Angel Mask

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1,343 posts (1,344 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

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The dumbest movies ever made are anything by the Wayans Brothers.

Plus: Superhero Movie, Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet the Spartans etc

Oh and the Scary Movie series are unfunny crap as well.

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Showgirls is so great.

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The Monster Squad
The Karate Kid trilogy
Big Trouble in Little China
The Thing
Police Story
Zu Warriors
Shanghai Express
Street Trash (...It melts...)
The Stuff
The Jerk
The Man with Two Brains
The Three Amigos
Piranha! :P
Return of the Living Dead (and Part 2)
The Blob (remake)
Clash of the Titans

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Awwww! I want to go! I loves me terrible lizards!

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He's on an alternate prime talking to some author about his next book?

or, he's in hell?
