Ra the Priest's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Doomdigger.


Grand Lodge

*Lawful Neutral with her own Code of Ethics... "Nothing Goes to Waste!" Cannibal

1. What the heck is your character doing here?
She was outcasted by outcasts.

2. Profession or how does your character make a living?
Adventures to murder and loot.

3. Describe your physical appearance (you may include link to internet image that best represents your character, if you'd like). Beautiful redhead with glowing red eyes.

4. Why help out when the winter comes? Why not leave and flee? Why get involved?
I believe in a future destiny, the others are just unrefrigerated food to help me traverse the Barren strait and escape to the other side of the world using the glacier bridge.

Sold into slavery at birth the Fire Orphan, was feared and greatly misunderstood by all who peered into her red eyes. Rumors of a divine barter for a brilliantly carved wooden symbol for Fire, persisted until the Tribe of Frost was incinerated and no other record of her origin was kept. The Flame Child always was eerily connected to burning mystery and flaming scandal.

Highly superstitious, each previous village adopted the youth for one season, then the local Shaman would travel deeper into the mountains to deliver her to the next barbaric gathering, abandoning her with little to no explanation.

Unsolved arsons and epic bonfires spooked her comings and goings to the point of exile. She was told from the time that she could walk that she was a deadly burden.

“One day this Fireling will enter the land of ice, traverse the kingdom of snow, and trespass near the valley of the Crystal Queen, and then somehow defeat a mighty Winter Mage- Half-Dragon, and be forced to cross a glacier into a new world, then eventually she would end up as unappreciated captive once more. All of this, to save the soul of the Sun Paladin not yet born. Her prodigal son, a Half-Giant King through immaculate conception.” The end of the tale was not a happy one, her being destine to die during his birth. Her plan was to leave instructions for him in the future, divining for his victories as a warrior from beyond the grave. She would haunt him twisting fate as an Oracle Lich.

With skill and charisma, this young fire starter was taught to carve a holy standard, use divination magic to seek the path of shining steps, and “live” at all costs. Her role was obscure compared to the voodoo prophecies and the wild rituals of the regions faithful. She drew on the true power of the light from an unnamed force.

Soon, the Western hills will melt into puddles of steaming blood, after her rage will be unleashed on the infidels before her. In her wake, she will escape the weak-minded to survive. She will heal the future beyond carnage, cannibalism and the cold environs.

Grand Lodge

Human Cleric- Profile for stats