I have an issue with the ''You already lose your character and to be punished more is rough'' argument. I lose my level 6 ranger, I am going to make the exact same thing. Don't even have to change my sheet. And the reason I want my PC to be careful , is I don't want them to try stupid thing and die because of it. I am not talking here about a huge penalty, I think 20% less $$$ is fair. + it's not like they will really fear that small drawback, they won't be super paranoia careful. Just a little bit. Edit : Ryric just gave me what I was looking for, thank! ![]()
My player get random feat as a reward from my main questline. (Homebrew game where divinity play a large role)
So, yes, I agree with you that the player need more feat because a lot of feat are not used. Furthermore :
I am sorry, I could not find a good title for this topic. I was wondering if any GM/DM give their player a penalty when creating their new PC to replace the one who died. I am not talking huge penalty, but just minor to make the player think twice about doing careless action. As for me, here's what I do :
What about your game? ![]()
For my campaign, I just use automatic crit+debilitating blow. Exemple : I aim at his head with my bow+arrow. What happen is : Called shot head + Auto crit + Debilating blow + Auto fail save. Let's get the basic :
Desna, mostly because I roleplay 'Luck' part of her domain.
And Starknife can be a cool weapon when you put some feat into it.
Well, those were all great scenario, but my question was more like : Let's say he send all the gold he can find. Then when he is done, the spell end. Does he remember the location of the mansion and the fact that he sent all the gold there? ( Let's assume he's the only one doing it, and nobody saw him ) ![]()
Read as :
So, in my game the sorcerer did that on a cult leader, he made a suggestion somewhat like this : When you get back to your cult, gather all the gold you can find and send it at our mansion. So what happen there?
Just to be 100% sure. 1) A ninja can use 1 ki to make himself invisible as a swift action.
My question : At level 8, does the sneak attack goes for both Shuriken ( Because he will have +6/+1 ) ![]()
Well, while were here, In my game, the party just defeated a vampire + her minion. I've put in the lair a captive human, bound by hand with chain to the celling. From the vein in her arm I've put some instrument to keep a bleeding wound open. (Just think of anything that can do that, I don't have a specific tool in mind) The human have a ring of substance + amulet of fast healing +1.
Alright, here's the full fight CR : Vampire sorceress from the d20pfsrd + 4 vampire spawn.
The party is :
They enter the crypt, trigger an alarm, kill some skelleton.
They did not prepare for anything (They had 1 week in town to prepare) So of course as soon as they open the door leading to the lair, I launch a fireball at them. They enter the room on their turn and I cast greater invisibility. Nothing happen in the next round aside from positionning.
The next part of the fight I just gave up and made them kill the sorceress otherwise I think I would have kill 1 more member. ![]()
In a homebrew game, I have given a lot of freedom to the player to create their PC. They, for the most part, went for min/max + optimize. I have no problem with that, I have the whole monster manual at my disposition. The thing is, in the past 5 session, 3 PC have died. The players are veteran, having played over 8 years of dnd and pathfinder.
Example : (level 8 group) They know they are going to fight a vampire sorceress with weak vampire spawn, they have 1 week to prepare for the fight. Nevertheless, they went bursting thru front door with little preparation, no potion, no scroll ... So you might say : Well, they died by their own fault. And you are right.
And I can't tone down the battle because than, it's going to be over in 2 round. Any idea? ![]()
Happened this week : An half-orc mutagen fighter with low intellect + capacity via mutagen to fly. (Level 7) The group see a slightly altered version of a Skrik Nettle sitting on top of a giant statue (40 feet tall). It look like the statue got hair because of the tentacule. An arcana check later the party decide to leave it there, it does not show any aggressiveness. They enter a dongeon near-by, mostly puzzle and trap + a Large mimic just for the fun. They finish the dongeon with only a few health left over after using all their heal for the day. When they come back outside the group start to go back to their carriage but the half-orc stay behind. After a minute he decide to use his wing and fly to kill the Skrik Nettle by himself while the party was like 400 feet away already. He forgot 1 thing ... he was at 17 HP ...
He said to me : Well, my character was stupid, what more can I say?
It's no longer an issue because the PC is now dead, but to expand my understanding I want to know : If the PC have no concept of evil or good, does that make him neutral?
Now, I know animal are consider neutral. I know that goblin are consider Evil. So in my mind, this mean that the goblin know they are doing something 'evil'. Am I wrong, or thinking too much? ![]()
Just for the 'What spell was that'
Tell them : It's the first time you see that spell, here's what you think it does(tell them what it does) and here's the school of magic it belong to(tell tehm the school of magic).Upon a sucessfull spellcraft check of course. Also you can add :
Our group were level 5 in a town in an island that we had to escape for various reasons.
We didnt had any gp, so 1 party member decided to trick the big mafia boss of the town and steal the ticket.
So some1 in my group arrange a meeting with the big boss at the port, while me the ranger stay a little bit back. When the boss show the ticket, the rogue try to steal them and failed miserably.
The rogue was killed on the spot ( They were like 20 goon all around ) I was taking hostage with the cleric , and he sorcerer ran away with invisibility. So yeah, morale of the story : When your GM warn you to not do something stupid, listen. ![]()
Smallfoot wrote: Just to be clear: Is your object to see who comes up with the better build and tactics while removing as many 'auto-win' conditions as possible? Kinda, What I don't want is the combat ending in less than 6 round.Trap are a cool idea. Will think about that. Using the roll20 dynamic lightning tool I can come up with great combat arena with line of sight. Don't think I will put mercenary into play. The player won't see eachother at the start, because there will be wall and other obstacle. ![]()
Yeah, I am still in the process making. That's why I asked for advice :P So a few more input : 1) The arena will be presented to the players before the fight.
Thank guy :P ![]()
Sorry I need a visual : Dex 20 ,+5 MOD
So let's think : You are 10 feet from your enemy, you move in (5 feet) and out (10 feet)
Now, I don't understand the debilitate (Sorry i'm french haha)
Alright, no spell are allowed. Get rid of any animal compagnion.
I will stick to the corebook race. Potion : Cure potion , increase stats potion. (Maybe more)
So, what else? Thank you for the detailled anwser. Much appreciated! I am thinking about giving everyone DR10/-
Alright, I had this idea a few month ago about have 3 players vs 3 players arena tournament.
The battleground will have some obstacle, wall, pit.
My question is simple :
What worries me the most is : I don't want some1 to get 1 hit Koed. Any advice? ![]()
Out of curiosity, what happened? ![]()
As a GM, if the party is arguing for more than 10 minutes here's what happen : DM : As you are arguing, you hear footstep comming your way and see that 4 of the town guard (or milicia) have come to help you. They offer to take the goblin back into town for you. if the magus still want to kill them : DM : There's a reward for bringing them alive. if the magus still want to kill them : DM : A cave-in fall between you and the rest of the party. I guess they are going to be escorted by the guard anyway. ![]()
I also had : 1)A player refusing to remove armor to go swim in order to reach a platform. He nearly drown.
2) Similar, the monk thought he was so good with his swim skill (+10) that he went swimming in quicksand just to see if there was something on the other side (They were inside a cave)
A topic to share situation when the player we'rent really thinking. Did something stupid and paid the price. In a Golarion inspired world, the player in a dongeon see a well with a pale golden liquid in it. On the outside they see a carving of the Godess Desna with a golden coin between her finger. To summarize :
What's your story? ![]()
KingGramJohnson , we GM pretty much alike. It's like reading myself haha. On the campaign I am GMing , the party was level 5 , they encounter a Aurumvorax. I tell them many time that if the sleep hex don't work, 1 of them is going to die and they will have to run for their life. They did it anyway. Sleep hex fail, the Aurumvorax killed the tank, and they all ran away. ![]()
Alright, 1 more question, if the PC douse themselves with garlic, what happen when they confront the vampire?
Vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil from mirrors or strongly presented holy symbols. These things don’t harm the vampire—they merely keep it at bay. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against that creature. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action. After 1 round, a vampire can overcome its revulsion of the object and function normally each round it makes a DC 25 Will save. Will it affect the vampire? If yes, how?
I know those question look silly, but that's the kind of question my PC will ask me so ... ![]()
As a GM, I went full honest with my player at the first session by telling them : I am going to do all my roll in the chatbox, because if I don't do that, I will cheat. Yes, I will. The only way to improve my GM capacity and knowledge is by not taking the easy way and adjusting my campaign / enemy to the current level. And for handeling controversial rule : I just go by logic. My player seems fine with it. ![]()
I need advice. I am about to send the party on a vampire hunt.
The Vampire lair will be underground and I am planning the fight to take place in a kinda sort of ballroom ( Yes, this is a fancy vampire ) I will use the Vampire CR 9 from d20pfsrd + 8 vampire spawn CR 4. Is it too much? ( The party will be warn of most of the vampire ability and the many spawn he have ) ![]()
Have you ever been trick as a player, or did you ever trick your player as a GM?
The party is level 6, I wanted them to follow the main story quest but one of them ask : Is there any bounty in this town? So I did what most GM would do in that occassion, I set a bounty of 30 000gp for the killing of something they could clearly not kill without casualty. So they went, they planned, and they killed it. ( But 2 PC die at the same time ) They come back for the reward, just to find out that the guy who promised them the gp ran away. Now, you might think I was unfair. ( That actually was my plan, to have them hunt that guy, but not that early in the story line )
What's your story? ![]()
Question that I don't know the anwser : 1)If the vines deal no damage, and their ability is grab and pull, does that make them threathen the surrounding space? 2) The ability specify : count as secondary natural attack. So even if you don't have a primary natural attack, does that still apply giving you the -5 penalty? ![]()
1) Have fun with the players.