a horrible munchkin my venerable ancestors having persued courthsip rituals with the first world.

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