Lieutentant Pavo Voc

Ragnar av Gundrun's page

244 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Ragnar af Gundrun




Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4




6 ft 5 inch



Special Abilities

Low light vision, Bloodrage


Chaotic Neutral






Common, Kellid(flavor), Abyssal, Infernal



Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 14

About Ragnar av Gundrun



Bleh. You are a Merc. You go to war. You win against Hellknights, because mud and proper and creative use of pit traps is absolutely hilarious.
And your effing employer blames a warcrime his rotten clowncar of a militia did on you, and then tries to sell you out. To the Sisterhood of the Golden Erinyes no less. Nope, I am out.
Time to be a Pathfinder again! I think Magnimar is nice this time of the year?

Background NPCs if this is useful for the GM:

So Dyre, you are off to the Worldwound? Are you aware that the Iomedeans probably lynch Abyssal Bloodragers on sight?
Ragnar spoke to his twin.
I am aware that they will try. And they will fail. I am even harder to lynch as you are, brother. Deskari and Baphomet will fall.
Spoke his twin, gripping his oversized Orc Butchering axe tightly.
And you will do what? Kill Deskari and Baphomet? Magically close the worldwound by wishfull thinking? Lead a multi national strike force through the worldwound, into the Abyss and kill Deskari and Baphomet again? In what paralell universe is this a realistic prospect? He asked, exasperated. And quite surprised that his twin brother was willing to play the hero.
Oh, I wont kill them. But I did the research. His twin brother said, holding up a relatively common tome.
You researched? You are barely literate, and that tome is in Infernal which you dont speak let alone read and...
Ragnars mind raced. He knew who actually killed Demon Lords, Nocticula did. Click. Dyre started caring about his physical appearance 6 months ago. To the point of shaving and getting a goatee. Click. Dyre became more diplomatically competent, 3 months ago, and actually was surprisingly persuasive in that contract negotiation. Click. Dyres female aquaintance, which he picked up 6 months ago was unnaturally beutifull and moved in a slightly odd movement pattern, as if she had innat 360 degree vision. Click.
Crap, you became a Nocticula cultist? Because of her large....
Demon Lord killcount?

HOW THE F%** DO YOU KNOW? His brother drew his axe.
Look, I get you. You are probably doing it wrong, Nocticula is probably the most competent manipulator in the multiverse, and you made the cardinal error of letting her have you, without her wanting you first. She will offer far more interesting terms to those she wants, then to those she has. Ragnar spoke, drawing his own axe in the process.
Good Sirs. A voice spoke, due to the plural, clearly in both of their heas. There is no need for violence, let alone fractricide. As Dyres female aquaintance gracefully slided into their tent.
Brother Dyre here will come with me and fullfill his destiny. Brother Ragnar is free to go. Provided he agrees that I erase his memory of this conversation.
Reasonable terms, how would you erase the memory though? Succubi typically possess telepathy, but to my knowledge they cannot outright alter memor...
Ragnar stopped speaking as the female aquaintance changed her shape, replacing her eyes with horns.
S#%~, I would have 40:60 odds against my Brother, against my brother and a Lilitu 0 null nichts de nada? F&$%, no way of survival.
I agree to your terms Lady?
I am the Lady Anahita of Alyushinnara.
I may come to enjoy your company, I will permit you to remember my name should you be in great peril. Call me, and perhaps aid will come.

Neither me nor my brother are even remotely relevant enough to merit the attention of Alyshinnaran nobility, why would a Lilitu be interested in two lowly mercenaries? Ragnar thought as the demoness glided towards him.
Maybe I am on a bet with the fair Shamira, that I can pick up a weak mortal, and get him into a shape capable of inflicting grevious bodily harm to a Demonlord in less then 6 years, 6 months and 6 days? Maybe I am just mocking your dear great-grandmother Vellexia with whom I am on lets say, highly variable terms? The Demoness answered mentally
You would frankly be a better fit, intelligence is rarer, and thus in higher demand then constitution, but on the other hand, you would constantly plot to free yourself, as such, I will prefer to wield your brother as my weapon. She continued.
Ragnars world went black. As the demoness took his head into her claws.
As he awoke on the next day, he was surprised how peaceful and friendly his parting with his brother was. They quarreled, Ragnar got more Drunk then Dyre, and then Dyre went on his way.
What was the name of his female aquaintance again? Ah right, Anahita.

Additional background:

Living relatives:
Dyre: also abyssal bloodrager, identical twin, currently doing wrath of the righteous.

Askold: Father, Second in command of the "Crimson dawn" mercenary company. It is custom for sons to strike out of their own, to gain their own merit on battlefields and in dungeons.

Lady Berija: Maternal Great-Grandmother. Lower Alyushinnaran nobility, sees her mortal descendants as somewhat of a security risk because she could be summoned via their blood. Is an officer equivalent in Nocticulas "military intelligence".

Willow: Paternal great grand mother on the non Abyssal side of the family tree, is a Rusalka, originally in Sarkoris, has relocated to the first world. Fae care a bit more about blood ties then demons do.


Normal Bloodrager

Defense (assuming I wear my armor):
HP: (12) + 10
AC: 18/16/12
AC: 20/18/12 if using Battle Axe and shield
Fort: 4
Will: -1
Reflex: 2

Favored class Bonus hp.

No Rage
[dice=Power attacking with Bardiche]
[dice=Power attacking with Bardiche]

Feats: Combat Reflexes
Power Attack

Irrepressible (Cha instead of Wis vs charm and compulsion)
Exchange agent (Class Skill handle animal, +1 trait bonus)
Scholar of the great beyond (+1 to knowledge history and knowledge planes, knowledge planes because a class skill)
Extremely Fashionable (Diplomacy as class skill)

Attached, to looking properly presentable
(-1 penalty to will saves, -2 vs fear effects if not looking properly presentable).

Alternate racial trait Fae Magic picking up Bluff, stealth and low light vision in exchange for skilled


Skills 6 + 2:

Bonus 2 background:
Linguistics 1+2=3
Knowledge Arcana 1+2+3=6
Perform Sing= 1+2=3
Kn. History=1+2=3

4(base)+2(int) Skills
Knowledge planes 1+2+3+1=7
Acrobatics 1+2+3=7 (6 for jumping, 3 for others)
Intimidate 1+2+3=6
Diplomacy 2+2+3=7
Stealth 1+2+3=6 (3 after ACP)
Bluff 1+2+3=6
Sense motive=1-1+3=2
Climb=1+4+3=8 (4 after acp)


From Fae Magic (if in Urban terrain)
Level 0
Enchanced diplomacy Great before contracts!
Stabilize If you dont have it, you will wish you do, and then you get depressed...
Mending really useful in Merc life

Level 1
Expeditious construction Wall and moat for free! If only more mercenaries would have it! Really glad one of my ancestors slept with a Rusalka or something!

20 Questions:

1. What is your character’s name?

2. How old is your character?
25 years.

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?

He is normally sized for a Kellid at roughly 1.84 meters. Fairly pale skin, muscular. Typically wears medium armor. Black hairs and eyes.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?

He has a velvety and pleaseant voice, and is quite tactful, frequently switching into formal modes of address (expect a lot of thou/thee from my part), this is both because manners are a cheap and effective diversionary tactics, and because being well mannered is a pretty good idea if you come from a culture were taking offense leads to violence.
He is of the opinion that drink can bridge a surprising number of fault lines.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised?
His parents were mercenaries in Numeria, he picked up the family trade.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
He has lost contact with both.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
1 sibling, several friends among the mercenary company he was born into.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, no kids.

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic neutral

10. What is your character’s moral code?
--My contract is my contract is my contract.
--I expect to get paid for doing violence, therefor, I will not initiate violence without reason.
--My comrades are my comrades, an attack on them is an attack on me, a victory by them is also my victory.
--I will accept any reasonable challenge from an equal.
--If I offer terms to an enemy I am bound to this offer
--Retreat is an option, a Rout is not.
--Deception is a part of war, however, deception about the cause of a war and deception about surrender terms is forbidden, as war and peace must be seperate.

11. Does your character have goals?
Establish his own mercenary company

12. Is your character religious?
Not very, he follows Gorum, but occassionally feels him too single issue.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
In two sentences:
Without contracts, we arent that different from Demons.
Without weapons, we arent that different from Larvae.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?

Pragmatic, polite, cocky, self irony

15. Why does your character adventure?

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
Clearly I am the main character yes?

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Smug looking eyes, fairly pleaseant and deep voice.

18. How does your character get along with others?
An innate team player, anyone who pulls their weight is ok in his book.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
The thing he hates most is hypocrisy.

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Helplessness, weakness and running out of booze.


On Body: w gp charges
Greataxe (cold Iron) 12 40
Bardiche (Cold Iron) 14 26
Battle Axe 6 12
Heavy shield (wood) 10 7
2 throwing axes 4 20
(alchemical silver)
Bec de Corbin (Silver)15 195
Mwk Agile Breastplate 25 550
Sap 1 3
Hex Nails 1

Backpack 2 1
Barbs Kit 22 9
Role (hemp) 10 1
Cold weather clothing free
Total: 12lbs 825/1205 380 GP left

possible progression:

Level 3: Iron Will or Improved Initiative
Level 5: Iron Will or Improved Initiative
Bloodline Feat: Intimidating prowress or Toughness or a Combat manuever bonus
Level 7: Friendly Shuffle?