I'm starting with a four-star rating because I haven't finished the book, but I have to say, it really grabbed me from the beginning. I started reading it on my way to work this morning and now that I am here (don't tell the boss I'm writing this now...) I wish I had a longer commute.
The main character has a driving personality, and despite being a scoundrel, you can't help but like him. He is like Han Solo - good at being bad, but not evil.
I'll update this as I read more, but so far, I'm hooked.
Now that I have finished it, I leave my rating at a 4.
I enjoyed the cinema-feel to the story, and it was a fun, quick read. Does it compare to epic novel series? Of course not - that isn't what it is about. It is a story told like a movie is watched. It is full of action and flowed well for what it was. This was a nice break from many of the other books I typically read (Steven Erikson, George R.R. Martin, Terry Pratchet, etc.) and I wouldn't dream of comparing it to them. The only thing they have in common is that they have words in them.
If you are looking for a diverting read, set in Golarion, and you want something light, this is a great book. If you only want Tolkien, move along.